10 Tips to nail cross border ecommerce in 2024

By |Updated Date : Dec 18, 2023 | 1 Comments | 762 views | Dec 18, 2023
  • 10 Tips to nail cross border ecommerce in 2024

The rise in cross-border ecommerce has brought exciting opportunities for enterprise ecommerce businesses all around. 

It has become quite easy to reach global customers and expand into new global markets given the ecommerce advancements. 

However, to establish your enterprise marketplace in the global market and ace the cross-border game, you need time-tested tips and tricks. 

Wonder what could be the way forward to global markets in 2024 and beyond?

How about we start by analyzing the market growth in the cross-border ecommerce sector and then factor in how to attract and retain customers?

Let's get started - 

  • $ 7.9 trillion is the expected reach of the global B2C cross-border ecommerce market by 2030
  • $2.25 trillion is the expected value of the cross-border ecommerce market by 2026
  • ~4X growth in international cross border ecommerce market value from 2019 to 2026
  • 27.4% is the CAGR of global cross-border ecommerce from 2018-2027

Source: Statista

Well, the signs are clear! Enterprise ecommerce is the way to conquer the global markets.

However, you need to understand the global customers and their buying habits in detail to make the world your playfield. With a bucket full of opportunities that lie ahead for your global ecommerce brand, it is time to explore different geographies and expand your enterprise business to global markets. 

10 Tips to nail cross border ecommerce for your enterprise ecommerce business

With the unprecedented growth of ecommerce beyond borders, now is the opportune moment to build an online store that caters to the global audience as well. Place your products in the global ecommerce market and become a globally recognized brand with the top 10 tips from StoreHippo:    

Build multiple stores to offer localized shopping experiences

As we approach 2024, one thing that customers look forward to is a local shopping experience. Well, the offline and the online shopping experiences should match, right? So when you take your enterprise marketplace to the global customers, make sure you have a touch of localization on your online store that makes your customers feel connected to your brand. Wonder how to cater to different sets of audiences seamlessly?

StoreHippo helps you create multiple online stores for various audience segments. You can also create different designs for each of your stores specific to the needs of your global customers. StoreHippo offers a rich design theme library that comes with 100+ device-optimized themes for different sub-stores. Even a novice user can completely overhaul the enterprise marketplace design within minutes without any need for coding. You can also create unique URLs, store-specific discounts, etc to offer a localized shopping experience to your customers with StoreHippo. 

Make shopping on mobile easy 

We all know the convenience of shopping on mobile devices. With 80% of the orders happening on mobile channels, the conversion rates are 3 times higher than websites. As you create an online store for your global customers going ahead in 2024, make sure to leverage mobile devices as the primary sales channel for your enterprise ecommerce business. Also, did you know that many locations have mobile as the only shopping solution for buying online? 

StoreHippo ecommerce solution is built on mobile-first technology that comes with a built-in mobile app builder. You can seamlessly build Android or iOS mobile apps right from your admin dashboard without having to deal with coding. You can also build multiple mobile apps for multistore businesses. StoreHippo also offers built-in ready-to-use apps for different users like admins, vendors, delivery boys, etc. to handle business on the go. As you build an online store with StoreHippo, you also build PWA stores that look, feel, and work like native mobile apps even on entry-level devices. 

Build a rich catalog by onboarding vendors from diverse locations

As you plan to expand to the global markets, you also need a vast and rich product catalog to offer to your diverse audience base. And if you are wondering how to create a catalog loved by your customers, you can start by onboarding vendors from diverse locations. Since your enterprise ecommerce website will have customers from all around the world, it is only natural for your audience to look for products from across-borders. So the one sure-shot way to nail cross-border ecommerce is to offer your customers a rich product catalog to choose from. 

StoreHippo comes with a comprehensive vendor management solution that helps you onboard multiple vendors in a few easy steps. StoreHippo offers a comprehensive end-to-end vendor management solution that makes it easy to manage and onboard multiple vendors quickly. StoreHippo enterprise ecommerce solution also offers a separate vendor dashboard to each vendor so they can seamlessly manage their orders, returns, refunds, and other day-to-day business activities. The advanced product management solutions from StoreHippo also make it easy to manage the vast product catalog. The efficient built-in order management systems give great insights into business and enable brands to go for strategic planning for business growth and expansion. 

Offer personalization and internationalization

Do you think you can sell globally in 2024 and beyond without a touch of localization on your enterprise marketplace? Certainly not. To take over the global ecommerce market, you need to offer extreme personalization and localization for a native shopping experience. As you build an online store with tons of personalized features embedded on your marketplace, global customers come flocking to your brand. 

StoreHippo solution is built on a decoupled headless architecture that helps you tweak your ecommerce platform inside out. You can seamlessly carve a niche for your global brand with extreme personalizations on your marketplace. The built-in design tools help you create personalized store designs and themes. You can also create multi stores for different locations, audiences, or different categories. You can customize your shipping solutions and digital payments to establish your brand in the global enterprise marketplace.

Connect with customers in their regional language

Well, one fact that can't be denied is how the customers love to shop in their local language. 75% of worldwide consumers prefer to buy from websites that sell and communicate in their native language. Reason enough to opt for the local language as your means of communication? When you plan to create an online store for the global markets, make sure to form a strong bond with your customers by connecting with them in their language. 

