5 Must Have Billing And Invoicing Features In The Best Ecommerce Platform

By | May 23, 2021 | 2 Comments | 850 views |
  • 5 Must Have Billing And Invoicing Features In The Best Ecommerce Platform

The cliché about the world not beating a path to your door seems to be doubly true when it is regarding the people who owe you money. 

If you don’t track your payments, then your customers won’t ever rush to fork it over on their own. This is where billing and invoicing have utmost importance. It can eliminate a lot of pain of billing processes to speed up your payment tasks and manage compliances without any hassles.

Talking about ecommerce business, your whole business revolves around getting paid for the online orders, billing and invoicing the products for your vendors. You need a dedicated software that automates your billing and invoicing work. If you are already a business owner, then you know it is important that the invoicing is done correctly so that the customer pays your bills. 

Let’s understand the features you will need in your ecommerce platform to handle the billing and invoice business functions.

5 Must have billing and invoicing features

1. Inbuilt customizable invoicing for online vendors

Invoices are much more than generating receipts and getting paid. The well-built personalized invoices are important for record keeping, communicating with the customers, serves as a paper trail, and integrates well with your financial workflows. 

Invoices are one of the important aspects of online business, especially in context to your vendors and suppliers. Coupled with the fact that taxation in the ecommerce industry is territory specific, you need customized invoice support. Rather than creating a one-for-all receipts, the customized invoices help in strengthening your relationships and saves a lot of time too.

Using the best ecommerce platform for invoice generation is a no-brainer. It takes the heat off in maintaining the accuracy in inventory, helps in tracking purchases, sales, and accounting. The customized invoices help you to create template-based, detailed, and professional-looking invoices that can be directly sent to your vendors without any hassles. With the full-fledged invoice support of StoreHippo, you can generate ready-made invoice templates for all your orders. And creating custom invoices is also very easy by editing the field of existing invoice templates. The invoice numbers can also be entered manually or automatically for all your invoices with minimal time and efforts.

2. Bulk invoice support

Running an online store seems to be easy to customers but there are many back-end processes that need to be followed regularly. When selling and purchasing happens online, it is imperative to understand the implications of bulk invoices in the ecommerce industry.

Billing and invoices are the primary activities for B2B companies because you can’t get paid if you don’t send the right invoices for the rendered services. Many B2B store owners struggle with the everyday hassle of invoicing and manage the invoicing of your vendors on a regular basis. You cannot afford to waste your time and efforts by making manual invoices, updating excel sheets and downloading individual receipts.

If this sounds to be your situation, you have come to the right place. StoreHippo takes the idea of bulk invoicing forward to comply with your business policy, standards, and guidelines. It enables you to manage all your ecommerce invoices at one place, opt for batch invoices, generate all invoices in one-go and a lot more. With these amazing features of StoreHippo, it gets easier for you to manage multiple orders and invoices in a few clicks. 

3. GST compliant invoices

With the tremendous growth of ecommerce in India, more and more people are buying and selling online. But at the same time, running an online business requires you to stay updated with the latest rules and regulations pertaining to the industry. GST compliant invoicing is one of the most important aspects you need to consider while running an online business in India. 

Also, the regular dealing with vendors and suppliers require compliant billing and invoicing support. And it got even more important to prepare GST compliant invoices. Today, GST has sorted out all the mess with the proper rules and procedures for ecommerce portals and its sellers. However, it is not feasible to manage GST compliant invoices without proper ecommerce software support. The best ecommerce platform like StoreHippo can be a great solution for your business. With a powerful tax engine, you can easily create GST compliant invoices, update them, and share them. StoreHippo offers GST compliant invoice templates and indicates various tax components separately like SGST, IGST, CGST. 

4. Multi-Currency invoices

Going global is not just a trend. It is now an easy way for online businesses to remain competitive in the ecommerce space. It helps you to gain access to new markets, increasing revenues, and growing teams. But going global requires you to use the best ecommerce platform to support your international business.

The stores dealing with multiple currencies need an ecommerce platform that allows displaying product prices in different countries and currencies. Like, StoreHippo offers an easy to set up and update the prices in your online store according to the current exchange rate automatically. The multi-currency features along with other global features aid your global business processes. At the same time, it also simplifies the invoicing process by converting all the amounts automatically according to prevailing currency rates. The multi-currency billing features enable you to cater to clients from different countries by creating an invoice for their orders in their preferred currency.   

5. Multi-tier taxation support

Getting on the ecommerce bandwagon is an obvious decision but you need to manage the running costs, revenues, invoicing, taxation, and much more. Now, the government has also allowed Foreign Direct Investments to promote ecommerce marketplace business models in India. While the number of online businesses and sellers have increased significantly, GST has specifically come out with the taxation rules and regulations for this segment.

The management of various taxes and levies applicable to online business can create a lot of hassles for your business. Not anymore with the end-to-end multi-tier taxation support of the best ecommerce platform. You can easily embrace the GST rules and taxation without any accounting hassles. StoreHippo offers a multi-tier tax engine that calculates tax at multiple levels based on the seller location and products.

Why choose StoreHippo for best-in-class billing and invoicing support?

It is the time you need to realize that all your customers deserve stupendous shopping experience and your business deserves hassle-free billing and invoicing support. Today, even a small business needs to ensure their billing and accounting system works well for your business. And most importantly, your online store is not of any use if you can’t get paid.

StoreHippo gives you the most comprehensive tools and features to help you with your business dreams. The must-have features of StoreHippo ensure that you get the billing and invoicing support to suit your company and customer’s needs.

Want to experience the ease of invoicing for your business?  Start StoreHippo’s 14-day free trial store and explore the advantages of our platform.

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These billing and invoicing features are must have if you have an online store as they make the business transactions so much easier. Very informative blog and useful tips for anyone who wants to start or already has their online store

By: Dorota Hobbs
Feb 24, 2023   Reply

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Hi Dorota, thanks for appreciating our blog on 5 Must Have Billing And Invoicing Features In The Best Ecommerce Platform. If you need our help setting up an online store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Feb 23, 2023

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E Commerce or electronic Commerce a terminology that was once a jargon with very limited understanding among the populace, be it academia or industry. It has roughly been 8 -10 years that this jargon has become almost a household topic of conversation across all sections of urban India so much so that everybody seems to be an expert on the subject. But hey, stop for a while, take a step back and think. Is it that easy? I guess not! Just like any other subject like physics and mathematics e-commerce also requires an in-depth understanding and study of the subject if you want to be really called an expert.

By: Akshat Mishra
Jun 26, 2021   Reply

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"Thank you Suman, we appreciate your insights. Keep looking out for more information on billing and invoicing related topics on our StoreHippo blog." StoreHippo Team - Jun 27, 2021

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