3 Most Important Features Of The Best Enterprise Ecommerce Platform In India

By |Updated Date : May 03, 2023 | 2 Comments | 1689 views | Mar 03, 2021
  • 3 Most Important Features Of The Best Enterprise Ecommerce Platform In India

Going the ecommerce route is a big decision for an enterprise brand in India that has had a long experience selling offline. From planning the flow to choosing the best enterprise ecommerce platform in India, and choosing the right digital channels to reach customers beyond tier-I cities, there are many, many preparations to be done right to make your online foray a success. 

While business acumen and the right strategies drive success for your brand, the enterprise ecommerce software you opt for also plays a crucial role in accelerating your growth.

Building just an enterprise ecommerce solution for your brand is no longer a guarantee of winning the ecommerce game. The best enterprise portal should be designed to win the customer-experience battle.

What do customers want from Enterprise Ecommerce Websites

Wonder what the customers are looking for while buying on your enterprise ecommerce platform? Here is a snapshot with data-driven insights:

  • 91% of buyers are inclined to buy from brands that offer relevant deals and recommendations based on their previous preferences
  • 92% of buyers go for products recommended by personalized shopping carts
  • 90% of customers look for consistent omnichannel interactions with brands
  • 70% of customers say page speed impacts their willingness to buy from an enterprise brand
  • 48% of online buyers go straight to an online marketplace to search and buy products
  • 3X growth forecast for Indian marketplaces sales from 2022 to 2027 
  • 400-450 million will be the customer base of Indian marketplaces by 2027

Source: Portent, Statista, Money Control

Well, the picture from the data is clear. 

To make your enterprise brand successful in the Indian ecommerce market you need enterprise ecommerce solutions that can offer speed, scalability, ease of personalisation ( price, discounts, design, products and more), ability to implement advanced ecommerce business models ( like online marketplace, location-based stores etc.), and helps you create multiple sales channels to engage and convert your customers.

3 Must-have features in the Best Enterprise Ecommerce Platform in India

With a CAGR of 13.91 for 2023-2027, India is one of the fastest-growing ecommerce markets in the world projected to reach a market volume of $120 billion by 2027. Ecommerce user penetration in India stands at 57.6% in 2023 and is projected to reach 73.7% by 2027 (Source: Statista).

Going the ecommerce route is certainly the way to fast-track your business in India!

However, you will need powerful, cutting-edge and agile enterprise ecommerce software to drive your growth. So what are the top features you must be looking for in your enterprise ecommerce platform to help you claim your share in the humongous growth opportunity offered by Indian ecommerce markets?

Not sure?

Here is a list of the top three features that the best enterprise ecommerce platform in India should have:

Scalability and High Performance

For any ecommerce business, the ultimate vision is growth. With time, you expect more traffic on the website, a bigger customer base, and a higher number in terms of sales. But is your enterprise ecommerce software equipped for handling the increasing load? 

This is where scalability and speed come into the picture. For a high-volume ecommerce, business, scalability and high performance of the website is everything. As you scale to new product lines, markets, buers, sellers etc, your enterprise ecommerce solutions should be able to handle your growth in numbers without compromising your site’s performance and speed. 

Did you know the changes in sales your enterprise brand can experience by just 1 second of delay or improvement in speed? Here it is ;

How site-speed impacts your enterprise website’s conversions

  • 10-20% boost in conversions with1-second improvement in site-speed 
  • 7 % less conversions with 1-second delay in site speed after 3 seconds
  • 50% mobile channel shoppers leave a page if they are forced to wait over 3 seconds
  • 4.42% drop in conversions with each additional second of load time 

Source: Think with Google

Translating these numbers into actual money can show you the impact a slow site can have on your business. An enterprise ecommerce solution that fails to maintain the 0-3 seconds page load time can cost your brand heavily. 

For example, take a hypothetical brand with sales worth INR 1,00,000/day. With 1-sec delay page load the brand will lose INR 25.55 lakhs annually. That is something big, isnt it. Similarly improving site speed by 1 second can mean an additional INR 36-72 lakhs for the same business. You certainly want your brand to be in the latter group!

Your enterprise ecommerce software needs to be equipped with inherent scalability and speed to offer a memorable shopping experience to your buyers. Only when you meet and exceed the expectations of your customers will you be able to write your ecommerce success story. 

StoreHippo is the best enterprise ecommerce platform in India offering effective solutions for enterprise brands planning their online foray. Built on the leading cloud infrastructure, Storehippo offers you amazing scalability and seamless buying experience to your customers across devices or channels.

The websites built on StoreHippo can handle the increased load without compromising on the site performance and the page load speed. Our enterprise ecommerce software offers consistent high performance and peak load tolerance even when your brand scales exponentially. 

