10 things to enquire from your B2C ecommerce solutions provider

By |Updated Date : May 08, 2023 | 2 Comments | 468 views | May 08, 2023
  • 10 things to enquire from your B2C ecommerce solutions provider

Are you planning a transition of your retail business from your brick-and-mortar store to a digital platform?

But unsure if this is the right step you are going to take?

Well with the way B2C e-commerce has registered a hockey stick growth, this seems to be the most obvious next step for your business growth.

Let us show you a few retail ecommerce growth trends to give a better picture:

  • $4.9 trillion worth of retail e-commerce sales in 2021
  • 50% growth expected in B2C e-commerce industry between 2021 and 2025
  • $ 7.45 trillion is the expected market size of global B2C e-commerce by 2030
  • 7.6% CAGR of the global B2C e-commerce market during 2022 to 2030
  • ~73% of customers prefer shopping through multiple channels
  • 89% of the customers can be retained with omnichannel engagement strategies

Source: Statista 

The trends clearly give the picture where retail ecommerce is headed. And this definitely is the best time to take your business online. 

Creating your own B2C ecommerce presence is a must for your business growth. The modern-age buyers are looking for a seamless buyer journey that involves a uniform shopping experience across digital platforms. 

Why does your enterprise brand need B2C ecommerce solutions

Convinced enough to build your own B2C ecommerce platform

Well, the first thing you need to get started is the right B2C ecommerce platform. Wondering why? Let us simplify it.l, For a large volume business like yours, it becomes important to identify the requirements, complexities and growth prospects before deciding on the right ecommerce solutions provider

Setting up a successful B2C e-commerce store can be a daunting task, if not planned well.

The enterprise solution you choose should be designed in a way that it helps you adapt to your brand requirements as your business grows and scales. Your turnkey solutions should offer end-to-end features for building, running and managing your large scale business. 

Don’t know how to find the right solution provider for your enterprise business?

Wondering what to enquire from your B2C ecommerce solutions provider?

StoreHippo brings a complete guide with 10 things you can ask your solution provider before building your B2C e-commerce store.

10 things to enquire from your B2C ecommerce solutions provider  


Will the B2C ecommerce platform scale up as my business grows

The one thing that haunts enterprise businesses the most is scalability. Yes, as the business grows and starts to scale up, accommodating the growth on the ecommerce platform becomes a challenge. It is therefore wise to choose an ecommerce solution that offers inherent scalability. A platform that lacks the ability to scale up hinders business growth and slows down sales volume. 

Built on the most advanced MEAN stack technology, the StoreHippo B2C ecommerce platform offers an inherently scalable solution for your enterprise businesses. You can build disruptive business-to-consumer solutions with StoreHippo as it offers peak-load tolerance with consistent high-performance sites even when your enterprise ecommerce brand grows exponentially. StoreHippo’s inherently scalable cloud infrastructure supports and accommodates business growth without having to bother about replatforming. 

Will customizations be easy or cumbersome

66% of online buyers leave their purchase halfway if the content isn’t customized. Meaning that you need an enterprise ecommerce solution that can help you offer a highly customized user experience. 

With StoreHippo, you can keep your customers engaged and hooked to your enterprise brand. Built on decoupled headless architecture, you can build a flexible enterprise ecommerce platform that can be tweaked inside out. You can implement multi-level customizations like building multiple storefronts/sub-stores for different locations, audiences, or different categories, customized shipping solutions and digital payments, multilingual content, personalized pricing, different store designs, discounts etc. 

Is the B2C ecommerce platform mobile ready

Being mobile ready does not come as an option when you are building your B2C ecommerce platform. As more and more customers are moving towards mobile shopping, you need to have a viable m-commerce presence for your enterprise brand. 

The StoreHippo ecommerce platform is built on a mobile-first approach offering a variety of mobile-ready solutions. The stores powered by StoreHippo are PWA stores, that look, feel and work like mobile apps even on entry level devices and work with poor internet connectivity as well. 

StoreHippo comes with an inbuilt mobile apps builder that helps enterprise brands build B2C e-commerce apps without any coding at zero additional costs. You can easily create separate apps for different sub-stores from the admin dashboard. You can also create personalized, highly professional buyer experiences on different devices by simply adding device-specific design themes for your ecommerce mobile apps.

How quickly will we be able to add new sales channels using the B2C ecommerce solutions

The popularity of omnichannel ecommerce is on the rise. Enterprise businesses that are offering a strong omnichannel engagement witnessed a spike of 9.5% in their annual revenue. When you offer your customers the ease to shop on multiple platforms, you get recognized as a customer centric enterprise brand. 

StoreHippo B2C ecommerce solutions offer a ready-to-use omnichannel solution for the marketing needs of your enterprise brand. You can quickly launch new customer touchpoints  using the same backend logic and APIs. With StoreHippo omnichannel solutions at your hand, you can seamlessly strategize product-market mixes for faster growth and better audience engagement. When you offer multi channel engagement to your customers, you also get better customer insights to leverage the most profitable channel and create data-driven strategies.

Does your B2C ecommerce platform support hybrid business models

It has become quite common for enterprise brands to pivot to new business models as their business grows. However, with a B2C ecommerce platform that does not support multiple hybrid business models, it becomes a challenge to scale the business. The simple solution is to build your business on an ecommerce platform that has the inherent capabilities of supporting various business models like B2B, D2C, B2B, B2B2C and any custom hybrid business model. 

