25 Ecommerce Hacks to build a B2B Marketplace like no other

By |Updated Date : Sep 04, 2024 | 1 Comments | 569 views | Jun 26, 2024
  • 25 Ecommerce Hacks to build a B2B Marketplace like no other

When enterprise brands build a B2B marketplace, it is not just an additional sales channel. 

Instead, the wholesale multi vendor marketplace becomes the platform that sets your brand for strategic growth and innovation.

But to unlock new opportunities and build a successful B2B marketplace your brand must offer products, experiences and relationships like none of your competitors.

If you have been looking for innovative and practical ways to spice up your offerings, offer wow experiences and build lasting connections with customers and vendors, you are at the right place. 

From market insights to effective strategies and future-proofing solutions, we have extensively covered 25 hacks to build a B2B marketplace that is simply OUTSTANDING!

Ready to begin exploring, implementing, and transforming your B2B enterprise brand?

Let's start by understanding the ecommerce market for B2B.

Innovative Ecommerce Strategies To Build A Successful B2B Marketplace

The B2B E-commerce landscape has rapidly evolved post-pandemic, prompting enterprise brands to adopt digital-first approaches focused on strategic growth. The digital shift has also bestowed B2B buyers with greater control, the ability to make self-serviced purchases and a seamless business-to-business buying experience across channels.

Sample some key data insights that further highlight the changing B2B commerce environment:

  • $20.4 trillion will be the market value of B2B Ecommerce by 2027
  • 74% of B2B buyers prefer online buying over buying offline 
  • 70% of B2B buyers started using m-commerce channels more in the past 2-3 years
  • 250% increase in B2B mcommerce orders from 2020 to 2024
  • 4-6 digital channels are used by wholesale buyers to finalise a purchase
  • 72% of B2B buyers expect personalized experiences across all channels
  • 7.2X faster growth of B2B marketplaces than overall B2B ecommerce 
  • 94% of B2B buyers source products/services on B2B online marketplaces
  • 90% of B2B buyers would switch to a competitor B2B marketplace website if their supplier/manufacturer’s website fails to keep up with their needs
  • 89% of B2B buyers say consistent experience across channels is essential to their loyalty

Source: Forbes, McKinsey & Company, Digital Commerce 360, Gartner, Channel Advisor, Marketplace Pulse

Well, the data lays the foundation for the strategies needed to build a successful B2B marketplace website. The future awaits enterprise brands that prioritize customer experience and offer buyers ease of buying in a digital environment.

Simple as it may sound, achieving these objectives need many wheels moving in tandem towards building a buyer-first brand. 

Let us learn the ropes and check out the list of 25 hacks to help you build a multi vendor store like no other.

25 Steps to Unlocking B2B Marketplace Success

A successful enterprise brand excels in cultivating fruitful client and vendor relationships while leveraging cutting edge digital tools to distinguish itself in the competitive B2B ecommerce market. 

The journey towards building a successful enterprise wholesale multi vendor brand can be started using the 25 strategic hacks listed below:

Make Your B2B Marketplace Easy to Use

The first step towards building a successful business is to build a set-up that is easy to use for buyers, sellers and other third-party providers involved in streamlining your operations and fulfillment

When your distributors can showcase, sell and ship their products effortlessly they can keep your buyers happy and keep coming for more. Similarly, your buyers should have the ease of requesting quotes, make informed decisions and order effortlessly on your B2B marketplace

Additionally, your admin teams must have a complete overview of the business to stay on top of the vendor networks, logistics providers and any other service providers used for your business.

How StoreHippo Helps

StoreHippo B2B ecommerce solutions are designed to offer the best buying and selling experiences on wholesale marketplaces. 

Here is what you can offer your buyers and sellers when you power your B2B multi vendor portal with StoreHippo:

  • Gives a catch-all, intuitive and feature rich admin dashboard which enables your teams to be in complete control of the business and vendor-distributor activities
  • Gives vendors separate dashboard to run their business independently
  • Gives buyers their dashboard where they can wishlist, see their past purchases, re-order, track orders, contact support etc, so that the complete buying experience is transparent and keeps them informed at each step from requesting a quote to fulfillment. 

Build A B2C-like Engaging B2B Marketplace

B2B buyers now demand more than just products and services from their enterprise brands. Buyers now expect a seamless online buying experience delivered through a cohesive, polished website rather than one that feels disjointed or hastily assembled.

