10 Ecommerce trends proven to grow your business in 2021

By | Jan 17, 2021 | 2 Comments | 880 views |
  • 10 Ecommerce trends proven to grow your business in 2021

Are you prepared for 2021? Have you made necessary changes to your ecommerce website and online sales strategy? If not, then read this comprehensive guide that will tell you 10 ecommerce trends to -

  • Boost repeat purchases

  • Attract new customers 

  • Grow your revenue in 2021

You will be getting benefits as well as the process of implementing the below trends on your ecommerce website and mobile app stay glued because there are lots of 2021 growth secrets clustered by StoreHippo website builder

Who should be reading these trends? 

  • Entrepreneurs and business owners who want to start selling online in near future

  • Ecommerce website owners who want to maximize offline and online sales

  • Or any other person who wants to expand ecommerce knowledge

Ecommerce trends that can help you grow your business in 2021

1. Sell better on Mobile

By the end of 2021, 73% of ecommerce sales will take place on a mobile device (Statista, 2019). It's high time to make your website mobile-friendly and develop an Ecommerce app. Before you ask 'why' to the above statement, here are  2 advantages of adopting mobile commerce :

  • Flexible Mobile Payments: By integrating mobile wallets quick and easy way to process online transactions at users’ convenience

  • Bring Loyal Customers: You can increase customer loyalty by introducing a loyalty program, in which you can allot points or a 5% discount when the buyer purchases through the app, or recommends the app to their friend, or submit a product review, etc. As a result, you can increase sales and revenue

StoreHippo is very positive about the future of mobile commerce, which is why it lets the site owners easily develop a mobile application straight from their StoreHippo dashboard without spending a penny. 

Moreover, all the websites powered by StoreHippo look,feel and work like mobile apps. They load quickly even in poor mobile internet connection and offer frictionless shopping experience on all devices 

2. Focus On Design and Loading Speed of Website

By improving your website design and loading speed, you can increase the time spent by a buyer on your site and also promote instant checkouts. 

According to TechPriceCrunch, 61% of users are found to leave a site immediately if it is badly designed. And if your site does not load under 3 seconds, the buyer will shift to the competitor's site. 

How to improve a website design? By adding a drop-down menu, search feature, Informative header and footer, linking homepage to products pages, right colors, and easy to scan content, you can improve conversion on your website.

3. Augmented Reality (AR)

The major roadblock people face while shopping online is the inability to feel or try the product in reality(that is present in brick and mortar stores). This also leads to cart abandonment. So how do online stores combat this issue? With the help of  AR technology, buyers can visualize the product in real time. Websites that sell cosmetics, home furnishings, watches, apparels, etc should be using AR to reduce refunds and increase purchases.

4. Automated Ecommerce logistics is the future

Every customer now wants to know about its order status. Such as estimated delivery date, packaging date, delivery boy and estimated delays(if any). Also, you want to ensure faster delivery at lower rates. 

StoreHippo allows you to choose a pre-integrated shipping solution from a large list of partners. You can set a ShipKaro account and avail discounted shipping prices. Moreover, you and your customers can track the movement of fleet,  delivery boys and hyperlocal delivery partners.

5. Feature Packed Ecommerce themes

Themes are integral to making your website conversion friendly. That’s why your top priorities while choosing an ecommerce theme are as follows -

  • It should be Mobile friendly i.e. fast loading and easy navigation on mobiles. 
  • It should allow customization
  • Easy to use with no requirement of coding 
  • Should be attractive, engaging to convert new buyers into regular customers. 

Where to find these themes? StoreHippo has 100+ beautiful themes that can be tweaked easily by you (even if you have zero coding experience). 

Moreover, they are all mobile-friendly; and you can even blend two themes into one(which is hardly available in other ecommerce software).

6. Social Commerce (Online Purchase via Social Media)

Social commerce is the use of social media networks to sell products directly. Instagram recorded the highest number of purchases on its platform with a minimum order value of $65 among other social media platforms.

Here are 3 benefits of leveraging social commerce

So, start attracting your potential buyers by selling on top 3 social media i.e. Instagram, Facebook ad Pinterest. 

