5 Powerful Features Of StoreHippo Ecommerce Solutions To Grow Your Online Business

By | Updated Date : Oct 06, 2021 | 4 Comments | 1479 views | Oct 06, 2021
  • 5 Powerful Features Of StoreHippo Ecommerce Solutions To Grow Your Online Business


Sadly, for some ecommerce businesses it is a reality. They lose online customers, revenue and the opportunity to grow their brand. 

Why? Because they don’t realize the value of creating a phenomenal customer experience in their ecommerce store. 

To some extent, the credit for this failure goes to inefficient ecommerce solutions that offer imcompetent, old school and purposeless features, resulting in less than zero returns on investment. 

Choosing the right ecommerce platform can make or break your business. That's why we introduced the most essential and future-friendly features in our ecommerce solution ~ StoreHippo, keeping in mind the present and future needs of businesses. So get ready to explore advanced features made to scale your ecommerce business? 

Let’s start with what buyers demand from your ecommerce store. Here are most high rated qualities buyer want:  

And the list changes from people to people, but these are critical ones to focus on. Now you have to see what particular features, in your ecommerce solution, will help you in accomplishing these (and other) customer demands. 

I know you might have certain questions popping in your mind like ~  “what are the best ecommerce features?”, “How will these help the business grow?”, “Would these help in  improving my ecommerce operations, revenue and customer experience?”

Find the answers in the next section, that contain 5 groundbreaking features of StoreHippo, their benefits and how top ecommerce companies are leveraging these worldwide.

Growing your ecommerce business made easy with StoreHippo

1. Features to personalize customer experience- Omnichannel Commerce 

Here I welcome you with a question - As a customer, what kind of personalization do you expect? If I have to answer, then there's a lot of things(considering my demanding behaviour) , they are:

  • Personalized emails and app notifications

  • Product recommendations based on browsing history

  • Auto detection of location and currency 

  • Personalized homepage feed

  • Personalization across various channels and devices, etc. 

Let’s put the former question in this way i.e. “What are the things that hamper your shopping experience? ~ Once you list down the problem areas you experience, you get answers to the former question.  

What's the solution?

A personalized customer experience comes with a well planned omnichannel ecommerce approach backed by a powerful headless technology. 

Benefits of Omnichannel ecommerce personalization 

  • Increases the customer engagement, purchase orders, and lifetime value of a customer

  • Personalize the entire shopping experience across channels and devices used by the customer, from browsing to order delivery


Omnichannel shoppers have a comparatively greater lifetime value of 30% than shoppers who only rely on one channel (Google

Moreover, businesses with extremely strong omnichannel customer engagement have witnessed a 9.5% spike in their annual revenue (Aberdeen Group)

Give Omnichannel personalization with Storehippo ecommerce solution

1. Hyper local ecommerce

To appeal to local audiences living in a country or region, storeHippo offers a plethora of features for localized shopping experience

  • Location-based stores: Create multiple storefronts for different segments of audience.Enable faster and direct delivery from the retailer to your customers by creating dealer specific sub-stores for selected locations.
  • Automatic order routing: Implement automatic geolocation detection and order assignment for quick deliveries and effortless management. 

Example: If store 1 is 10 km and Store B is 5 km away from the buyer’s location, then assigning order to the nearest store will cut the delivery time and enhance customer satisfaction.

  • Localized marketing offers: StoreHippo gives you the functionality to set location based offers, discounts, advertisements and Coupons.

  • Location-based product catalog: Let’s assume, you have a grocery store in India, delivering to 50+ cities. You don’t offer dairy products in Delhi, whereas you offer them in Mumbai. What you can do is create a unique product catalogue in Storehippo ecommerce solution based on their availability in different locations. 

2. Headless eCommerce

StoreHippo’s headless ecommerce solution makes online shopping smooth across multiple channels, by binding these channels together for a connected experience. These channels can be ~ website, social media ad, mobile app, in-store, live chat, etc.

