7 Ways using an ecommerce platform in India can unleash your enterprise business growth

By |Updated Date : Sep 26, 2023 | 1 Comments | 68 views | Sep 26, 2023
  • 7 Ways using an ecommerce platform in India can unleash your enterprise business growth

Troubled by your sales plateauing? Chasing the holy grail of hockey stick growth?

What if we tell you that unleashing your ecommerce business growth is just a few steps away?

Surprised? Well, we believe simple yet effective is the way to go. 

To begin with, a future-ready ecommerce platform in India will be the engine to drive your business growth

Wonder why and how a future-ready online store builder India can do the trick.

Before we go into the specifics, let us first understand the buying habits of Indian customers;

  • $63.17 bn is the projected reach of the Indian ecommerce market in 2023
  • 31% of consumers prioritize experience while shopping online
  • 77% of Indian shoppers prefer to shop with a brand that has both a physical and online store
  • 61% of online buyers start shopping on one device and finish on the other

Source: Statista, EY 

Reports show that Indians are the most impatient online shoppers in the world. With their buying habits shifting regularly, they always look for the best shopping experience combined with multiple benefits like discounts, personalized shopping journeys, etc. 

While running a myriad of tasks and business operations, it can be challenging to cater to your customer needs without an ecommerce platform in India. And it becomes all the more complex for enterprise businesses like yours that deal in large orders, multiple product lines, multiple stores etc. 

7 Ways using an ecommerce platform in India can help grow your enterprise business

To be able to create ecommerce website India can itself be a challenging task if not supported by the right solution provider. Building an ecommerce platform needs careful and strategic planning. 

There are, however, a number of local options that make building an online store look seamless, but the reality is always different. The ecommerce platform you choose can make or break your business right at the start. You need a robust ecommerce solution provider that helps you build an online store and makes it seamless to run and manage the business in the long run. 

Here we bring to you 7 ways you can grow your enterprise business by using an ecommerce platform in India. 

Digitize your business for a wider reach

India is a fast-growing ecommerce market. And new-age buyers look forward to an advanced buying experience not only in brick-and-mortar stores but also on digital channels. 

As 51% of the customers prefer shopping from the comfort of their homes, gone are the times when brick-and-mortar stores were a preferred means of shopping. Well, building a solid digital presence is just what your business needs. As you create ecommerce website India, you are not only providing your customers with an ease of shopping but also widening your customer base. The online shoppers base in India is estimated to reach 400-450 million users by 2027. Now imagine the number of customers you can convert by joining the online bandwagon.

However, you need a robust ecommerce solution provider to go online and serve your customers well. StoreHippo comes with an inherently scalable cloud infrastructure that supports and accommodates a growing business and helps plan further growth strategies without having to replatform. StoreHippo ecommerce platform in India helps build consistent high-performing sites that accommodate the growth of your business.  

Boost conversions with personalized shopping experiences

With the changing market dynamics, customers in India look forward to being acknowledged and receiving a personalized user experience while shopping. In this age of hyper-personalization, 66% of customers leave the purchase mid-way if the content isn’t personalized. A personalized shopping experience helps you with an increased conversion rate, and StoreHippo helps you stay ahead of the trend with its flexibility to implement personalized buyer journeys.. 

StoreHippo helps keep your customers engaged and hooked to your ecommerce platform in India. Built on the decoupled headless architecture, StoreHippo enables you to tweak the platform inside out. It helps you implement multi-level personalizations like building multiple storefronts for multiple locations, different product lines, or different audience segments. You can also customize the shipping solutions, payment options, web design, content etc. with a range of tools and features from StoreHippo. 

Cost-efficient solutions, set up and maintenance 

The use of an online store builder India to create an ecommerce marketplace is a cost-efficient business idea. Wondering why?

Well, ecommerce solutions are affordable because you don’t need to do extensive coding to create online stores. An advanced ecommerce solution is programmed to handle complex business operations easily. You do not need to buy additional software and plugins for different business operations like inventory management, orders, shipping, etc. And since you are saving bucks on your store set-up and maintenance costs, you can pass on the benefits to your customers as discounts and promotions for your business expansion strategies. 

As you create ecommerce website India with StoreHippo, you can choose from a wide range of flexible pricing plans that are customized to suit businesses of every size and from every industry. StoreHippo comes with pre-designed themes and templates for you to choose from. You can simply register, choose a template, and start building your platform. Also, when your business expands, and you require advanced solutions, you can switch to premium plans in just a few clicks. 