This implies that your wholesale multi vendor marketplace needs an attractive,  optimized, fast-loading website that engages, converts and retains buyers. From the colors to the look and feel every aspect of your marketplace needs to be frequently updated to suit the evolving market conditions and preferences of your buyers.

How StoreHippo Helps

When you build a B2B marketplace with StoreHippo you get built in design tools that help you create a wholesale marketplace aligned with buyer and market sentiments. 

Here is how StoreHippo helps you build a wow marketplace:

  • Easy to use drag-and-drop design tools to quickly change design
  • Support for multilingual design to target different buyer groups in native language
  • Easily mix and match designs to build a new one in no time. Developer-friendly design heavy duty programming support.

Be Available On Multiple Touchpoints

94% of B2B respondents find the omnichannel sales model to be as or more effective than the previous sales models. Customers now want to connect with their favorite B2B brand across channels. 

Omnichannel brands have 91% higher year-on-year customer retention rates compared to single channel brands. Also, data suggests that brands with  an omnichannel presence have 9% higher annual revenue. 

You got the cue, taking your B2B marketplace omnichannel is the next step in building a stronger brand presence and stay ahead of the curve.

How StoreHippo Helps

StoreHippo B2B ecommerce solutions can easily create an omnichannel presence for your marketplace. While using StoreHippo omnichannel solutions you do not need to create multiple copies of your website for different frontends. Here is what you get when you take your wholesale business omnichannel with StoreHippo:

  • Comprehensive omnichannel solutions to support a variety of B2B marketplace use cases
  • Easily add new frontend by using the same APIs and backend logic of the decoupled headless platform
  • Enables you to easily integrate with diverse software and services for each sales channel

Leverage M-commerce As Primary Sales Channel

Did you know that;

  • 70% of B2B searches begin on mobile devices.
  • 200% faster growth of  Mcommerce sales than ecommerce sales

Well, to survive and thrive in the digital commerce world, you need to make mobile commerce as your primary sales channel.

Barely having a mobile responsive site is not enough. You need to amp up your game and have a multi-channel mobile presence. Yup, you heard it right, you need to have a mobile responsive website along with B2B marketplace app and PWA store. 

If you think that this is asking for too much , you just need to choose a future ready solution that lets you implement all of this quickly and without months of coding effort.

How StoreHippo Helps

StoreHippo B2B ecommerce solutions is built on mobile-first principle and helps brands leverage the m-commerce boom to their advantage.Here is how you can build a strong mobile sales channel using StoreHippo:

  • Convert your wholesale multi vendor marketplace into PWA in few easy steps
  • Build Android and iOS B2B marketplace apps without coding or extra cost of development
  • Build multiple mobile apps for different sub-stores

Enable Doing Business-On-The-Go

If you believe that merely providing a mobile B2B marketplace channel for your buyers suffices, then you may not be fully attuned to the current market demands and expectations. You need to think mobile-first for your sellers and admin teams as well.

Providing an easy way to do business from anywhere in the world, even while traveling, empowers your sellers and admin teams to stay on top, maximize productivity and efficiency. With a mobile-first approach your teams as well as vendors can access the tools and resources from anywhere and make quick decisions and respond to market dynamics quickly.

Such a set up enhances collaboration and agility and also positions your wholesale multi vendor marketplace as a market leader.  

How StoreHippo Helps

StoreHippo B2B ecommerce solutions not only helps you take your customer-facing business mobile but also gives you built-in apps to handle the complete marketplace business on mobile devices. Here is what you get with StoreHippo:

  • Gives a mobile admin to your teams to manage the business from anywhere
  • Makes expanding market reach and accessibility, customer interactions and managing orders from anywhere easy for your vendors with a built-in vendor mobile app
  • Makes it easy to manage shipments and deliveries with its delivery boy management app using which vendors can track their fleet of delivery agents

Offer Personalisation

Did you know that, 76% of B2B buyers say personalization makes them more likely to purchase, and 78% say it makes them more likely to repurchase (Mckinsey). Personalisation, implemented strategically can unlock success for your B2B marketplace.

Personalization enables you to reach potential clients with custom messages and tailored deals that address their specific needs and challenges. This personalized strategy boosts lead generation and engages prospects positively by offering them deals and products tailored to their interests.

