How Multi Location Online Stores Can Help Businesses Get Targeted Traffic

By |Updated Date : May 20, 2021 | 3 Comments | 1945 views | Jul 24, 2016
  • How Multi Location Online Stores Can Help Businesses Get Targeted Traffic

Want to build an online store that becomes the favourite shopping hub for your customers? Want to bring targeted traffic to your business to boost your conversion rate? Eager to build a brand presence that sets you apart from the competition?

Wonder if paid marketing is the only way to achieve this?

What if we say you can achieve the same results at a fraction of the cost of paid ads?


Simply by building a network of multi-location online stores for your business.

Want to understand how this works?

Let dive deeper!

How does multi store ecommerce set up work?

In a multi-store setup, a brand builds a chain of sub-stores to segregate its users based on:

  • Location
  • Language
  • Product Lines
  • Buying Habits
  • Any other custom criteria or the mix of the above

When you segment your buyers on any of the criteria, it becomes easier to offer them personalised products and buying journeys. While you can have a host of storefronts to cater to the unique needs of your customers, you can manage them all with a common central admin.

For location-based ecommerce stores, you can add products that are most in-demand in a given city, state or country. On top of it, you can incorporate value-added service to make your brand stand out. Combined together this set up of multi-location online stores becomes a winning formula and helps you get targeted traffic.

Let us see how this feature engages and converts your traffic into buyers.

Location-Based Online Stores: A Solution With Multiple Advantages

Some of the undeniable advantages of creating a chain of location-based storefronts are:

  • Offers a low cost and highly targeted means of advertising

  • Allows to understand customer preferences in a better way

  • Keeps customers loyal by offering tailor-made deals to reward them

  • Attracts lots of new customers to your multi-location online stores by word of mouth

  • Converts impulses into sales by offering the advantage of local proximity

  • Allows to give special hourly deals to make the best use of slack periods in a business

  • Improves your chances of becoming the local bestseller by offering quick service

  • Helps in measuring results quickly and accurately

  • Makes it easy to do targeted SEO for faster results

2 Multi-Location Online Businesses 1 Solution: StoreHippo Multi Store Ecommerce Platform

StoreHippo, the feature-rich ecommerce platform has inbuilt features to roll out a chain of location-based sub-stores in no time. With its advanced technology, 300+ inbuilt features, 120+ integrations, StoreHippo helps in building unique solutions for businesses planning to build a chain of location-based stores. 

StoreHippo’s inherently scalable and customizable multi store ecommerce platform comes handy for businesses of all sizes. The advanced technology at the core of StoreHippo helps in building cutting-edge ecommerce solutions for a variety of businesses.

Let us evaluate 3 businesses where location-wise sub-stores can help in attracting targeted traffic for business growth.

Multi-Location Online Stores For Food Delivery

Online food delivery is one of the most successful ecommerce businesses with bigwigs like Zomato, Swiggy etc. doing a booming business. Did you know that:

  • $11,666m is the projected Online Food Delivery segment’s revenue in 2021

  • 7.94% is the expected revenue CAGR  for the period 2021-2024

  • $14,670m is the expected revenue from online food delivery by 2024

Source: Statista

The figures clearly indicate that food delivery is a successful online venture indeed! But how does one get started with it?

To build an online store for food delivery and then replicate it as sub-stores for different locations can be a tedious task. It can take ages and quite a lot of money if you go for building custom software from scratch. 

But StoreHippo has you covered! Check out how you can roll out, market and grow your chain of food delivery online stores in no time.

Building Multi-Location Online Stores For Food Delivery With StoreHippo

The requirements

  • Create a number of food-delivery sub-stores for different cities or locations within a city

  • Design different look and feel for different stores of your food delivery brand

  • Partner with restaurants to offer a rich food menu to your customers

  • Offer a unique menu for each of your sub-stores

  • Add different deals and discounts for same food items delivered by different stores

  • Differential pricing for your premium and regular customers

  • Build mobile apps to get more orders

  • Fast and streamlined food order delivery from multi-location online stores

The solution from StoreHippo

  • Use inbuilt multi store ecommerce solution to build any number of location-wise food-delivery sub-stores 

  • Easily design different look and feel for different stores of your food delivery brand with the drag and drop feature in design themes

  • Onboard  and manage partner restaurants as vendors using the  inbuilt multi-vendor ecommerce solution 

  • Use the central admin dashboard to add a unique menu for each of your food delivery sub-stores

  • Use inbuilt pricing overrides feature. Add different deals and discounts for same food-items delivered by multi-location online stores

  • Use the inbuilt pricing overrides feature to offer different food delivery pricing for your premium and regular customers

  • Build Android and iOS food delivery mobile apps with the inbuilt mobile app builder

  • Streamlined food order delivery by managing your fleet of delivery boys using inbuilt delivery management software

Yes, this is how easy it is to set up and get started with your food delivery multi-location online stores with StoreHippo. You also get easy payment options and store wallet features to help your customers with a smooth checkout experience.