StoreHippo offers you a fully hosted and managed ecommerce platform with inbuilt solutions to  create disruptive hybrid business models.You can go to the market in record time with battle-tested solutions for various hybrid business models from StoreHippo. The inherent flexibility and adaptability of StoreHippo B2C e-commerce marketplace builder helps you combine or switch to new business models seamlessly.

What features and tools does your business to consumer solutions offer to grow my business

Marketing your brand well is a necessity with the modern-age buyers. With the right tools to ace your marketing game, you can set your business on an upward growth trajectory. Wondering how? Well, the customers today look up a product on at least 4 different channels before making a final purchase, making it imperative for you to excel in the marketing field.

StoreHippo B2C ecommerce solutions come with comprehensive and easy-to-use SEO tools to help you rank your enterprise brand higher on SERPs. You can easily create unique URLs for your website pages, meta titles, meta descriptions, meta tags, keywords and more right from your admin dashboard. You can create effective SEO strategies that are well aligned to gear up with your brand and help you achieve more organic footfalls. 

StoreHippo also offers a powerful built-in discount engine and promotion tools to help you build strategies for higher conversions and better ROI. You can offer multi-level discounts and create personalized coupon codes for an enhanced marketing strategy. You can also recover abandoned carts with real-time personalized email and push notifications from StoreHippo. The B2C ecommerce platform by StoreHippo offers you everything to leverage quick, smart, and successful marketing campaigns.

Will I be able to add or replace third party software and service providers of my choice with your B2C ecommerce platform

While building an ecommerce platform, it is important to have third party apps of your choice for seamless business operations. It helps you create a strong online presence and build your own niche in the ecommerce marketplace

StoreHippo helps enterprise brands with seamless integrations of their own choice of software to build innovative solutions. With its headless APIs, StoreHippo B2C ecommerce solutions enable brands to manage their day-to-day business-operations with hassle-free and quick integration of third party softwares like CRM, ERP, accounting, and so on. You can also integrate with multiple delivery partners, payment channels, chatbots, live chat etc. to offer a seamless shopping experience to your customers. 

What features does your B2C website builder offer for expanding business in global markets

Global expansion is mostly on the cards of every enterprise business, if not sooner. It is however wise to opt for such a B2C ecommerce platform that helps you expand your business in global markets as and when required. You need tools and features that help you connect with your global customers seamlessly.

StoreHippo comes with a gamut of go-global features enabling you to tap the global audience in just a few clicks. You can use the automatic translation tool to translate your business content to up to 100+ languages including RTL languages like Arabic. Along with this, StoreHippo also offers international shipping partners, multiple domestic and international payment gateways, multi currency payments, multi currency invoicing, built in tax engine, location-based pricing etc. With future-ready B2C ecommerce features from StoreHippo, you can take your business beyond borders.

Can I offer frictionless checkout to my customers with your B2C ecommerce solutions

The pain point of customers today is long and complex payment cycles. When you offer frictionless checkout to your customers, you offer them the ease of shopping like never before. As the customers feel confident in making a purchase the probability of them returning increases manifold. 

StoreHippo comes with a full spectrum of digital payment solutions. It offers 60+ pre-integrated domestic and international payment gateways for you to provide your customers the choice of using their preferred payment options. StoreHippo B2C ecommerce solutions also enable you to implement multiple payment gateways based on the location or device of the buyers and supports transactions in multiple currencies for your global customers. 

How will your platform handle the security aspect for my B2C e-commerce store?

When you create your ecommerce platform, security becomes a major concern. You look for solutions that help you build secure and safe ecommerce platforms where you need not worry about the security of your customers’ data.

StoreHippo comes to your rescue with its PCI-DSS-compliant platform, which is inherently secure. It offers multi-level security features and tools like free SSL certificates, audit log etc. The StoreHippo enterprise B2C ecommerce platform helps you build trust among your buyer and makes your site secure and safe. 


With no dearth of B2C ecommerce solution providers in the market, it becomes all the more important to be aware of your business needs and requirements. By asking the right questions, you can choose the right fit for your enterprise brand and build your B2C ecommerce platform seamlessly. 

StoreHippo helps build highly scalable B2C ecommerce online stores with its enterprise-grade features. Powered by cutting-edge technology and flexibility to build hybrid solutions StoreHippo helps build future-ready business-to-consumer ecommerce stores for diverse use cases. 

Are you ready to build your B2C ecommerce platform with StoreHippo ecommerce solutions? Explore the ecommerce website builder by starting your 14-day free trial now. 

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Great tips! 'Enquire from Your B2C Ecommerce Solutions Provider' - crucial checklist for seamless operations. Transparency and scalability are key, thanks for sharing!

By: Riya Mohan
Nov 22, 2023   Reply

Replies :
Hi Riya, thanks for appreciating our blog on 10 things to enquire from your B2C ecommerce solutions provider. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Nov 21, 2023

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This blog provides valuable insights into essential inquiries for your B2C eCommerce solutions provider. It helps ensure you make an informed decision that aligns with your business goals. Don't miss out on these important questions!

By: Siddharth Reddy
May 24, 2023   Reply

Replies :
Hi Siddharth, thanks for appreciating our blog on 10 things to enquire from your B2C ecommerce solutions provider. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - May 23, 2023

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