10 Reasons To Start Your Multi Store E-Commerce Portal Right Away

By | Jun 30, 2021 | 2 Comments | 1063 views |
  • 10 Reasons To Start Your Multi Store E-Commerce Portal Right Away

  • Do you want to build an online store or expand your existing online business?

  • Do you want to introduce new product lines or reach new locations?

  • Do you want to increase your online sales and return on investment?

  • Do you want to build a large network of your online store?

Of course, you do.  Wondering how to do it all? The answer to all these questions is a “Multi store ecommerce portal”. 

So, you want to grow your online business and make it super successful. But still wondering how to build and manage multiple storefronts easily. Well, managing a number of online storefront has got easier with a multi-store business model.

Let’s decode the multi store business model and its benefits for your business right away.  

What is Multi Store E-Commerce?

As the name suggests, a multi-store ecommerce portal allows you to build and manage multiple stores on a single platform. Well, this approach of putting all your eggs in one basket is very convenient for online businesses. This strategy works wonders for the store owners as they can manage one site for varied audiences visiting the site. 

For example, you have an online store that provides clinical materials to hospitals. While all these hospitals have different needs and look for personalized offerings. Here, the concept of a multi store comes in the picture. With a full-fledged multi store ecommerce platform, you can launch multiple stores and offer products personalized to each hospital. 

While, you have the flexibility to cater to a variety of audiences, but also streamline all your stores into a single platform. Now, increasing conversions and ROI, testing global markets, and improving the shopping experience of customers has got easier with the idea of multi stores.

Top 10 reasons to start your multi store ecommerce portal

1. Attract, engage and convert your customers with unique storefronts

Every customer seeks the best look and feel of the site when they visit the online store. The unique store designs are very useful in attracting, engaging, and converting your customers. After all, the storefront is the face of your brand. StoreHippo comes to the rescue here. It offers you 100+ device optimized themes but also allows you to customize a variety of themes for each of your stores in the multi store ecommerce set up. With the sub-store themes of StoreHippo, you can get a completely different look for different storefronts, customize your designs and device specific themes for each sub-store. It helps in engaging the customers on your sub-stores and ultimately, leads to higher conversions.

2. Simplified marketing options for multiple stores

Instead of putting generalized promotions, it is always effective if marketing and promotions are targeted at a specific audience based on their likes, dislikes, and buying habits. And if you have multiple stores, you need a separate marketing strategy for all your sub-stores that aligns with your overall brand marketing strategy. Having multiple stores allows you to mix and match your strategies and study the one with maximum ROI.

With the multi store ecommerce setup of StoreHippo, you can grow your business with the right marketing mix. Some of the marketing options for your online stores include customized email, SMS, mobile and browser push notifications, online chat integrations for better customer engagement, abandoned cart recovery to bring back lost sales. It also offers a variety of other tools like discount engine and customer retargeting tools to convert your lost orders with personalised offers.

3. House multiple brands under one roof  

The multi store ecommerce setup provides you the functionality to house different brands under a single roof and manage them efficiently. The point here is not only storing the database of multiple products and brands in one place. It is equally important to make the most of each sub-store efficiently. Another reason for a multi-store approach is that companies operating under multiple brand names can create individual stores around every brand - while using a single platform. For example, a brand can leverage a multi-store platform to bring together separate brands, sell them online, earn more revenues while managing everything under one digital roof.

By leveraging the multi store ecommerce platform, you can streamline all the processes of your online business. It also helps you to manage the product information, content distribution, inventory, sales, and a lot more.

4. Manage everything from a central dashboard

A central control switch is something that manages all your sub-stores without slipping out of control. With a central dashboard of your ecommerce platform, you can easily manage each sub-store individually, incorporating different products, payment options, languages, and resources according to their specific needs. The common admin dashboard helps you operate, manage and get a complete overview of different storefronts.At the same time, you can keep things like site design and navigation consistent - due to all the sites being centrally managed.

At StoreHippo, you can easily manage all your sub-stores at fingertips from the common dashboard. It helps to easily manage your business, set up different payment, shipping and other integrations with a single login, get different sales and analytics reports in one place, and much more.

5. Play around with your ideas with easy customizations

The purpose of launching a multi store ecommerce setup is to create different stores for different users. But it is also important to execute this setup in such a way that brings maximum returns on investment. You can easily achieve this by creating a unique store for unique requirements of your customer groups and experiment with various features on each sub-store.