Multi Store Ecommerce Solution To Sell Grocery Online

With the pandemic raging and social distancing taking over as the new normal, online grocery business witnessed an unprecedented boom. Growing at a CAGR of 25.02% from 2020 to 2024, the online grocery market is expected to reach $ 663.33 billion in 2024 (Source: Global Newswire)

With such an amazing growth forecast, building multi-location online grocery stores is going to be a rewarding opportunity indeed. Whether you are planning to build an online store to start your new grocery business or want to take your existing business online, StoreHippo offers a complete solution for every stage of your business.

Here is how you can easily build your unique location-specific chain of online grocery stores with StoreHippo:

Building Multi-Location Online Stores To Sell Grocery Online

The requirements

  • Build a network of online grocery sub-stores for different locations(in a city, state or country)

  • Design different checkout flows for different groups of grocery buyers

  • Build different mobile apps for different grocery sub-stores

  • Add local grocery vendors to your grocery platform to offer diverse grocery and FMCG products to your customers

  • Create different products catalogue for each grocery sub-store

  • Offer grocery products to your customers in their native language or currency

  • Create grocery sub-store based deals, promotions and marketing strategies

  • Build custom applications  for multi-location online stores selling grocery products

  • Fast and error-free grocery delivery to customers

The solution from StoreHippo

  • Use the native multi-store feature to create location-wise grocery sub-stores for a city, state or country

  • Use different payment options for regular and premium grocery buyers to create unique checkout flows for different customer segments

  • Use inbuilt mobile apps builder to build any number of grocery mobile apps at no additional cost. Build unique mobile apps for each grocery sub-store in your multi-location online stores network  

  • Onboard local grocery sellers as vendors on your grocery marketplace to make grocery deliveries faster and personalised

  • Manage inventory centrally with a central dashboard and build unique products catalogue for each sub-store selling grocery online

  • Use inbuilt multilingual and multi-currency options to engage domestic or international buyers in their native language. Make checkout frictionless by offering multi-currency payments for international grocery stores. 

  • Host each of your grocery multi-location online stores  on unique URLs and design store-specific deals and promotions with inbuilt marketing tools 

  • Get 120+ integrated solutions or integrate with your custom software to creating unique ecommerce solutions for different sub-stores on your grocery stores chain 

  • Easily manage streamlined hyperlocal or global grocery delivery with inbuilt delivery management software and integrated logistics partners 

Never thought it could be so easy to set up multi store ecommerce solutions for selling groceries online! What’s even better is that using the headless ecommerce solutions from StoreHippo you can easily add multiple customer touchpoints and go for selling grocery omnichannel, i.e; on your offline store, your website, mobile apps, social media platforms or any other touchpoint you can think of! 


Do you have a similar business idea that needs location-based customization and management? Want to extend your reach and create customized deals for your target audience? 

With StoreHippo’s multi store ecommerce platform you can get started with your chain of online stores for any industry. Yes, you heard us right, from fashion to FMCG or an enterprise B2B ecommerce business, see your ideas taking wings with cutting edge ecommerce solutions from StoreHippo.

Want to explore the amazing features of StoreHippo before you decide to build an online store? Book your free demo right away and let our experts give you a walkthrough!

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This post has been a valuable resource for me as I navigate the challenges of running a business. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise with your readers.

By: Yasmin Parsa
Mar 06, 2023   Reply

Replies :
Hi Yasmin, thanks for appreciating our blog on How Multi Location Online Stores Can Help Businesses Get Targeted Traffic. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Mar 05, 2023

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Awesome Blog! That's right multi location online stores can help to get more traffic.

By: Nayan Kanjariya
Aug 25, 2021   Reply

Replies :
Hi Nayan Kanjariya, thank you for your appreciation. Keep looking out for more information on multi location online stores related topics on our StoreHippo blog. StoreHippo Team - Aug 25, 2021

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Good one that was very connecting issue which we have also faced while managing multiple stores, good to hear that Storehippo is come up with solution. Can you please arrange demo for us, we're interested. [email protected]

By: Vallabh Desai
Jul 27, 2016   Reply

Replies :
Hi Vallabh, Thanks for showing interest in our service. Have forwarded your query with our Sales team, they will get back to you soon. It just takes 5 minutes to setup an online store. You can Start your 14 Days Free Trial Store at : Vishal -

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