5 Ecommerce Woes And The Best Solutions To Handle Them

By | Jun 26, 2018 | views |
  • 5 Ecommerce Woes And The Best Solutions To Handle Them

Don’t we hear a new startup success story every other day? And don’t we so very often also find a new online store marketing its products all over the social channels? Seems like everyone out there suddenly has a novel or a cloned business idea!

Ever wondered why everyone is so keen to create an online store?

The answer is plain and simple!

With the unprecedented boom of global Ecommerce, worldwide etail sales are predicted to reach $4.5 trillion by 2021(Source: Statista).

This is a 3X increase since 2014 when online sales were stood at $1.3 trillion. Isn’t this stupendous growth a reason enough for anyone to try and secure their share of success in this booming industry.


What Nobody Tells You about Online Business

We all know that greater mobile and internet penetration has ensured a steady growth for ecommerce businesses. Also, ecommerce platforms have reduced the go to market time for entrepreneurs as well as enterprise online businesses.

However, while taking a business online is easy making it succeed need insight, strategy and awareness of the possible problems that might limit your growth. It is imperative for every etailer to be aware of these possible pain-points that are not visible during the start of the business but can gradually stall the progress.

To help etailers identify and find a timely solution of the common ecommerce woes, the experts at StoreHippo have listed few points.

5 most bothersome pain-points of Ecommerce along with their solution are:

1. Complicated or Poorly Developed Admin

 The processes needed to run even the most basic online business require multiple steps and can get cumbersome and complicated as the order volume increases. If your ecommerce solution offers a feature-rich Admin that is enabled to handle products, inventory, product variants, order and shipping history, reports and analytics, different user roles for your various team your overall business processes will become streamlined.

On the other hand, a poorly developed admin that requires lots of manual intervention can become one of the biggest ecommerce pain points in the long run. The admin panel that is difficult to understand, learn and operate can cause additional burden as this would require training for every team member.

StoreHippo addresses this problem easily by offering a comprehensive admin that not only allows managing your business easily but also gives you the flexibility be on top of everything with comprehensive custom reports and filters. With the admin app, you can handle your business from anywhere on the go.

2. Limited Payment Channels 

Your online business needs to offer multiple payment options to its customers. The paucity of right channels for payment can result in lost sales and stagnation or decline of your business eventually.

To address this ecommerce pain point you need to offer a host of payment options like COD, bank transfer, online payments with a variety of credit or debit cards. You should also have some international gateways if you plan to take your business to global markets. Along with these, if you have location-based gateways for making multi-currency payments depending on the IP of the customer it becomes easier to get more orders.

StoreHippo addresses this issues by offering 30+ domestic and international payment gateways that can be integrated at discounted TDR rates negotiated especially for StoreHippo clients. It also facilitates payment in multiple currencies which saves the exchange rate for customers and keeps them coming back for repeat orders.

3. Unorganised Logistics

Logistics has the disrepute of being the biggest pain point of ecommerce. The supply chain of any online business forms its backbone and can be the deciding factor between its success or failure. A site with best products and prices might fail to take off if its supply chain is not streamlined.

Online buyers need instant gratification and the sooner they get their orders the happier they feel about the services. With bigger players like Amazon offering faster deliveries for prime customers, buyers are conditioned to receiving orders really quick. To match pace with the industry trend it is imperative that when you create an online store you also focus on having a streamlined supply chain using in-house or third-party logistics partners.

StoreHippo understands the importance of logistics and offers a comprehensive solution with ShipKaro. This shipping aggregator platform enables merchants to choose from the most trusted logistics partners at discounted rates. Etailers can choose multiple suppliers without the hassle of going through the paperwork or hefty upfront payments. The pay as you go model is designed to support every online business irrespective of its size or business model.

4. Marketing that Works

Let’s accept it when you create an online store, nobody notices your brand until you promote and market it aggressively. To stand out in a sea of online stores, you really need to design and position your brand as the one with a difference. Your customers have so many options and to make them stick to the business you need to have a smart marketing strategy and enough tools to implement it.

Online customers loved to be treated specially. For your marketing to work, you need to personalize your campaigns for your prospective buyers. You should have the tools not only to set up promotional and special discount campaigns but your store should also have inbuilt capabilities to engage and convert your customers in real time. Achieving this manually can be a real pain point of ecommerce if you do not have access to comprehensive tools.

StoreHippo offers a host of automated marketing tools that allow etailers to experiment with different marketing mix to maximise their marketing ROI. Powerful discount engine, dynamic pages for quick marketing campaigns, unified notifications in form of emails, SMS, web and mobile push, automated abandoned cart follow up, easy set up of social media channels, marketing tools all together help in removing the marketing bottlenecks.

5. Rigid Ecommerce Platform

Correct me if I am wrong. When you were evaluating ecommerce platforms to create an online store, your prime concern was affordability rather than some high-end features. It is natural for an etailer with limited funds to overlook the rigidity of the platform and get carried away by the basic features at affordable pricing. However, in the long run, this becomes one of the biggest woes, as the one-size-fits-all ecommerce platforms are not equipped to handle your growth.

Ecommerce is one of the most dynamic and rapidly changing industries. Hence it is imperative for an ecommerce platform to be flexible enough to accommodate the various changes of a business in due course of time. If the platform cannot handle the new requirements migration remains as the only option.

StoreHippo ecommerce platform is built on the premise that each business is unique. With flexibility at its core, it has many features that handle the common ecommerce pain points effortlessly. The platform can be tweaked in and out according to the needs of a business thus making it a stay on platform. With many inbuilt features like multi-vendor, multi-store, multilingual, B2B etc. it accommodates the growth of a business.


Ecommerce can be a rewarding endeavour for you if you have analyzed its potential bottlenecks and carefully planned to overcome them. While making the blueprint of your online business do factor in the above points so you don’t have to deal with the common ecommerce pain points that might stall your growth.

StoreHippo has helped many online businesses overcome these ecommerce woes. If you are also facing any of these issues just drop us a mail at [email protected] and one of our team members will contact you with a solution.

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