10 Retail (B2C) ecommerce trends to get ahead in 2024 and beyond

By |Updated Date : Dec 27, 2023 | 1 Comments | 1637 views | Dec 27, 2023
  • 10 Retail (B2C) ecommerce trends to get ahead in 2024 and beyond

Did you know that in 2024, retail ecommerce sales will cross the $6 trillion mark with a growth level of 9.4%, contributing to 20.3% of all retail sales?

Wo-ho, that’s IMPRESSIVE, right!!

Eager to know how the retail ecommerce industry is shaping up and what would be the hottest ecommerce trends in 2024??

What should be your next big step and how should you take your retail business forward? 

Hold on. 

Let us dive right in and answer all your questions with a list of the top 10 trends for 2024 and beyond.

Here is a sneak peek at the B2C ecommerce buying trends of 2024 and beyond: 

  • 91% of consumers want to purchase from brands that remember them and their preferences to send relevant offers
  • 67% of customers leave a retail ecommerce brand if they have a terrible customer service experience with them
  • 73% of shoppers prefer different channels during their buyer journey
  • 7 out of 10 customers proceed to checkout but do not complete the transaction due to poor checkout experience

Source: Vimmi 

With customer buying habits evolving rapidly, this flux in the retail ecommerce landscape requires quick adaptability and unmatched flexibility. To ace the ecommerce game and keep your customers coming back to your retail marketplace, you need to navigate through the future of ecommerce with the latest trends in the market. 

10 Ecommerce trends to help your business get the best of 2024 

Driven hugely by customer demands, selling in 2024 and beyond will no longer be just about the product or the brand. It will, however, be mostly influenced by how the customer wants to shop or interact with the brand. 

Here are 10 top ecommerce trends to help you gain an edge over your competition:

Personalized shopping experience

80% of the customers tend to buy from enterprise ecommerce brands that provide personalized buying experience. Well, a personalized shopping experience is something that every customer craves for. With personalization driving better sales for brands, are you leveraging a personalized buyer journey on your retail ecommerce site? By offering personalized content, pricing, offers, shipping solutions, payment options, etc. you can create customized buyer journeys. 

StoreHippo ecommerce solutions help build extremely personalized buyer journeys for your B2C customers. Built on MACH architecture, StoreHippo gives unmatched flexibility and creative control to enterprise businesses and helps them create unique website designs and landing pages, offer personalized checkouts, send personalized notifications in real-time, etc. With the powerful built-in discount engine from StoreHippo, you can also create multi-level discounts personalized to your target audience. 

Hyperlocal ecommerce

To sell retail and succeed in 2024 and beyond, brands must consider going hyperlocal. From receiving an order to dispatching it from the stores and delivering it to the buyer’s doorstep, your customers expect a smooth and quick process. With hyperlocal ecommerce at your fingertips, you can also build better brand awareness and implement targeted marketing by creating multiple location-specific stores.

StoreHippo helps your retail ecommerce brand to engage and convert better with its comprehensive multistore ecommerce solutions. You can create a chain of multiple stores based on different factors like locations, audiences, product categories etc. You can offer customized services and quick delivery with StoreHippo’s location-based shipping solutions. StoreHippo also enables you to set location-based offers, discounts, etc that help attract local store shoppers. With the advanced delivery solutions from StoreHippo, you can seamlessly automate the entire delivery process. You can also use your fleet of delivery boys to ensure smooth and quick shipping with the in-built delivery management software from StoreHippo.

Keep adding new products 

If you plan to catch up with the ecommerce trends and position your brand in the minds of your customers, one thing you need is a vast catalog. Customers are more likely to hop on marketplaces that offer them a vast array of products and services to choose from. When your retail brand offers its buyers a vast range of niche or multiple products and multiple sellers to choose from, it creates a greater likelihood of becoming a popular and loved brand by customers. 

StoreHippo comes with a comprehensive multi vendor ecommerce solution that helps brands onboard and manage multiple vendors in quick easy steps. With vendors from diverse categories adding more products becomes easy. With the built-in product management system from StoreHippo, your sellers can manage their products in the backend and the front end seamlessly using the time-saving features. Your sellers can add, delete, edit, import, export, search, publish, or unpublish single or multiple products in just a few clicks. With the built-in order management system on your retail ecommerce website, your sellers can streamline your order and inventory planning with advanced, automated, and simplified order processing features.  

Ease of buying

Retail ecommerce buying is about convenience. Right from surfing to wishlisting to buying products, a smooth interface nudges the customers for bigger ticket sizes. When you offer ease of buying to your customers, you attract, convert, and retain them for life. Wonder how to offer ease of buying to your customers? You can start by offering them easy navigation, attractive design, and the choice to buy across multiple channels accompanied by seamless payments.

StoreHippo comes with built-in design tools that make designing a user-friendly storefront easy. You can play around with the design of your marketplace with StoreHippo’s easy drag-and-drop feature. Your team can create professional-looking store designs in just a few steps and keep updating themes according to events/ promotions/festivals etc. StoreHippo comes with 100+ device-optimized themes to help you create engaging designs for different sub-stores of your retail ecommerce brand. You can also mix and match different designs to create customized store designs for your customers.

Multi-channel engageme

The new-age customers of 2024 like to shop on more than 4 touchpoints and use more than 6 touchpoints to interact with a brand. Targeting your customers on multiple channels has become the top ecommerce strategy for enterprise brands aiming for unparalleled success in 2024 and beyond. Take your brand to all the channels loved by your customers and invest in offering multi-channel engagement to boost your conversions manifold.

