8 Reasons To Use A SaaS-Based Ecommerce Marketplace Platform

By | Apr 04, 2021 | 1 Comments | 970 views |
  • 8 Reasons To Use A SaaS-Based Ecommerce Marketplace Platform

If you want to start your own business or strengthen your multivendor marketplace, you cannot avoid a feature-rich eCommerce platform. Since the market is flooded with numerous platforms, choosing the right one could be potentially daunting.

To have a good idea, let’s discuss the current market scenario!

Organizations, these days, are running on a SaaS-based eCommerce marketplace platform. And the reasons behind it are countless.

Be it technically adept, high-end performance, and agile, SaaS has a long list of benefits to offer.But before heading to the reasons to use this platform, let’s understand what it exactly means.

What is the SaaS eCommerce Platform?

Stands for Software-as-a-Service, SaaS is a software licensing and delivery model in which software is licensed to a user. And they may later access it via the internet. The biggest advantage is that they are cloud-based systems that can be accessed on any web browser.

One of the best things about the SaaS-based eCommerce marketplace platform is that there’s no software installed on-premise. So, there’s no user required to maintain it. Instead, an eCommerce system runs on the SaaS provider’s hosted servers.

Talk about SaaS applications, they are licensed on a subscription basis.

The List of features of the SaaS-based eCommerce marketplace platform

1. Categorization

You can host your merchants' online stores on fast, powerful servers and sets no limits on space.

2. Product pages

Each product gets its dedicated page along with attractive images and informative text.

3. Shopping cart

It would help customers to collect items together for a purchase, customize (add or remove) them as per their needs and then proceed through a payment process.

4. Inventory

When customers buy a product, inventory counts decrease automatically, and quick reordering tools are available as well.

5. CMS

You can easily design, brand, and build an online store, including all quintessential parts of your website like the about us, front page, product pages, policies, etc. This would make your multivendor marketplace stand tall above the rest.

6. Marketing Tools

Attract significant traffic and increase your authority in your industry with advanced marketing tools.

7. Reporting and Analysis

Check what products sell the most and what promotional methods work best for your customers.

The list of benefits of choosing the SaaS-Based eCommerce marketplace platform

1. Maintenance

One of the best things about SaaS eCommerce platforms is that the provider hosts and maintains the software. You don’t need to search and find a hosting provider. 

Instead, the individual would be accountable for software updates, performance speed, uptime, bug fixes, and other things. You don’t need to worry as your provider is consistently keeping an eye, monitoring the performance of your store. SaaS providers are recognized for their support teams.

2. Cost-effective

They are indeed affordable. You don’t need to break your bank for development work since you’re not building your platform. You don’t always have to be in touch with your partner to create a complete, custom design for your webstore. Because there’s so much functionality already built into the platform, you just don’t have to think and spend as much on add-ons.

3. Scalability

Growing retailers need their eCommerce platform to scale along with them. It should be easy to take on more customers, process more orders, and add more complex functionality when needed.

4. Highly secured

Because of the automatic updates, your SaaS web store will always be updated and secured against vulnerabilities like possible hacks and data loss.

5. Out-of-the-box solutions

For those who don’t know, SaaS eCommerce platforms are out-of-the-box solutions as they are equipped with a handful of basic shopping cart functionality inbuilt. Merchants can take advantage of basic product information management, customizable themes, marketing capabilities, and other functionalities required.

6. Easy Integration

Whether you need integration at the moment or later, SaaS eCommerce platforms are generally easier to integrate with an ERP, POS, 3PL, or any other financial software. Some SaaS platforms are infused with robust APIs that make integration hassle-free with predictable projects because it doesn’t need significant customization.

Make sure you integrate those systems that allow you to sync inventory, orders, customers, shipping/tracking data, items, ensuring your business is fully automated.

7. PCI Compliance

If you want to sell online, then you must be PCI compliant as it helps you to safeguard your customers’ financial information about credit cards, alike. SaaS providers ensure that you meet PCI compliance standards. It’s their job to stay updated to resolve any possible patches or bugs so that it doesn’t hinder your security.  

Unlike any other platforms, SaaS-based eCommerce marketplace platforms tend to be more flexible. You can add new sales channels when you’re ready or even functionality with new apps. And the best part is that you may increase your bandwidth on servers to deal with increased traffic. This would be helpful when you’re running flash sales. 

8. Always on the Latest Software Version

E-commerce platforms typically release a few new features throughout the year to help their clients grow their online business. If you have a SaaS e-commerce solution, your multivendor marketplace would benefit from those new features whenever they roll out. 

Why Should You Consider StoreHippo as the Best SaaS-Based Ecommerce Marketplace Platform?

The SaaS-based platform, as you could see, is one of the best marketplace solutions that may help function your business seamlessly and can cope with evolving business dynamics.

If you’re new to the world of this eCommerce platform and want to gain a robust foothold, we can help you out! 

We, at StoreHippo, offer the best SaaS multi-vendor eCommerce platform for different online marketplaces, irrespective of their size and genre. 

Our flexible and scalable SaaS-based eCommerce marketplace platform may easily accommodate your business growth. We have a team of professionals who would help you market your brand with state-of-the-art marketing tools. With our added store features multi-store, multilingual, and multi-currency, you can easily tap new markets and grow your business exponentially. 

To know more, start your free trial with StoreHippo and explore a range of services.

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Cost effectiveness, security, and ease of use are the most important values added by Saas based ecommerce platform in my opinion. As compared to open source platforms, SaaS based platforms save you a lot of time and effort and give you more time to focus on the business aspect rather on the technology aspect.

By: Randeep Roy Chowdhary
Feb 03, 2023   Reply

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Hi Randeep, thanks for appreciating our blog on 8 Reasons To Use A SaaS-Based Ecommerce Marketplace Platform. If you need our help setting up an online store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Feb 02, 2023

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