StoreHippo listed in the “20 Most Promising SaaS Solution Providers in India” by CIO Review

By | Mar 15, 2016 | 3 Comments | 1821 views |
  • StoreHippo listed in the “20 Most Promising SaaS Solution Providers in India” by CIO Review

Hippo Innovations takes this opportunity to proudly announce that our flagship product StoreHippo, which is a future ready, mobile first, e-commerce platform, has made it to the list of “20 Most Promising SaaS Solution Providers in India” published by CIOReview. This list was drawn after thorough scrutiny and analysis of various companies by a distinguished panel of CEOs, CIOs, Industry analysts and CIOReview’s editorial team.

What does it mean to be a SaaS solution Provider in current Indian market scenario?

Indian economy is going through the most interesting phase in terms of growth oriented business models which are showing huge creativity and have been based on breakthrough technologies and disruptive innovations. Indian E-commerce industry has grown 10 folds in last 7 years (2009-2016) and is projected to grow 10 times over by 2030. There is a major shift from offline to online business and Indian e-commerce sector is poised to grow by 100 times in just 20 years from its beginning. Small and medium businesses would pay a crucial role in driving this growth further.

As per the reports from research firm Forrester, global cloud computing market is going to swell to $241 billion in 2020 from a humble beginning of just $40.7 billion in 2011. In Indian context, the projections for 2015-2020 clearly indicate that, the market for SaaS based services will grow at a CAGR of 22%.

With the increasing number of small and medium businesses in India in the near future, SaaS based solutions offer huge opportunity both for the vendors and business world. The cutting edge technology and ease of use provided by SaaS based platforms have made it the most sought after technology for every type of futuristic business.

How StoreHippo makes a difference?

StoreHippo, the brainchild of CEO and Founder of Hippo Innovations, Rajiv Kumar, came into existence as a result of frustration he felt while exploring the existing e-commerce platforms. The available options had many limitations and did not provide the flexibility and customization provisions needed by the diverse business verticals in India’s booming e-commerce ecosystem.

Using the cutting edge technology stack, StoreHippo offers affordable, end to end e-commerce solutions and pushes boundaries further by offering beyond e-commerce services.  Storehippo platform has incorporated many unique features that allow a business to utilize multi channels for rapid growth. It is the only mobile first e-commerce platform that offers multi-lingual, multi-currency and multi-seller features that can take your business global in true sense. The integration of multiple payment options along with complete logistics cycle and COD allows your business to attract more customers.

StoreHippo allows business owners to focus on growing their business while the technology aspect is completely taken care of by us. In just two years of its existence, StoreHippo platform has become the popular choice of business owners who want to build stores that sell more.

The full coverage of StoreHippo by CIOReview can be viewed at

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Can you enlighten me further on the mobile commerce and mobile ready aspect of your platform. Does this mean that I would not have to spend extra time for getting a mobile version of my site?

By: Puspa Mawari
Mar 18, 2016   Reply

Replies :
Thanks for the query. Yes our inherently mobile ready architecture and responsive web design does this without extra effort and you have a mobile version of your site ready in no time along with your regular site. For more details you can contact us on +91-80101-17117 or drop a mail with your phone number at [email protected], and one of our sales team expert would contact you to assist with your queries. Nitpal Guliani -

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I'm a long time client of StoreHippo and this platform has helped me take my fashion boutique online. In only 5 months of launching my store online my business tripled. Thanks StoreHippo Team for you awesome work in making my dream a reality.

By: Sonali Sharma
Mar 18, 2016   Reply

Replies :
Thanks Sonali Sharma, We look forward to improving our platform and services based on inputs from our valued clients. Tushar Sureka -

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I came across this blog while searching for best e-commerce platform.I have gone through your website but would like to get more details before taking the final call. Could you please suggest how to take this forward?

By: Hitesh Goel
Mar 17, 2016   Reply

Replies :
Thanks for contacting us. Please call us on +91-80101-17117 or drop a mail with your phone number at [email protected], and one of our sales team expert would contact you to assist with your queries. Tushar Sureka -

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