How To Grow your Business with Grocery Mobile Apps

By | Jun 03, 2020 | 885 views |
  • How To Grow your Business with Grocery Mobile Apps

Did you know that one-third of the global online customers shop their groceries online? 

Aren’t we spending all our time scrolling different apps – from social media, gaming, lifestyle, shopping and others. So, if we are using smartphones for almost everything under the sun, then why not grocery shopping?

Don’t believe us?

Ask the millennials and working professionals who are completely dependent on shopping their groceries from mobile apps due to lack of time and busy work schedules.

 This is surely opening new ways for business owners to meet this big opportunity by creating their mobile commerce solutions. 

Why Grocery shopping from a mobile app?

Well, the increasing popularity of smartphones and the convenience of mobile apps have fuelled the robust growth of online shopping and delivery apps. You are surely missing on a lot of opportunities if your grocery business is not on mobile. Developing your online presence can help your business to reach more customers and accelerate business growth. Consumers love shopping on their smartphones because they:

  •   Expect a change in shopping experience
  •   Need a break from overcrowded retail stores
  •   Save valuable time
  •   Prepare an advanced well-planned shopping lis

To match these expectations of consumers in the modern era, StoreHippo provides the best mobile ecommerce solution to create your own app. 

Start building your customer base and profits with “Grocery Mobile App”

1.  Easy product categorization

Categorizing the products manually is a thing of the past. Dealing with modern consumers needs modern business processes. To make things work automatically, you need a mobile commerce solution that can help you with streamlined product management and smooth shopping experience for your customers. Having apps can help you achieve both and even more.

To make flexible and automatic product categorization, you just need to develop a mobile app for your grocery business and categorize the products and inventory in a few clicks from your dashboard. When your app is well-organized and categorized, it can be easier for consumers to add and buy from your store.


2.  Awareness of consumer behaviour

A mobile app is undoubtedly a powerful tool for your business growth and has all the potential to take your business to the next level. The customer behaviour patterns that you get from the mobile commerce apps can help you analyze the buying patterns and preferences of your customers.  This helps to understand the customer needs and decide on future product offerings.  

Collecting valuable data about your consumers helps you get the feedback of your product offerings, service level, concerns of customers, and much more. The ratings and reviews system can also be very helpful in growing your business for better. 


3.  Streamlined order and delivery process

Another very important advantage is the streamlined management of multiple order and delivery processes. Choosing a user-friendly easy-to-use ecommerce solution can also attract more customers to your online store. 

This solution ensures better convenience and shopping experience for your customers. Moreover, the easy-to-use dashboard can help you update orders and deliveries in real-time and keep your customers updated every time they access the app.


Are you ready to engage and convert more customers with a grocery mobile app?

1.  Multiple payment options

One of the most important features that can be included in your mobile app is the availability of multiple payment options. You can easily get access to the most popular payment options and provide the much-needed convenience to your customers.

By integrating multiple payment gateways in your business, you can leverage the secure and reliable payment methods while making it easy for customers. Start selling more by offering varied payment options to your customers and never miss an opportunity to convert your potential sales with StoreHippo.


2.  Special deals and rewards

Acquiring customers is one task but retaining them is another job itself. But no worries about customer retention, if you have a mobile commerce solution for your business. In addition to the backend management of your business, the app can also help you to offer mobile-specific deals and rewards to your customers.

You can engage your customers with your app and retain them on a regular basis. You can also introduce monthly customer contests, make them win favourite products, festival offers on mobile app, and alike. The push notifications are also very helpful for reminding customers about your app and keep them engaged actively.


3.  A powerful and secure backend

The mobile app works completely in sync with the backend panel of your online grocery store. The powerful and secure backend has all the capabilities to help you control the inventory, orders, customers, finance, custom plugin integrations for mobile sharing, and everything your online store is concerned with. 

4.  Rich shopping experience

Offering a seamless shopping experience is the foremost requirement for an online business. If your products and services are not easily accessible by your customers, then you cannot think of marketing your products or competing in the business.

Mobile apps make your business handy and the shopping experience of consumers better.  So, develop your app before your competitors aces the grocery business.

Building a grocery mobile app for your business makes sense and helps you to grow your business in many more ways. Schedule a DEMO with StoreHippo if you are thinking of building a super simple app without any coding skills that can pamper your customers and boost your business.

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