70 % of enterprise brands have already started investing more in offering personalized content, experiences and deals to their customers. This singular move can help you build a successful B2B marketplace which engages and converts prospects faster.

How StoreHippo Helps

StoreHippo’s B2B ecommerce solutions equip your marketplace brand to implement multi-level personalizations for boosting customer engagement and sales. Here is what you get with StoreHippo:

  • Build personalized landing pages for different buyer segments
  • Create personalized multilingual website content tailored to target buyers in their native language
  • Discount engine to offer tailored discounts depending on buyer-vendor relationships and other factors

Detailed Product Information To Sell More

If your product descriptions fail to showcase their value proposition, buyers do not engage with your offerings. Well-written, detail-oriented product information can significantly enhance sales in your B2B marketplace.

Detailed product information on your wholesale multi vendor marketplace enables you to effectively communicate the value and benefits of your offerings to potential buyers.  By giving comprehensive product specifications, features, and usage instructions, you enable your buyers to make informed purchasing decisions, leading to higher satisfaction and repeat purchases.

Offering transparent and comprehensive product details not only shows your brand as a customer-centric brand but also establishes trust with your audience and differentiate your B2B marketplace website in the fiercely competitive B2B market.

How StoreHippo Helps

StoreHippo B2B ecommerce solutions have complete product management solutions which not only helps in listing and managing products but also enables your vendors to add detailed product information. Here is what you get with StoreHippo:

  • 360-degree product overview with images and videos
  • Create detailed and visually appealing product pages to showcase your offerings effectively. Built-in features to add meta details and product description for better product discoverability and conversions
  • Features to implement review and rating for each product to help buyers make informed purchase decisions

Optimize User Experience

Building a beautiful B2B marketplace with rich product catalogs, detailed product information and multi channel presence establish your brand as a market leader. So what is the next step to keep your buyers hooked?

Optimize your user experience!

 Yes, the way users feel while surfing your marketplace website can significantly impact the success of your B2B marketplace? Having a huge list of products without clear navigation, search and good site speed is of no use as your buyers might get lost and not find their desired products. Research indicates that businesses that prioritize UX see higher customer satisfaction levels and increased conversion rates.

To engage and keep your customers happy your enterprise brand must create a seamless and intuitive browsing and purchasing journey for your customers.  A user-centric wholesale multi vendor platform that  understands your customers needs and pain points encourages repeat visits, fosters brand loyalty, and ultimately leads to higher sales and revenue.

How StoreHippo Helps

StoreHippo’s B2B ecommerce solutions come with built-in advanced features that help you optimize the user experience on your multi vendor portal. Here's what StoreHippo offers you:

  • Multi-tier categories to easily arrange products under different categories and subcategories for easy search 
  • Design intuitive navigation that helps buyers to browse easily across the site to search for products from diverse buyers
  • Advanced search filters to help with granular product search 

Offer Tiered Pricing

Have you ever considered showing the prices of all your products on your B2B marketplace? Yes, we understand the regular practice is to give a personalized price quote when the buyer requests for a quotation. 

However, showing transparent prices with tiered pricing strategies can significantly enhance sales and customer retention on your B2B multi vendor portal. By offering different pricing tiers based on factors such as order volume or customer loyalty, you not only provide tailored pricing options but also cut short multiple levels of negotiations.

Tiered pricing on your B2B marketplace gives more options to compare to your buyers and attracts and incentivises larger orders. This strategy also engages new buyers better who can see and compare multiple prices in one go.

How StoreHippo Helps

StoreHippo’s B2B ecommerce solutions have tiered pricing and discount engine features that enable you to display tiered pricing to your buyers. Here's what StoreHippo offers you:

  • Display tiered pricing based on order volume and implement MOQ for clarity
  • Offer volume-based discounts to create different pricing for different ticket sizes
  • Bundle products and offer pricing discounts for larger orders bought as bundles ( for example, desktops and headphone bundled pricing for corporates).

Implement Dynamic Pricing

Implementing dynamic pricing strategies can revolutionize your B2B marketplace. By segregating your buyers into groups and having a pricing override feature you can drive more sales and maximize profitability.

Want to know how? 