Storehippo autoscaling, redundant server architecture ensures zero downtime for your enterprise brand. Multi-tier caching and advanced optimizations ensure fast-speed of your website at all times.

Customisation and Personalisation

This is the era of hyper-personalization. And personalization makes even more sense for a country as diverse as India. From buying habits to language to cultures, India is potpourri like none other.

Naturally then the best enterprise ecommerce platform in India needs to have easy customization features to help your enterprise brand build tailor-made solutions for engaging your customers and capturing new markets. 

Just imagine a scenario where your enterprise brand has a strong presence in North India and now you want to penetrate the markets down south. Wouldn’t it serve your brand well if you could customize and build a new landing page for your southern customers. 

What if your enterprise ecommerce software enables you to build a multilingual site in regional languages? Did you know that a multilingual site can bring 22%-30% higher sales leads to your enterprise brand? By giving personalized discounts and product recommendations you can turn these leads into actual sales. That's how the power of personalisation works wonders for enterprise brands!

However, to execute all of the above you will need the best enterprise ecommerce platform in India at your disposal. Luckily, StoreHippo has a host of built in solutions to help your enterprise brand leverage customisation along with personalisation.

StoreHippo’s customisable ecommerce platform allows you the flexibility to perform the following functions:

  • Choose the theme or layout of your choice. You may modify them as per your brand colors, fonts, etc. using built-in drag and drop feature or by mixing and matching existing themes
  • Set up custom sub-stores for different locations, target customer segments, product lines etc with unique look and feel, inventory, prices, discounts, payment options, shipping methods etc. using StoreHippo’s multi-store enterprise ecommerce solutions

  • Offer a multilingual enterprise website where customers can buy in their preferred language. So, for example, if the target audience for your business is middle-class people above 40 years of age from Gujarat and Rajasthan, who are more comfortable with Hindi and Gujrati than English. You can set the default language for your enterprise ecommerce software as Hindi or Gujrati and make them feel at home.

  • Offer personalized discounts using the built-in discount engine of StoreHippo enterprise ecommerce software
  • Build different landing pages for promotions using the dynamic marketing pages features 
  • You can put a maximum limit on the order quantity for a product. This feature turned out to be very useful amid COVID outbreak when the demand for sanitizers surged in India.

  • You can decide which payment modes you want to put up on the website and offer a lot of options like debit cards, credit cards, net banking, UPI apps, mobile wallets, store credits, etc to your customers. Also, COD is still used across India, especially by customers in tier III plus cities. StoreHippo, the best enterprise ecommerce platform in India offers 60+ pre-integrated payment gateways along with a wide spectrum of payment choices for Indian buyers

Built on MACH (Microservices, API-first, Cloud-native, Headless) architecture, StoreHippo offers inherent flexibility and agility to enable enterprise brands to build their tailor-made solutions in no time.

In-Built Features and Integrations 

It is the richness of features that differentiates the best enterprise ecommerce platform in India from its other counterparts. The best platform for enterprise brands comes with many in-built features to enable your brand to go full-throttle with innovation. After all, planning market disruption would need feature-rich enterprise ecommerce solutions so you can experiment, explore and implement new business models.

Also, to make your unique ecommerce environment you would need the best-in-breed software and service providers for your business. This means your enterprise ecommerce solution should have the capability for seamless integrations with several software like marketing, accounting, ERP, and POS along with services like logistics, payment solutions and more (depending on your industry).

A few of the features that you should look for in your enterprise platform are:

Mobile Commerce Solutions to reach a wider market

80% of retail ecommerce orders in India come through the mobile commerce channel. The Indian ecommerce market is going to be worth $200 billion by 2026 and this growth will be driven by increasing internet and smartphone penetration. Tier III plus towns and cities are also adopting digital commerce via mobile commerce channels. 

To capitalize on this huge opportunity your brands should be powered by the best enterprise ecommerce platform in India that comes with built-in m-commerce solutions. StoreHippo is built on a mobile-first principle and comes with a built-in mobile app builder that builds your brand’s Android and iOS apps without any coding. Additionally, all stores built on StoreHippo are PWAs, which means that they work just like native apps when opened in a browser. PWA stores work seamlessly on entry-level devices and slow internet connections making it easy for your enterprise brand to receive orders seamlessly from the hinterland customers.

What’s more, you also get a mobile admin app to manage your business on the go. Your vendors and delivery boys also get their separate mobile apps to help you manage your complete business using mobile devices.

Order and Product Management Solutions

Enterprise brands, whether B2B or B2C, receive orders in large numbers. While B2B enterprises receive bulk orders, B2C enterprise sales are driven by a huge number of individual buyers shopping regularly from your site. To manage such large order quantities your enterprise ecommerce software should have well-rounded order and product management solutions which enables you to have complete control over your product listings, orders, customer details, inventory, shipping etc.