How headless architecture helps your business?

  • Easily customize your themes, checkouts, order process, product catalogue and other functionalities without touching the backend code

  • Storehippo headless architecture uses 300+ API endpoints to give a seamless shopping experience to customers across multiple touch points

  • Use of digital devices (mobile, smart watches, voice assistant, etc) during shopping will impact 58% of brick-n-mortar store sales by 2022. Headless commerce will ensure that you never miss on this revenue generation opportunity

  • Headless technology will also reduce the time to market by building rapid front-end experiences for new channels, devices or markets

How brands are using omnichannel e-commerce aproach

Let us consider for example popular luxury cosmetics ecommerce brands that are setting new standards in omnichannel ecommerce. Many such brands are using an AR (augmented reality) fitting room and Color IQ on their app, through which customers can scan their skin to buy the perfect foundation. If you are a girl, then you know the pain of buying foundation online.

In stores, Beauty Advisors scan every product they use in makeovers. Post that, Sephora emails a log to the customer, for the sake of simplifying the recreation part by self.

The site grabs the visitor’s location data to show the nearest store as well as which in-store services are currently available. Sephora’s innovative chatbot feature is AI-driven which is equivalent to a skilled salesperson, providing product advice and personalized recommendations.

2. Feature to grow revenue from mobile devices- Mobile Commerce

As the sale of smartphones has been soaring, online shopping via mobiles is also boosting. Good news is ~ mobile commerce sales is expected to amount to $3.56 trillion in 2021—22.3 percent more than the $2.91 trillion it registered in 2021 (Statista). 

Consumers use mobile devices in a myriad of ways, from making payments and managing loyalty cards to communicating with customer service agents and visualizing products. The growth in mobile commerce is pushing online retailers to create mobile friendly websites and apps to strengthen their omnichannel approach and tap monetary advantage.

That’s why storehippo gives you mobile commerce features to personalize your store for different segments of customers. 

1. Fast loading PWA sites

A quicker website, a responsive page, speedy checkouts  all of these are important to mobile buyers. Accomplish their demands with StoreHippo PWA technology. Progressive web apps(PWA) is technology employed by StoreHippo to build ecommerce websites that perform like mobile apps. 

Benefits of PWA sites:

  • SEO benefits: Google prefers mobile versions of a website to index and rank in their SERP (a.k.a mobile first indexing). PWA will help in quick indexing and may increase your visibility on search engines

  • Faster Sites: With updated HTML5 competence and MEAN- Mobile-first MEAN stack architecture, PWA sites load 4 times faster than common mobile or desktop sites. Thus, giving better fast browsing and checkouts experience

  • Offline Caching: Caching accelerates the site speed, which in turn, reduces the barriers to checkouts, promotes longer time on site, and offers a seamless experience, even in slow internet

Cross-Device Compatibility: Save time and effort by using the same code for Android and iOS versions of your ecommerce site. The same code works on any device giving a seamless experience irrespective of the device and its screen size 

2. Mobile App

Easily build future-ready Android and iOS apps. straight from your Storehippo admin panel. For example, if you operate in India well as Canada, you can create 2 apps for both types of audiences like ~ ecommercestore.co.in(India) and ecommercestore.ca (Canada)

Benefits of mobile apps: 

  • App is a high value marketing channel that enhances the loyalty of customers over time. So after building apps, make sure you promote them via Google Ads, Facebook Ads, etc

  • Increases customer experience and their order value through facilities like fast loading pages, app-only discounts/coupons, better search and navigation, more personalized product recommendation, AI powered shopping, etc

  • Mobile responsive Themes: Storehippo let’s you choose from a wealth of built-in themes that impresses tours website visitors and also helps you to customize themes. What’s more amusing? You get a drag and drop feature using which you can design a perfect layout within minutes by orchestrating the elements without any coding knowledge

Unique qualities of Storehippo’s responsive theme:

  • Mix and Match Two Themes: Build attractive and sales friendly website design by blending and matching the aesthetics of old themes into new one

  • Switch between themes: Let me introduce you to one insane benefit of having multiple themes ~ flexibility to change website’s design anytime in a single click from one theme to another

  • Save time with developer friendly UI: Your developers can effortlessly edit the HTML to change existing widgets or add a new widget with StoreHippo’s programming support

  • Translation Support: Quickly and easily change all your site content and CTA buttons in your preferred language (including RTL languages like Arabic, Hebrew etc.)