When you adjust prices in real-time based on various factors such as demand, competition and customer behavior, you optimize pricing which in turn leads to maximizing profit and ROI. Dynamic pricing on your wholesale multi vendor marketplace enables you to stay competitive and aligns your prices with current market conditions.

With data-driven insights and advanced algorithms, you can offer personalized pricing to customers with diverse requirements and maximize profit margins and revenue for your distributors.

How StoreHippo Helps

StoreHippo’s B2B ecommerce solutions provide powerful tools and features for implementing dynamic pricing strategies in your marketplace. Here's how StoreHippo can assist you:

  • Create separate landing pages with different pricing for premium and regular buyers
  • Implement multi-currency pricing based on IP for international buyers
  • Implement different pricing for customers on different sub-stores based on proximity from buyer location, order volume or other factors.

Offer Self-Service Tools

B2B buyers seek more freedom and self-service options just like their B2C experiences.

Offering self-service options on your B2B marketplace can transform the way your customers interact with your enterprise brand and lead to shorter sales cycles and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Self-service functionalities empower buyers to independently browse products, ask for product pricing and other quotations, place orders and track their orders. Such an experience gives your buyers greater flexibility and control over their purchase journey.

Implementing self-service features not only streamlines the buying process but also reduces administrative overhead and improves the overall customer experience. Self-service capabilities help you build a successful B2B marketplace by offering the B2C-like convenience and accessibility that today's B2B buyers expect. 

How StoreHippo Helps

When you build a B2B marketplace with StoreHippo you get a variety of tools and features to implement self-service and make buying easier on your marketplace. Here's how StoreHippo helps you:

  • RFQ feature helps buyers request quotes from vendors, get pricing and approve or reject quotes. Use a 3 way admin-buyer-vendor chat solution to answer queries and close negotiations in real time.
  • Easy to add new pages for the knowledge base, help center and FAQ section for products to answer common questions and help customers make informed decisions.
  • Give customers more control and visibility through buyer dashboard, order tracking, the ability to initiate returns and refunds, view order history for reordering and more. 

 Simplify Reordering

Reordering simplified, translates into streamlined operations and more repeat business on your B2B marketplace. Easy reordering, especially for business-to-business clients that regularly purchase the same products or services, not only saves time and effort but also fosters loyalty and retention.

Imagine a grocery retail business that monthly orders the same set of groceries and FMCG products in bulk from your wholesale marketplace. By simplified reordering the business can reorder products from the same vendors every month in just a few clicks.

Offering quick and easy reordering options on your B2B marketplace allows customers to quickly replenish their supplies without having to go through the entire rigmarole of the B2B sales cycle. Convenient reordering options enhance the overall buyer experience and encourage repeat purchases and word-of-mouth promotion from loyal customers.

How StoreHippo Helps

StoreHippo comes with a variety of features that set up an environment to build a successful B2B marketplace. With StoreHippo you can simplify the reordering process on your marketplace website to enhance customer convenience and drive repeat business. Here's how StoreHippo helps you:

  • Customize your user dashboard where customers can revisit order history and give a direct reorder button for quick reorders
  • Use built-in unified notifications to send personalized reminders to customers for restocking items they buy frequently
  • Wishlist feature which helps buyers browse and save their desired goods and services to order/reorder later

Create Sub-Stores For Targeted Selling

Having a huge B2B marketplace set-up does drive buyers in large numbers. But, there is a catch. The challenge lies in ensuring that amidst the vast array of options, your product or services capture the attention of buyers looking for them. If not, your efforts are diluted. 

Building targeted sub-stores for your marketplace website can significantly enhance your ability to cater to specific customer segments and industry niches. Through sub-stores, you can showcase specialized product assortments and go for branding and messaging tailored to different target audiences.

By segmenting your wholesale multi-vendor marketplace into sub-stores (based on geolocation, product lines, brands, buyer groups etc.), you can create a more personalized and relevant shopping experience for your customers. Such segmentation not only offers undistracted visibility but also saves your buyers from browsing fatigue and results in faster sales closure. 

How StoreHippo Helps

StoreHippo’s B2B ecommerce solutions provide comprehensive solutions for creating sub-stores on your marketplace. Here's how StoreHippo can assist you:

  • Built-in multi-store ecommerce solutions to easily create and manage multiple sub-stores from a common central admin
  • Easy to add different look, feel and language for each store to target specific buyer segments
  • Create multiple targeted stores in no time, each with their own catalogs, pricing, payment options, shipping solutions and discounts.