StoreHippo B2C ecommerce solutions come with 300+ API endpoints and are built on a decoupled headless architecture that helps you create new customer touchpoints using the same backend logic and APIs. StoreHippo helps you cater to all your multi-channel selling needs while creating a consistent buyer experience across multiple channels. You can also improve the operational efficiency of all the channels by controlling them through a central admin dashboard. You can leverage the most profitable selling channel by analyzing the rich customer data with StoreHippo.  

Social commerce  

It's 2024, and the world of social media significantly shapes our opinions. How can we even think of doing business without the immense involvement of social platforms in the buyer’s decision-making? The quality of content you offer to your audience on social media influences the decision-making power of your buyers. It leads to an increase in word-of-mouth publicity and has become the newest retail ecommerce gimmick.

Given the current retail market scenario, businesses need to invest more creatively and develop sales channels that make buying easy for your buyers. With a lot of social media platforms coming with advanced selling features like discount codes, buying buttons, the social commerce buying trend reduces the time and effort of online shoppers. However, to implement the feature, you need to invest in technology and tools to engage with the maximum audience on social platforms. You can easily set up your stores directly on these platforms and direct traffic and conversions to your website using StoreHippo B2C ecommerce solutions. 

Detailed product description

Customers like to know about their products in detail before making a buying decision. Yes, as customers are becoming more aware of their choices and options, they tend to compare two or more products. So if you are planning to get ahead in 2024, this is it. Add detailed product descriptions, multiple images, and videos for a 360-degree view on your retail ecommerce website. 

StoreHippo ecommerce solutions help you build comprehensive product pages with its advanced product management system. As you build an online store, you can create an advanced look and feel for your product pages by adding multiple product images and videos to engage better with your customers. StoreHippo helps you showcase various product options that help your customers understand the product and its variations better. 

Composable commerce 

Composable commerce might sound like a new entrant in the retail ecommerce industry, but it has been here forever. 50% of the organizations have already adopted composable commerce to outpace their competitors. The approach is based on choosing the best-of-breed commerce components and combining or 'composing' them together to build tailor-made solutions for specific business needs. Say, for example, you want to add a new ERP solution to your retail ecommerce business, with composable commerce you do not need to make extensive changes to the codebase. You can seamlessly integrate with the best solutions/software available in the market, test it, and use it.

With a focus on creating a modular, flexible tech infrastructure that can be easily customized and adapted to the ever-changing ecommerce trends, it is the roadmap to success for 2024. StoreHippo’s MACH architecture connects all disparate systems and applications helping brands integrate with best-in-breed marketing, accounting, ERP, CRM, logistics, payment providers, etc. With composable commerce retail ecommerce brands get greater flexibility, agility, and creative control. Brands can create personalized customer experiences, and seamlessly add or edit features using StoreHippo’s headless solutions.  

Digital payment modes

As the world is moving towards digital commerce, going ahead in 2024, digital modes of payment will be widely accepted. Is your retail ecommerce marketplace offering digital payment modes? If not, now is the time to drop everything you are doing and adopt advanced digital solutions for your customers. The modern-age customers look for a simple and short payment process while ordering online. When you offer your customers multiple payment options to choose from, they trust your brand and feel confident and comfortable making a purchase on your marketplace.

StoreHippo ecommerce solutions come with a host of digital payment solutions. With 60+ pre-integrated domestic and international payment gateways, StoreHippo helps you provide your customers with the ease of shopping online. With StoreHippo B2C ecommerce solutions, you can integrate multiple payment gateways on your marketplace enabling your customers to choose from their preferred payment options like COD, net banking, credit/debit cards, digital wallets, net banking, etc. StoreHippo also helps you implement multiple payment gateways based on the location or device of your buyers. 

Multi channel customer support

Effective customer service is the hottest ecommerce trend that will help you get ahead in 2024 and beyond. Customers love the brands that provide them with round-the-clock service. Since customers love to interact with their brands on multiple channels, they also expect their brands to offer quick support on all the channels they engage on. As you listen to their grievances and solve their queries instantly, you become a customer-favorite brand in no time. 

StoreHippo B2C ecommerce solutions help you offer the best-in-class customer service to your customers. You can seamlessly offer multi-channel support by integrating with a host of automated tools and features like live chat and chatbots, etc. You can also send personalized notifications to your customers for abandoned carts, or price queries. 


To get ahead in 2024 and beyond, retail ecommerce brands need to look for strategic and data-driven growth strategies. With new business models setting the path for multi-channel growth, the B2C ecommerce model is headed for disruption and innovation. Staying in tune with the latest ecommerce trends can help your brand to engage and convert better than previous years. To be able to implement changes quickly and without overhauling your complete system you will need an advanced e-commerce solution that comes equipped with tools and features aligned for change.

StoreHippo helps brands plan and execute multiple marketing strategies to get ahead in 2024 and beyond. StoreHippo B2C ecommerce solutions come equipped with end-to-end features like a location-based store setup, complete vendor management, a powerful discount engine, in-built marketing tools, a discount engine, etc. The 300+ built-in enterprise-grade features offer retail ecommerce brands the flexibility to build disruptive ecommerce solutions.

Try different growth strategies with StoreHippo B2C ecommerce solutions. Explore the enterprise-grade features from StoreHippo by starting your 14-day free trial now. 

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Insightful! Such detailed insights help in building future strategies and can help survive fierce B2c ecommerce competition.

By: Rohit Singh
Jul 30, 2024   Reply

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Hi Rohit, thanks for appreciating our blog on 10 Retail (B2C) ecommerce trends to get ahead in 2024 and beyond. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Jul 29, 2024

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