3 SEO Tips to improve Google ranking of your new online store

By | Sep 14, 2016 | 1849 views |
  • 3 SEO Tips to improve Google ranking of your new online store

Have you recently joined the StoreHippo club of successful online business owners by launching your new online store?
The joy of seeing your dream project finally up and running is incomparable. You are happy,  you chose the flexible, customizable and customer friendly platform that allowed you to create your unique brand by offering 100+ mobile ready themes.
Finally, you have uploaded your product csv file and your online store is all ready to receive footfalls. But, in the initial stages of launching your store, getting traffic and visitors is the greatest challenge.
We all know that competing against big e-commerce brands is not easy and you need some smart marketing tips and understanding of SEO fundamentals to make your online business website successful. Right approach and awareness about the latest SEO trends are essential for the long term success of any webstore.
To help the new members of StoreHippo Club, our team of experts has put together some key SEO tips that would improve the ranking of your newly launched website and help you get more traffic which can be converted into a sale.
Here are the 3 things you should begin with;

1) Think like a customer, Not like a brand owner

We know that the first step towards any website’s SEO is to define the Meta Title and description using appropriate keywords. This basic information is picked by the spiders and dispayed on SERP along with a link to your webpage on relevant searches. However, for a new online store to rank high on SERPs you have to think like a customer not like a brand.
Suppose you are selling fashion clothing for women and your brand is name “Fashion Lady”. A customer is more likely to search for a dress rather than your brand. So, when writing your title and meta, place the brand later and the product description first.
For e.g; Instead of writing “Fashion Lady brings 50% sale on skirts and tops! Buy now!”  go for “Skirts and Tops on 50% sale at Fashion Lady! Buy Now!”. The latter meta would help your webpage rank higher on SERPs and get niche visitors who might end up buying if your product meets their requirements and is affordable.
StoreHippo platform is built with the concept “How E-commerce can benefit entrepreneurs” and hence it provides you an easy to use backend where you can update your meta titles and description in no time.

2) Write your Blog and talk about it

Content is king and we all know how Google loves fresh, unique and informative content. StoreHippo allows every store built on our platform to have a blog section. However, the new online business owners do not use this powerful medium aptly to promote their business. Used efficiently this can lead to the success of your store.
Plan a blog calendar and make out time to write frequent articles and stories on your blog. Use keywords to optimize your blog content. Also use the long tail keywords and other popular search terms for your products in your blog. One of the best tips to sales of your online store is to keep your blog feed buzzing.
To begin with, start with one blog post per week and increase the frequency as your business grows. Promote these blogs on your social media pages and also on other digital channels. This would create awareness about your brand and allow you to talk about your USP and your unique offers.
Your brand will gain popularity when more and more readers read and share your blogs. This would help in getting better traffic and conversion.

3) Link it up for Success

Link building is at the core of successful SEO strategy for every new online store. Links are the routes that lead from various other web pages to a targeted webpage. The more backlinks your site has the more your chances of popularity and being picked up as favorite by Google and other search engines. Without establishing proper links search engine bots are unable to find your online store on the huge world wide web.
Backlinks give credibility to your store and allows your online business to rank on competitive keywords. Use bank links from relevant industry sites and from sites that have strong domain authority. Use guest posting on popular websites, add yourself on popular directories, build relationship with influencers to get quality backlinks for your online business website.
Your blogging strategy can help you here and using your informative blogs you can earn some good backlinks.


Try these tips and boost the visibility and visitors to your webstore built on advanced e commerce platform StoreHippo.
If you need any expert help on SEO, you can use the service of our channel partners who have helped many online store owners to rank high on Google.

Have queries? Feel free to post them in comments below and we would get back to you.

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