7. Payment Flexibilities and Faster Checkouts

A study by Sleeknote said that the average cart abandonment rate is 69.57% in all the industries. Coming to mobile, the rate is as high as 85.65%. And the lack of payment options is the biggest reason for cart abandonment and the psychology behind leaving are- 

  • They might be finding COD as they are conservative about spending money before receiving the order.
  • They are looking for wallet options as they are more convenient for mobile shoppers.  

What's the best thing to do?

StoreHippo highly recommends combining various payment methods and gateways on your site. StoreHippo has 50+ pre-integrated payment gateways that you can activate at a click. Plus, you can use security seals to prove your credibility and win customer trust. 

8. Multi channels Personalization

80% of shoppers buy from a brand that focuses on giving personalized experiences (Epsilon). You can do personalize through 5 ways-

  • Send product recommendations (also called cross-selling and upselling) and   your website. 
  • Show remarketing ads on social media platforms by targeting buyers who have come to your website but didn’t make a purchase. 
  • Send emails or push notifications about cart abandonment, price drop alert, latest offers on wishlist products, sales announcement, etc.

StoreHippo allows you to personalize the buying experience through unified notifications and AI. You can send 4 types of notifications i.e. Push (in-app’), web(in the browser), email, and SMS. You can send relevant and personalized notifications based on customer purchase history, buying patterns, wishlist items, and many other metrics.  

9. Headless Ecommerce

The surge in demand for seamless shopping, quality products, etc has placed pressure on retailers and other businesses to deliver goods and services as quickly as possible. This is where headless commerce will help. This allows businesses to keep backend systems – such as the CMS, inventory, customer relationship management (CRM) system, payment processing, etc – separate from the frontend and add the frontend as per the requirements. You can change one part without doing a complete overhaul.

StoreHippo lets you personalize the buyer experience at every stage by using 250+ API endpoints to customize your processes like checkouts, order flow, shipping, payment processing, and other functionalities. 

10. Omnichannel Experience

Buyers can buy through any channel, at any time, on any device. They demand a variety of options while buying. 

Omnichannel  lets you give flexible order fulfilment options to buyers like ship from local store, buy online, pick up in store. Thus, by converting offline stores and suppliers into distribution centres, you can cut the high operating cost of maintaining inventory

With StoreHippo software you can enhance customer  experiences on various channels, devices or markets. Hence, increase retention rate with a consistent omnichannel experience.

Final Takeaways

Clearly, these are the top ecommerce trends by which you can get expected in the Year 2021.

So when you go to bed make sure to communicate above trends to your team.

Here are quick action to take-

  • Visit your website using mobile to check mobile friendliness
  • Check website design and loading speed by browsing it from both, mobile and desktop
  • Change your theme if visitors are leaving a site too early or not making purchases
  • Integrate shipping solution to your website
  • Find out which payment methods is prefered by your audience and adjust accordingly
  • Know your eligibility to sell on Instagram or Facebook. Read their eligibility criteria
  • Go for headless commerce to give stunning customer experience on multiple channels and devices

Searching for a sophisticated ecommerce software which lets you implement above ecommerce trends? Get started with a 14 days free trial of StoreHippo software to welcome new customers in 2021.

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Ecommerce is constantly evolving and new trends are being pushed in this industry. this article does a great job at listing them down and explaining them in amazing detail. Keep up this good work.

By: Adam Morgan
Jan 19, 2023   Reply

Replies :
Hi Adam, thanks for appreciating our blog on 10 Ecommerce trends proven to grow your business in 2021. If you need our help setting up an online store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Jan 18, 2023

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This is a fantastic article. Today eCommerce is a vast topic. If you want to stay ahead and grow your business in eCommerce marketing then you should know latest eCommerce Trends with the best marketing strategies. Thanks for sharing it.

By: Lynn Creger
Jan 28, 2021   Reply

Replies :
"Thank you Lynn, we appreciate your insights. Let us know if we can help with ecommerce platforms for you or your clients." StoreHippo - Jan 31, 2021

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