3. Feature for fast checkouts and streamline deliveries

The ingredient list for perfect checkouts includes ~ omnichannel payment methods, flawless shipping partner, single or multi page checkouts, guest checkouts, fast payment processing, abandon cart emails(in case customers left). 

Want to create phenomenal checkouts? StoreHippo ecommerce platform lets you do that with the help of elite features listed below. 

1. Integrated payment channels

Mobile wallets, credit cards, debit cards, COD and net banking, are you missing any one of them as an ecommerce payment method? If yes, then it’s time to get them because ~  in 2020, digital and mobile wallets accounted for 45% of global ecommerce payment transactions. Whereas credit cards, debit cards and bank transfer hold 23%, 12% and 8% of transaction share, respectively. As far as COD is concerned, the share stands 3.3% worldwide.  (Statista)

To keep you above every trend, StoreHippo ecommerce solution offers 60+ payment gateways for domestic and international customers that you can integrate at ZERO additional cost. Here are some cool features: 

  • COD and offline payment support for customers who want to pay in cash or through any offline method. 

  • Get location based gateways to increase a conversion rate in a specific area.

  • International Gateways to reach global markets and reap monetary benefits from various flourishing economies.

  • Get discounted processing fees on each transaction via StoreHippo’s integrated payment gateways.

  • Get flexibility to create customized checkout flow for buyers either with a single page or multiple page checkout.

2. Shipping solutions

To make sure your customer gets their order fast and timely, StoreHippo ecommerce solution gives you a bunch of integrated shipping partners that can efficiently manage deliveries with minimal errors, provide economical shipping rates and are easy to set-up. 

  • Automated Logistics Process: Tired of eying on every single delivery and manual order management? Automate your entire logistics tasks like -
      • Bulk importing orders

      • Fabricating delivery rates

      • Shooting confirmation mails and delivery updates to customers

      • Tracing orders

      • Generating shipping labels

      • Order fulfillment

Save time and devote it to something more important i.e. building customer experience, brand awareness and revenue.

  • Delivery anywhere: Want to sell to new markets and audiences? Storehippo delivery solutions let you do that by offering shipping to 27000+ PIN codes in India as well as to other foreing nations

  • Compare Prices And Choose: Optimize your shipping costs by comparing your e-commerce logistics partners delivery charges and choosing the most economical one. Save shipping costs by choosing the best-fit shipping partners for every order.

3. Delivery boy module

Manage your deliveries agents efficiently right from your StoreHippo inbuilt delivery management software. Here are its benefits:

  • Use StoreHippo delivery mobile app for delivery boys for friction free order delivery management

  • Create separate login for each delivery boy so that they can easily login, check and deliver orders as assigned to them

  • Use notifications to assign orders to delivery boys

  • Give them accurate information about order items, delivery address, name, and contact details via app for error-free deliveries

  • Give flexibility to delivery boys to update orders status themselves.

Fast search navigation: Create better navigation during checkouts with search functionality in Storehippo. With this, buyers can fluidly go back and forth to add more items or review current item details.

4. Abandoned cart

Leaving shopping carts during checkouts has become a common roadblock for ecommerce retailers. That’s why pitching an abandoned cart email is critical to bring back customers and reclaim the lost revenue. One study also proves that shooting abandoned cart emails within 24 hours recovers 60% of lost sales 

4. Advanced marketing features 

Realize your goals of ranking your site on Google, increasing site traffic, maximising ROI on digital ads with StoreHippo marketing tools. Let’s unravel these marketing tools and technologies that you get in our ecommerce platform.