Implement Multilingual For Better Customer Connect

Multilingual content is a success hack that can change your B2B marketplace’s buyer engagement dramatically. Sample some data:

  • 77% of international buyers can be reached by having the 10 most popular languages on your multi vendor portal
  • 64% of the people are willing to invest more just to get products or services offered in their native language
  • 75% of customers would like to buy from enterprise B2B marketplaces selling in their native language

Source: Statista, Weglot, Internet World Stats

When you build a B2B marketplace you automatically enhance customer engagement and expand your market reach in domestic and international markets. Catering to customers in their preferred language fosters trust, improves engagement and boosts sales.

By offering multilingual support on your marketplace, you not only position your brand to reach wider markets but you also accelerate sales negotiations as the buyers have a better understanding of products with descriptions and details in their native language. 

How StoreHippo Helps

StoreHippo’s B2B ecommerce solutions come with extensive multilingual support that does not require additional plugins or paid extensions. Here's how StoreHippo can assist you:

  • Comprehensive multilingual solutions to build wholesale multi vendor portals in 100+ languages (including RTL  languages like Arabic , Hebrew, Urdu etc.)
  • Automatic translation with full translation control along with rule-based translations
  • Support for multilingual in mobile apps and theme designs

Offer Freedom To Sell to Distributors

A successful B2B marketplace is one which gives its sellers the freedom and flexibility to showcase, manage and grow their business. When your marketplace offers the right tools to your vendors and distributors to make their business efficient they bring in more orders and help your enterprise brand grow.

Empowering distributors not only helps existing vendors but also brings competitor vendors to your marketplace by word of mouth promotions. This further diversifies your product catalogs and market reach and fosters stronger partnerships and collaborations. 

By offering your sellers simplified onboarding, tools to sell online and transparent commissions and payouts you can set up your whole sale multi vendor marketplace on an upward growth trajectory. 

How StoreHippo Helps

To build a successful B2B marketplace, StoreHippo offers a host of features and tools to enable your sellers to manage their business in a hassle-free manner. Here's how StoreHippo helps your sellers:

  • Complete online selling solutions for vendors which includes product management, order management, shipping management, managing returns and refunds right from admin and more
  • Separate seller page on wholesale multi vendor marketplace for undivided attention
  • Built-in  reports and analytics to understand business with insights about best selling products, frequent buyers and more

Simplify Taxation

Adhering to various tax regulations across different markets and product categories can be burdensome and prone to errors for your vendors. Simplifying taxation on your B2B marketplace can streamline operations, reduce compliance risks, and enhance the overall selling and buying experience. 

By simplifying navigation through diverse tax compliances in B2B transactions, you take off a significant burden from your vendors and sellers. Taxation is a complex and critical aspect of wholesale business and by making it easier you help your sellers focus more on growth strategies rather than bothering about regulatory compliance. 

Implementing streamlined taxation solutions on your B2B marketplace also benefits your marketplace brand as you are required by law to ensure accurate calculation of taxes regardless of the products or type of transactions. Simplifying taxation enables you to create a more transparent and frictionless business environment which is conducive of growth. 

How StoreHippo Helps

When you build a B2B marketplace with StoreHippo your tax compliance hassles are well taken care of. Here's how StoreHippo helps you handle taxation on your marketplace:

  • Built-in tax engine to simplify taxation and adhere to compliance requirements
  • Provision for grouped taxes, tax-based rules, tax-inclusive and tax-exclusive pricing
  • Complete support for GST (CGST, SGST, IGST) for selling in India

Make Invoicing A Breeze

Erroneous or complex invoicing on your B2B marketplace can create confusion in order processing, delay payments and require rework to fix the errors. This situation can tarnish buyer relationships and be frustrating for sellers who have to spend additionally to hire resources for correct billing.

By simplifying the invoicing process on your wholesale multi vendor marketplace, you can expedite payment cycles, reduce administrative overhead and create transparent purchasing experience for your customers. At the same time this will simplify selling bulk orders online for your sellers.

With user-friendly, easily customizable and automated invoicing solutions on your B2B marketplace, you can make life easier for your vendors and help promote efficiency and accuracy in financial transactions.

