7 Things Nobody told you to Check in the Best Ecommerce Platform in India

By | Apr 19, 2020 | 782 views |
  • 7 Things Nobody told you to Check in the Best Ecommerce Platform in India

Let’s start this on a mathematical note! Did you know that the Indian e-commerce industry is expected to surpass the US to become the second largest market in the world by 2034? Phenomenal, isn’t it?

Several factors have triggered this growth including a rising youth demographic profile, increased internet penetration and overall economic performance of the country. However, the role of some of the best ecommerce platforms in India cannot be ignored to support the online industry and give it a boost. 

Online solutions because of their inherent features and end-to-end support not only help you with a swift business launch but also grows and nurture your brand as it expands. However, there is just a tiny problem here;

How to pick the best solution for your online company?

There are hundreds of local options that promise to make building an online store a cakewalk. To add to the confusion, most of these e-commerce software offer similar tools and features. Hence, it is always better to do your homework and dig for some Q&As that perhaps nobody has told you in your search for the best option. 

In this blog, we have listed down a few things that can help you judge your store builder better and make your treasure-hunt to find the right one easier.  

7 things nobody told you to check in the Best Ecommerce Platform in India

1.  your online store builder sideline your competitors with awesome Technology?

Tech advancements have deeply impacted the digital world, transforming the way people connect with brands and empowering them to shop more conveniently. Besides strategic planning, competitive branding and a skilled team, it’s important for your organisation to remain up to date with the latest technologies

One way to ensure this is by choosing a solution that gives you a competitive advantage with the right kind of features. 

StoreHippo ecommerce software is a tech-advanced solution that helps you build the desired business model with a shorter-go-to market time. It offers extensive features such as content and product management, logistics integration, location-based marketing, omnichannel support, etc. for a 360-degree support to build and manage your business. Besides, it also offers easy-to-use features that are up-to-date with the market trends and allow maximum flexibility so that your business continues to go from strength to strength. 

2. Can your solution provide mobile-responsiveness?

Now, more than ever, mobile-first options have increased in popularity, so much so that M-commerce has amounted to something. 

A failure to provide a seamless mobile experience to customers means kissing them goodbye forever. Hence, it’s imperative for the best e-commerce platform in India to be equipped with mobile-friendly technology and thus support your business to maximise its chances of success. 

StoreHippo offers a glitch-free m-commerce experience with its mobile-first approach that considers the smallest of digital screens. You can easily create a beautiful mobile-responsive store by choosing ready themes from its library and just drag and drop!

Moreover, it also offers an advantage of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) that provides a continuous customer-engagement with your company and scope to familiarise themselves with new and relevant purchase opportunities. 

What’s even better? StoreHippo offers Android and iOS apps without any additional coding or cost. In a way, the e-commerce software acts to the affordability factor, which is very much important at the initial stages of brand-building when every penny counts. It gives you an additional perk with no cost plus no need to hire developers for the same. 

3. Can your online store builder support any business model?

Just like Amazon, you might want to start your venture with just apparel or books or any other niche. But what if you want to expand this simple web store and convert it into a marketplace in the later stages?

Having one of the best ecommerce platforms in India to offer multiple options for a variety of business models is like a blessing in disguise. While there are many market options for specific needs such as building retail stores, creating enterprises or managing marketplace, a one-in-all option is something that you rarely come across. 

StoreHippo is your one-stop destination that provides an umbrella of options to tweak your business model the way you want and at any point in time. With its multiple storefronts, vendor dashboards, individual inventories, etc. you can create a Multi-vendor marketplace at one go. Or you can go with features such as custom quotes, checkouts and invoice templates to manage your B2B and B2C customers at the same time. 

4. Can your e-commerce software help you scale in the long run?

As a smart entrepreneur, you might have probably included the factor of scalability while considering your long-term business goals. Why do you think that’s important? Well, during the initial stages any solution can more or less support your business needs, but as you expand, more products get added and your website starts to drive heavy traffic, an ordinary, just-another solution can limit your growth. 

StoreHippo e-commerce software is equipped with future-ready features that easily lets you handle multiple searches, add endless product verticals or storefronts. It can handle heavy traffic loads while ensuring a 100% server upload time. 

With its future-proof options, StoreHippo ensures that it lets your business grow in size and volume as per the demand. 


5. Can your store builder help you market your proposition?

Have you ever thought that despite huge traffic to your website, there is very little sales? It could be that your marketing strategy is not strong enough or you might not have the right tools to boost your average order value. 

The best e-commerce platform in India should be equipped with several features for different marketing gimmicks. Options such as product upsell or cross-sell, product bundling that sells combo offers, wishlists or enquiry forms, etc. are a must to lure customers and close the sale. 

StoreHippo gives you an upper hand with all these marketing tactics along with a powerful Discount engine to announce deals and a blogging engine that can help you with your SEO strategy. With a combination of these features, you can craft a strong marketing strategy and let your value proposition reach out to the target audience. 

6. Can your e-commerce software provide seamless shipping integration?

Logistics is the backbone of your online business. Without a seamless shipping strategy, you are likely to get crushed by your competitors, displease your customers and see your profit margins shrinking in the long run. 

Online store builders help you integrate with fulfilment partners or provide added tools that support your logistics strategy. But what if you can get complete support through a shipping aggregator platform?

StoreHippo, one of the best e-commerce platforms in India, integrates you with its shipping aggregator, ShipKaro that supports your fulfilment strategy from start to finish. It helps you with automated shipping processes, partnership with multiple and global carriers, the benefit of bargained rates, real-time tracking options and more such added features.  

By providing in-trend shipping solutions, StoreHippo ensures that your logistics needs are well taken care of. 

7. Can the e-commerce software stand by you 24/7? 

Running an online store involves several intricate components and processes. The online solution streamlines your interface in such a way that even a non-tech person can easily operate it. However, at some point what if you have a disjointed user experience or  technical glitches that you cannot resolve by yourself? 

In such scenarios, your store builder should be able to resolve the problem without minutes and provide complete support to get your site up and running quickly.   

StoreHippo provides omnichannel support via emails, live chats, SMSes, etc. and helps you with smooth business functioning. Our technical team of experts is available to help you 24/7 so that your business can run error-free and your customers can avail of swift browsing experience. 

Looking for the best e-commerce platform in India?

As an online merchant or seller, a store builder should be your number one priority. As you’ve learned in this post, it provides you with lots of benefits and simplifies every step of your business process. Not only this, it allows you to deliver quality service to your customers and puts you ahead amidst other market players. 

StoreHippo, with its innovative features, gives you full control over your online business, building and managing every process like a pro. This best e-commerce platform in India lets you focus on your core business idea without the hassle of looking into administrative, management and marketing aspects (most of which are highly automated).  

If you are planning to start an online business soon or looking to shift your existing store to one of the best e-commerce platforms in India, StoreHippo can be an ideal choice. Get acquainted to our feature-rich platform with a 14-day trial and learn more! 

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