StoreHippo comes with inbuilt order and product management solutions along with 300+ features to run your business smoothly.

Easy payments

Along with the best enterprise ecommerce solutions your business also needs the best payment options to ensure seamless checkouts on your different sales channels, namely, online store, mobile apps, PWA stores or any other commerce-enabled channels. 

Also, while offering easy and multiple payment options your brand should be offering clear tax details and invoices to your buyers. To put it simply, to be deemed as the best enterprise ecommerce platform in India, your solution provider should have, multiple payment gateways, multiple modes of payment, automatic application of taxes and discounts, and an overall fast checkout process.

StoreHippo enterprise ecommerce solutions come with all of the above features. While it supports a variety of payment options it also offers a built-in tax engine with full GST support. You also get invoicing support to create invoices in custom or pre-built format.

SEO and Marketing Features

To hack your enterprise brand’s growth in the digital world, you need tools that help you get more organic footfalls and also enable your brand to opt for strategically targeted marketing. Yes, we are talking about SEO features and other marketing tools that you will need along with your enterprise ecommerce solutions.

In the world of digital, content is the king, and SEO goes a long way in increasing the reach of your website. To engage your customers you will need a blog that can have targeted articles to help your buyers make informed purchases. Also, you would need built-in SEO tools to make your organic marketing faster and smarter. Along with this, you would need other marketing and analytics tools to help you engage and convert your buyers.

StoreHippo comes with built-in SEO support using which you can stay ahead of your competitors and also has a powerful blog engine which invariably makes StoreHippo the best enterprise ecommerce platform in India. StoreHippo also comes with a gamut of other marketing tools like abandoned cart recovery, coupon codes generator, reviews and ratings feature, unified notifications to nudge customers towards conversions through SMS, email and real-time push notifications and more.

StoreHippo also has a built-in reporting engine right in the admin to help you get a variety of reports and make strategic marketing decisions based on the reports. StoreHippo enterprise ecommerce solutions also integrate seamlessly with Google marketing tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Tag Manager etc.

With all the marketing tools offered by StoreHippo you can employ the best SEO practices for your enterprise e-store and increase your SERP ranking, which will ultimately increase website visits and conversions. 

Multi-Vendor and Multi-Store

Your enterprise ecommerce solutions should have advanced features to support the most successful ecommerce models, namely online marketplace and network of multiple stores. With the multi-vendor feature in your enterprise platform, you can onboard multiple vendors and set up B2B and B2C marketplaces in no time. Similarly, the multi-store feature can come in handy when you plan to create a network of stores for targeted customer groups, markets or product lines.

StoreHippo, the best enterprise ecommerce platform in India comes with plug-and-play multi-vendor and multi-store ecommerce solutions for large brands. While setting up your online marketplace you can easily onboard vendors and offer each vendor a separate dashboard to manage their business. At the same time, the store admin has full control over the vendor activity, allowing them to oversee the business seamlessly. 

By using the multi-store feature by StoreHippo, you can display different storefronts to different customers and catch their attention. For example, a general marketplace store might show books and stationery items to children, while the same store shows cookware and home cleaning items to homemakers. 

Seamless Integrations

Another feature important for enterprise ecommerce software is integration. Seamless integrations enable you to add software or service easily and replace it with a better one if need be without any hassle. Having the flexibility to add/replace software and services help you build the best enterprise ecommerce platform in India to grow your business.

StoreHippo comes with 120+ pre-integrated solutions for logistics, payments, marketing, SMS and more. The API-based modular architecture of StoreHippo makes it easy for you to integrate seamlessly with third-party providers of your choice.


Building your enterprise brand’s ecommerce presence is an important step for your growth. Powering your online transition with the best enterprise ecommerce platform in India ensures that you have a feature-ready solution for your business. The choice of your ecommerce platform goes a long way in enabling faster growth and ease of implementing changes rapidly as per changing market dynamics.

StoreHippo is a top enterprise ecommerce platform offering innovative ecommerce solutions for large businesses. Build your ecommerce site with StoreHippo and take your business to the new heights of success by using hundreds of features available in our enterprise ecommerce software . Start your 14-day free trial right away!

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Thanks for sharing the 3 most important features that can drive your business forward.

By: Neha Kapoor
May 24, 2023   Reply

Replies :
Hi Neha, thanks for appreciating our blog on 3 Most Important Features Of The Best Enterprise Ecommerce Platform In India. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - May 23, 2023

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The 3 most important features of the best enterprise ecommerce platform in India, as highlighted in the blog, are definitely worth considering for businesses looking for a reliable platform.

By: Rohit Diwakar
May 15, 2023   Reply

Replies :
Hi Rohit, thanks for appreciating our blog on 3 Most Important Features Of The Best Enterprise Ecommerce Platform In India. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - May 14, 2023

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