How StoreHippo Helps

When you build a B2B marketplace website with StoreHippo your invoicing is taken care of by built in billing solutions. Here's how StoreHippo helps you generate invoices on your marketplace:

  • Buit-in invoicing software for automated and simplified invoicing along with seamless integrations with preferred accounting software
  • Provision for GST-complaint built-in, custom and bulk invoices
  • Support for multi-currency invoicing for international buyers

Make Buying and Selling Secure

Ensuring secure buying and selling on your B2B marketplace goes a long way in building trust, protecting sensitive information and safeguarding transactions. With a variety of new cyber security threats and malware being released on a regular basis ensuring security, especially in digital B2B transactions becomes paramount.

B2B orders are usually big tickets where large sums of money is involved. By prioritizing security on your marketplace platform, you can instill confidence in both buyers and sellers, leading to improved engagement, loyalty, and revenue.

By reducing the risk of data breaches and protecting your buyers and sellers against fraudulent activity you ensure financial integrity which evokes trust in your brand and helps grow your business by attracting more sellers and buyers on your B2B multi vendor site.

Implementing robust security measures on your B2B marketplace involves safeguarding sensitive data, securing financial transactions, and protecting against fraud and cyber threats. Whether it's implementing encryption protocols, PCI compliance, or multi-factor authentication, making buying and selling secure ensures the integrity and confidentiality of transactions, fostering a safe and trusted environment for conducting business.

How StoreHippo Helps

StoreHippo’s B2B ecommerce solutions come with inherent security solutions that ensure robust security on your wholesale marketplace. Here's how StoreHippo helps you build buyer and seller trust in your marketplace brand’s security:

  • PCI-DSS and ISO complaint B2B marketplace platform that ensures multi-level security for buyers and sellers
  • Free SSL for your B2B marketplace and its sub-stores to build customer trust in your website
  • Secure one-way encryption and payment processing through PCI DSS compliant payment gateway partners

Flexible Payments

Payments for large wholesale orders are complex and usually done in multiple phases like advance payment, deferred payments, installments, escrow etc. To give your buyers and sellers more opportunities to sell and buy easily,  you need to offer flexible payment options on your marketplace. 

With buyers having diverse preferences in payment terms and payment options it becomes imperative to provide a range of solutions and accommodate buyer choices in B2B transactions. Offering flexible payments on your B2B marketplace can improve cash flow, attract more customers and drive sales growth. 

Implementing flexible payments on your B2B marketplace involves offering diverse payment methods, such as credit cards, bank transfers and alternative payment gateways so your sellers do not miss any sales opportunity due to a lack of payment options. By giving your wholesale buyers the freedom to choose the payment method and terms that work best for them, you can increase conversion rates and boost customer satisfaction.

How StoreHippo Helps

StoreHippo’s B2B ecommerce solutions come with strong payment solutions that help in streamlining the complex B2B payment structure. Here's how StoreHippo’s flexible payment solutions help you grow your marketplace brand:

  • 60+ integrated domestic and international payment gateways and support for a variety of digital and COD payment methods including credit/store wallets
  • Support for multiple payment gateways and single page or multiple page checkout
  • Support for multi-currency and adaptive payments

Optimize Supply Chain Management

Streamlined logistics is the backbone to a successful B2B ecommerce business. Optimizing supply chain management on your B2B marketplace can enhance efficiency, reduce costs and improve customer satisfaction. 

By streamlining and optimizing fulfillment on your B2B multi-seller website, you can ensure timely order fulfillment, minimize delays and deliver a seamless and reliable experience to your customers.

By implementing high-tech and robust supply chain management solutions on your marketplace website you can build a brand reputation which further brings more business for your sellers. A streamlined fulfillment flow also helps in optimizing inventory levels and enhancing transparency across the supply chain which in turn positions your enterprise B2B marketplace to adapt to the changing market conditions quickly. 

How StoreHippo Helps

Streamlined fulfillment helps you build a successful B2B ecommerce marketplace which keeps buyers happy and sellers stress-free regarding fulfillment. Here's how StoreHippo’s integrated logistics solutions help you grow your marketplace brand:

  • 30+ pre-integrated domestic and international logistics partners to streamline bulk fulfillment
  • Ship using multiple shipping partners with support for partial fulfillment to optimize costs
  • Built-in delivery boy management software to manage vendors’ fleet of delivery agents to ensure faster hyperlocal deliveries 

Pivot to Hybrid Business Models For Growth   

Relying on a single business model for growth is passe. To build a successful B2b marketplace your brand needs to experiment, innovate and adapt continuously to evolving market demands and customer needs. 