Engage and convert better with mobile apps 

Well, smartphones today have become the most important means of shopping. With 72% of the customers making a purchase on mobiles today, you can unleash your enterprise business growth by leveraging m-commerce when you create ecommerce website India. The main reason behind the rapid growth of mobile commerce is the convenience of shopping from anywhere. As you offer your customers the ease of shopping on the go, you set your business for unprecedented growth. 

Using an ecommerce platform like StoreHippo helps you plan out a good mobile commerce strategy and offer an unmatched user experience to your buyers. StoreHippo is built on a mobile-first approach that helps you offer a seamless mobile buying experience. With the in-built mobile app solutions from StoreHippo, you can build Android or iOS apps directly from the dashboard in just a few clicks. The online store builder India helps you build PWA stores that look, feel, and work like mobile apps even on entry-level devices with poor connectivity. You can also take your business wherever you go with mobile admin and get multiple apps for delivery boys, sellers etc. to run the business on the go.

Go omnichannel

Did you know that 89% of Indian customers can be retained with omnichannel engagement strategies? Well, yes, offering your customers multiple touchpoints to shop on is a must for your enterprise business growth. As you engage with your customers on all the channels loved by them, you gain loyal customers. More than 80% of the brands are opting for omnichannel solutions to boost their ticket sizes. 

Wondering how to offer an omnichannel shopping experience to your customers? With the help of the best ecommerce platform in India, StoreHippo. Yes, StoreHippo helps you add multiple customer touchpoints quickly using the same backend logic and APIs. You can also centrally control all your channels with StoreHippo and create consistent buyer experiences across all the channels. You also get access to rich channel-specific insights that can help you leverage data-driven strategies and boost sales. 

Leverage customer data for strategic marketing 

The importance of marketing needs no explanation. It is common knowledge that people buy what they see. And if they don’t see your products, they probably won't buy it. Therefore to see your enterprise ecommerce business grow, you must leverage customer data and plan for strategic marketing of your business. And for a country as diverse and large as India you need to strategize different marketing plans for the diverse regions and buyer segments. But how to get access to rich customer data?

As you use an online store builder India like StoreHippo to establish your business, you can create personalized landing pages, create custom forms using the inbuilt form builder, etc. to capture rich customer data. You can integrate your site with a number of data tools like Google Analytics, Zoho, etc. Once you have the data at hand, you can use the marketing tools from StoreHippo like email, push notifications, SEO tools, data analytics etc. 

Get value-added solutions

Customers in India love an enterprise brand that offers value-added solutions for an effortless buying experience. Wonder what kind of services you can offer your customers? Let’s start by tracing the customer route on your ecommerce platform in India. As your customer made up his mind to purchase a particular product, is he going to have a smooth payment process? Will they have to wait for long hours for their order deliveries? Are they getting enough discounts? 

StoreHippo takes care of your customer needs with its extensive set of enterprise-grade features. StoreHippo offers 60+ pre-integrated domestic and international payment gateways that enable customers to choose from their preferred payment options like COD, net banking, debit/credit cards, etc. When you create ecommerce website India with StoreHippo, you can either use the pre-integrated shipping solutions or integrate with the shipping solution of your own choice. With the in-built delivery boy management system from StoreHippo, you can also offer your customers quick and hassle-free deliveries. It helps you to onboard, manage, and track your delivery agents from your admin dashboard. 


With the online industry growing by leaps and bounds, it becomes important to have a future-ready ecommerce platform in India. Customers are accustomed to shopping online with a host of perks at their disposal. To match the pace of the evolving buying habits of the customers, enterprise brands are looking at the best online store builder India to go online. 

With a 360-degree robust ecommerce platform, businesses can reach a wider market and unleash their growth like never before. StoreHippo helps you create ecommerce website India that supports high-volume businesses like yours and helps handle day-to-day complexities seamlessly. It comes with advanced features and tools making it easy for you to make a kill in the Indian ecommerce industry. 

Create your ecommerce platform in India with StoreHippo. Explore the features by starting your 14-day free trial now. 

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Well, rightly said. As brands choose a future ready ecommerce platform, they can easily deal with large orders and multiple stores. Very informative and engaging blog!

By: Hari Gandhi
Aug 09, 2024   Reply

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Hi Hari, thanks for appreciating our blog on 7 Ways using an ecommerce platform in India can unleash your enterprise business growth. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Aug 11, 2024

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