StoreHippo is a flexible multi store ecommerce platform that can be tweaked inside out according to your business requirements. It ensures that your ecommerce platform grows along with your business and adapts to the diverse requirements of the dynamic ecommerce industry. With its headless architecture, it helps you to make backend changes without affecting the frontend of your stores. This flexibility allows you to customize each store’s product, pricing, look and feel of your store, deal and discounts, shipping and checkout, and more.

6. Leverage mobile commerce to make more sales

When over 80% of the online orders are being placed on smartphones or other mobile devices, it has to be a part of your multi store ecommerce marketing strategy. Well, it is a great way to upscale the shopping experience of your customers as most of them prefer to shop from mobile devices. In fact, over 67% of ecommerce sales (Source: Statistica) worldwide come from mobile devices. 

Having multiple m-commerce ready storefronts help you engage, convert and retain your customers better by targeting them using a host of mobile marketing strategies. Also, catching customers on the go is easier when you have dedicated storefronts built for mobile browsing and buying.  Apart from that, the advanced features of push notifications, mobile apps, product recommendations can make your multi store ecommerce platform a star among the crowd.

We at StoreHippo completely understand this need from day one. And that’s the reason, the platform is built on mobile-first principle and helps you to build mobile ready solutions. Leveraging the mobile-ready platform of StoreHippo can help you achieve better conversions. You can easily build multiple mobile-ready storefronts, get iOS and Android mobile apps, build PWA stores that look, feel and work like mobile apps, and take your business wherever you go with mobile ready Admin.

7. Expand to new geographical territories globally

Creating multiple storefronts for different geographic regions is always helpful in targeting more customers. It allows you to display products that are culturally relevant to the location, and display the content in local language and currency. With the multi-store features of the ecommerce platform, you can easily capture the customer location and other relevant data to showcase just the right thing to the right customer.

Not to forget, the customized shipping options for specific regions can your online store expand geographically to the next level in no time. And this unique feature is offered by StoreHippo to help you expand globally. The go-global features of StoreHippo multi store    ecommerce platform like multilingual, multi-currency support are designed to help you achieve better conversions on a global scale. 

8. Offer relevant products to target customers

If you are planning to scale your online business, you need to offer an easy search for relevant products to target your customers. While customers are aware of what they want when they visit an online store. It would be highly beneficial to offer the desired products to customers as quickly as possible.

When your ecommerce store is built on a multi-store platform, you can easily tailor your product offerings according to the target customers. Yes, it is easily possible with the capturing of shopping habits data and offering a personalized experience to customers for each sub-store. 

9. Cater to different customer types 

If you are an online business owner who deals with B2C as well as B2B customers, it gets even more important for you to develop different storefronts for each set of audience. While the customer needs are different, it gets super important to cater to their different needs at a single platform. With the multi-store features of StoreHippo, you can manage the products, payment terms, pricing, and many other options on the basis of specific customer needs while managing it all from a central platform. 

10. Create seamless shopping experience for your customers

Whether the business is online or offline, the thumb rule is – “Customer is always the king”. While it is easy to create your online store to attract customers, it is difficult to engage, convert, and retain them. But when you offer unique storefronts with seamless shopping experience, customers will keep returning for more. 

What makes StoreHippo the best multi store ecommerce solution?

Whether you are serving different locations or managing several product categories, you need an online store with multiple storefronts. 

Reaping all these benefits gets much easier and better with StoreHippo. It offers you a feature-rich, unique, and mobile-ready multi store ecommerce platform to help you build multiple stores in no time. Not only building a variety of online storefronts, StoreHippo lets you easily roll out the multiple storefronts with a unique look and feel, offer customized checkouts, and offer best logistics solutions. You can also add store-specific discounts, languages, shipping rates, currency, pricing overrides personalized for your target audiences. What’s more? You can manage all of your sub-stores with a common central place.

Build an online store that allows you to build, run, and grow your business with StoreHippo. You can leverage 300+ inbuilt features of the platform to write your future business success story. Schedule a 14-day free online trial store to explore the amazing features now.

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This blog space is particularly for the businesses who are struggling with the idea of starting their multi store ecommerce portal. Very well explained

By: Mallika Patel
Nov 22, 2022   Reply

Replies :
Hi Mallika, thanks for appreciating our blog on 10 Reasons To Start Your Multi Store E-Commerce Portal Right Away. If you need our help setting up an online store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Nov 21, 2022

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Having multiple storefronts is a convenient option when your online store has multiple products and product lines. An online brand can benefit from it as customers too have multiple options. Very well written article, keep it up

By: Cynthia Moreno
Sep 01, 2022   Reply

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