Check the graph below which showcases how brands are going with multiple business models simultaneously.

In the fast-evolving ecommerce landscape, it becomes essential for your B2B marketplace brand to thoroughly analyze your customers and markets, and be ready to implement hybrid business models such as D2C, B2C, B2B2C, or other innovative ecommerce approaches to drive growth. 

By implementing new hybrid business models you can diversify your product offerings, expand to new markets or channels and enhance customer engagement. Embracing hybrid models for your enterprise business enables you to stay agile, competitive, and future-proof your business for long-term success.

How StoreHippo Helps

Diversifying your brand to new business models necessitates a B2B marketplace platform like StoreHippo, built on headless architecture with inherent cloud infrastructure, microservices, and API-first architecture. StoreHippo empowers you to craft innovative ecommerce ecosystems tailored to diverse business models. you create innovative ecommerce ecosystems for diverse business models. Here's how StoreHippo’s MACH architecture and 300+ native features for diverse business models help you grow your marketplace brand:

  • Built-in support for a variety of business models like B2C, D2C, B2B2C, hyperlocal ecommerce or any other hybrid business model
  • Manage different business models from one common platform and central admin
  • Build a tailored ecosystem for your hybrid business with 120+ pre-integrations or integrate with your preferred solutions and service providers

Build a Strong Brand Presence with Marketing

Building a strong brand presence for your B2B marketplace needs a multi-pronged approach with a focus on organic marketing that sets your brand apart. By executing SEO, optimisation and content marketing effectively, you strategically position your brand across various digital channels, ensuring a steady influx of traffic.

To build a robust content marketing and SEO strategy you need to create high-quality, relevant content that resonates with your target audience. Also, your content needs to be optimized for search engines to improve visibility and ranking in search results. 

To provide your buyers with valuable information, insights and solutions that address their needs and challenges you can create informative blogs, case studies and whitepapers that establish your brand as an authority in the industry. Also, optimize product descriptions, metadata, and landing pages on your wholesale multi vendor marketplace to improve visibility in search engine results and attract organic traffic.

How StoreHippo Helps

StoreHippo B2B ecommerce solutions enable you to build a robust marketing strategy for growth hacking. Along with a variety of built-in tools StoreHippo also helps you leverage social media channels by integrating seamlessly with all social platforms to reach new audience groups and engage them with targeted content. Here's how StoreHippo’s SEO-friendly platform helps you send out consistent brand messaging:

  • SEO-ready platform with a variety of inbuilt SEO tools like microdata, canonical URLs, redirects, automatic XML sitemap generation, sitemap priority. Seamlessly integrate with your preferred marketing software.
  • Built-in blog engine of the StoreHippo marketplace platform enables you to promote your brand and offering to diverse audiences through tailored content. 
  • A gamut of built-in marketing tools and dynamic marketing pages to create marketing landing pages for targeting different buyer segments on your B2B marketplace

Harness Analytics for Growth

Data is modern-day gold and you can use data from your B2B marketplace  to unlock valuable insights, drive informed decision-making and optimize business performance. Analyzing data not only gives you a better understanding of your customers and business but also enables you to identify gaps and use them for turbocharging your business.

To implement an effective, data-driven and result oriented growth strategy for the enterprise marketplace you would need data from various sources, such as marketplace website traffic, customer interactions, sales transactions, and market trends. Data-driven insights give deeper understanding that facilitate long term business growth. 

To build a successful B2B marketplace identify your customers’ preferences and buying patterns and leverage the data to maximize revenue on different sales channels. Data-driven insights can also help your business to do targeted marketing, improve operational efficiency and enhance customer satisfaction through personalized experience. 