StoreHippo enterprise ecommerce platform helps you convert your global marketplace into multiple languages. StoreHippo comes with 100+ different languages including Right to Left languages like Arabic, Hebrew, etc. You can seamlessly translate your content on the marketplace and create language-specific sub-stores. You can also seamlessly translate the content on your mobile apps making it easy for the customers to interact with the brand. You can choose between automatic and manual translation tools to translate your website with StoreHippo.

Market your brand across geographies 

To win global customers and establish your brand in the global marketplace, you need to place your enterprise ecommerce brand in the minds of your customers. As we enter 2024, marketing tends to take the front seat. While there are multiple ways to promote your brand, targeted marketing tops. You can implement multiple strategies to target a specific audience segment from all the geographies you want to expand to. The first step would be to identify customer behavior, note the channel they shop on, the kind of discounts and coupons they look for etc. As you have data-driven insights, you can then seamlessly acquire new customers and expand to new markets. 

StoreHippo enterprise ecommerce platform comes with a host of marketing tools to help you implement multiple data-driven marketing strategies for various locations. With the powerful built-in discount engine, you can implement multi-level discounts for your global customers. You can also recover abandoned carts by sending out real-time personalized push notifications. With the built-in SEO tools, you can rank your brand higher on SERPs and boost your organic traffic. You can create unique URLs, meta tags, meta descriptions, meta titles etc.

Transparent multi-currency pricing 

When your global customers come to shop on your enterprise marketplace, they expect to see the pricing in their native currency. With transparent multi-currency pricing, you can enhance the customer experience and offer a frictionless checkout process to your customers. With a multi-currency feature on your website, you can also display different prices based on the geography of your ecommerce store. 

StoreHippo ecommerce solutions come with multi-currency support to help your customers make their purchases in their native currency. You can also enable IP-based auto switch or set different currencies for different locations. Your customers can also choose the currency of their choice while checking out. 

Multiple payment options 

Selling globally brings with it the need for frictionless payment processes and quick payment solutions like digital wallets. Well, the success of ecommerce is driven by a smooth payment process not only for buyers but also for the sellers. As you build an online store for your global ecommerce marketplace, make sure to offer multiple payment options to your customers to choose from. It becomes imperative to eliminate the payment downtime and covert potential customers from the global marketplace. 

StoreHippo enterprise solutions come with 60+ domestic and international payment gateways. You can seamlessly integrate with more than one payment solution on your marketplace so that your customers can choose their preferred payment gateways to make a purchase. Your customers can choose from COD, debit/credit cards, mobile wallets, net banking, store credits, etc. It becomes easier to retain customers and nail your cross border ecommerce game by offering international payment solutions and easy overseas transactions on your enterprise ecommerce platform. Also, having multiple payment options makes it easier to manage vendor payouts. 

Offer quick deliveries with international shipping solutions

Customers expect quick and timely deliveries from their brands. As you enter the global market, you also need to offer fast international deliveries. Quick and hassle-free deliveries reduce the customer's effort to keep track of their orders. You need international shipping solutions that can help you build a streamlined, timely, and reliable fulfillment channel for your enterprise brand. When you tie up with multiple shipping partners for different locations based online stores, you can seamlessly build customer trust with quick deliveries.  

StoreHippo enterprise ecommerce solutions come with 30+ pre-integrated logistics partners that help you ace the delivery game on your global marketplace. You can integrate with multiple shipping solutions to optimize the cost of shipping for your customers. You can also integrate your custom global shipping provider or manage your fleet of local delivery agents in different countries using the inbuilt delivery boy management solutions

Unparalleled customer support

Customers need to know that they are valued and heard. When you offer your customers unparalleled support on multiple channels, you gain their loyalty for life. As you build an online store for your local and global marketplace, make sure to be available for them and to understand them and their needs. Customers tend to connect with their brands in case of any grievance or for enquiries as they make a purchase decision. When you become available for your customers on multiple channels, you ensure customer’s satisfaction and happiness on a greater scale.  

StoreHippo ecommerce solutions come with a host of features and tools to help you connect with your customers on multiple channels. You can use automated tools like live chat, abandoned cart follow-up, push notifications, social media integrations, etc to be available for customers on your enterprise ecommerce marketplace. StoreHippo also allows you to integrate with the customer servicing software of your choice in just a few easy steps.  


The cross-border ecommerce game requires enterprise ecommerce businesses to stay atop of their customer's buying behavior and their shopping needs. To win the markets in 2024 and beyond, global enterprise businesses need to work on higher customer engagement, smooth management, and availability of the right set of features and tools. How well-equipped are you to offer your customers simple, smooth, and easy shopping on your global enterprise ecommerce platform? 

StoreHippo is a 360-degree ecommerce solution provider that comes with 300+ built-in tools and features to help you nail cross border ecommerce in 2024 and beyond. With the StoreHippo platform that comes with a host of marketing solutions and comprehensive enterprise-grade features, you can carve a niche for your business in the global market seamlessly. 

Are you all set to nail the cross-border ecommerce game for your enterprise ecommerce business with StoreHippo? Start your 14-day free trial now and explore the vast array of features and tools. 

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Useful tips. Cross border ecommerce is the winning mantra for enterprises in coming years.

By: Karan Mehta
Jul 30, 2024   Reply

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Hi Karan, thanks for appreciating our blog on 10 Tips to nail cross border ecommerce in 2024. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Jul 29, 2024

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