How StoreHippo Helps

StoreHippo B2B ecommerce solutions help you build effective growth strategies for your business with built-in analytics and reporting tools along with seamless integrations with the best analytics tools. Here's how StoreHippo’s enables your enterprise marketplace brand to leverage analytics for growth:

  • Built-in reporting engine that gives comprehensive reports and provides insights into key performance metrics such as sales performance, customer behaviour and product sales trends, enabling you to track your B2B marketplace’s progress and identify areas for improvement. 
  • Seamlessly integrate with Google Analytics and marketing tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Adwords, Tag Manager, etc. for detailed insights about traffic and buyer behaviour.
  • Integrate with third-party analytics tools and solutions to enhance your analytics capabilities and give deeper insights for strategic planning and growth. 

Offer Wow Customer Support

Customer is the King and offering superior customer support sets your B2B marketplace brand apart. Providing excellent service along with quality products and services reinforces a positive image for your brand. Satisfied buyers not only stay loyal to your brand but become your greatest brand ambassadors by promoting your brand among peers and new customers.

Exceptional customer service is the key to setting your enterprise brand apart from the competition by inspiring trust and loyalty in your brand. Even unhappy customers can be turned into loyal buyers through a great support system and dedicated efforts to help your buyers.

To implement wow customer support you need to create a B2B marketplace website that offers timely, personalized and helpful assistance to customers at every touchpoint of their journey. You should also have multiple support channels (like live chat, emails, chatbots etc.) in place to provide quick responses to inquiries and resolve issues promptly. An exceptional customer support demonstrates your enterprise brand’s commitment to delivering exceptional value and service to your B2B clientele.

How StoreHippo Helps

StoreHippo B2B ecommerce solutions empower you to offer unparalleled customer support on your marketplace. Here's how StoreHippo enables you to prioritize customers and achieve long-term success in the competitive B2B landscape :

  • Enables you to integrate a variety of customer support tools, live chat and chatbots to offer multi channel support. Helps you customize your customer dashboard, so buyers can raise a support ticket right from their dashboard.
  • Gives unified notifications ( SMS, push and emails) to connect with buyers during different stages of buying journey
  • Gives you flexibility to create customize customer dashboard and add feature to raise a ticket

Keep Upgrading and Improving

To build a successful B2B marketplace it is essential for your brand to stay competitive and adapt to changing market dynamics quickly. In today's fast-paced ecommerce environment, innovation and evolution are key to maintaining relevance and staying ahead of the curve. 

By making continuous improvement, innovation and adaptation integral parts of your business strategy, you can stay agile and responsive to evolving market demands and customer needs.

When your brand is aligned for continuous improvements you can identify opportunities for enhancement, implement new features on your backend and front end and optimize buyer experiences for better conversions.

You can enhance and upgrade your B2B marketplace in a number of ways by adding new product catalogs, optimizing backend processes, automating repeat tasks, making quick changes to site design for better engagement, adding new customer touchpoints and more. Ongoing improvement in your B2B ecommerce solutions not only make your processes efficient but also helps  you maintain a competitive edge and enhance customer satisfaction which eventually drives growth.  

How StoreHippo Helps

StoreHippo B2B ecommerce solutions keep doing regular platform updates and releases that introduce new features, enhancements and optimizations to improve the functionality and performance of your marketplace. Here's how StoreHippo enables you to stay on top of market changes and build a B2B enterprise brand like no other:

  • Fully hosted and managed B2B marketplace platform to accommodate your business growth
  • Top-notch website speed and performance even if you scale to millions of buyers and products
  • Auto upgrades and agile development to attune your B2B marketplace with changing market and buyer demands


To build a successful B2B marketplace and stay ahead from competitors you don’t need to do countless changes. You just need to do things that make a difference for your buyers and enables your sellers to focus on their business growth. 

From optimizing user experience and offering flexible payments to harnessing analytics and delivering exceptional customer support, every action on your wholesale multi vendor marketplace must align with enhancing value and driving growth. 

With StoreHippo's advanced B2B ecommerce solutions, enterprise B2B brands can streamline operations, expand their reach and foster long-term relationships with customers. By prioritizing innovation, customer satisfaction, and continuous improvement, businesses can carve a niche for their business in the competitive B2B landscape. 

Ready to build a B2B marketplace that establishes yourself as market leader? Power your success journey with StoreHippo B2B ecommerce solutions. Start your 14-day free trial now.

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Invaluable tips for businesses that want to enhance their marketplace’s performance and unique appeal. All 25 ecommerce hacks are well explained.

By: Arjun Mehra
Sep 03, 2024   Reply

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