1. SEO tools

You can build unique URLs, optimize content, write Meta title and Meta description, update Meta tags and keywords, set canonical URLs  right from the dashboard within  a few clicks. Storehippo uses advanced technology like SPA, MEAN stack, global CDN and offline caching to provide fast and SEO friendly sites that frees SEO experts from manual testing

2. Unified notifications

Construct stronger relationships with your customers by sending personalized notifications in the form of Emails, SMS, app alerts and web notifications. Keep users attached to your brand by pitching the right notification at the right time

Example: Send automatic notification about order confirmation, delivery status, promotion/sale, items price drop, order completion, abandoned cart, submitting a review, etc 

3. Email marketing support

Start launching email marketing campaigns by easily installing email softwares plugins like Mailchimp, Sendgrid and many other efficient softwares to StoreHippo ecommerce platform. Build long-lasting relationships with customers by keeping them informed about offers, sales, orders, deliveries, memberships, etc through personalized emails

4. Social media integration

Integrate your social media pages like Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, etc with your website for smooth transition from between platforms

5. Discount engine

Set different types of discounts like ~ store based discounts, location based discounts, device based discounts, time specific discounts, seller specific discount, order based discount, etc with inbuilt discount engine tool

Also, you can create coupons especially during checkouts to upsell and cross-sell, and attract customers to add more items in order to use coupons. Example: Get additional 30% off on cart value above 2500. 

6. Easy integration

Integrate your site with tools like Google Adwords, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Tag Manager, etc to bind organic and paid activities and monitor their results

7. Dynamic marketing pages

Want to increase customer engagement? Easy! Create conversion-friendly landing pages, sales forms, promo pages with dynamic page functionality. You can place relevant content, products and other elements directly from the database

5. Features to grow your business globally

Do the products you sell have an enormous demand in foreign countries? Do you have a marketing plan to hinge on? Great! The only thing left is to implement useful features for seamless buying and selling overseas.

Pro tip: Before going global, do research on a specific country’s culture, buying motivation and trends, preferred buying channel and device, purchasing power and more. This will assist you in tailoring your ecommerce store, accordingly.

1. Multilingual ecommerce

Expand your market presence by translating your ecommerce website to 100+ languages, including RTL languages like Arabic, Hebrew etc. Welcome more and more customers by automatic translation of content 

2. Multi-Currency support

In StoreHippo, you get access to unlimited currencies popular across the world, so that you can ensure seamless checkout in your customers' preferred currency.

  • Automated Currency Rates: Avoid the manual tasks of cross-checking currency fluctuations and updating rates in the frontend. StoreHippo’s distinct technology will automatically do that for you on a regular basis.
  • Invoice Support: Generate invoices in the desired currency with full invoice support for multiple currencies.
  • Set Currency Format: Get support for currency rounding off currency value as well as currency format. Set different rounding rules on different currencies for real-time currency conversion.
  • In-built currency types. No need to use any additional plugin or app for using the currency conversion feature. Full support for currency conversion in themes as well.

3. Global payment gateways

Storehippo ecommerce solution has over 60 national and international Payment Gateways that are 100% secure i.e. they are PCI-DSS compliant


Now, I know what you're thinking, "Features like that aren't free. How much will this actually cost me?" Well, StoreHippo offers multiple plans tailored to your ecommerce business requirements. You can choose any one from our plans and can build an online store within a few days. Wait there's more to listen.

StoreHippo gives a 14 days free trial to its exclusive features which you can experience in real time and can gauge its success in meeting your ecommerce solution goals.

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Wow, I just read the blog on the 5 powerful features of StoreHippo ecommerce solutions, and I must say it's impressive! The scalability and customization options mentioned are exactly what an online business needs to grow. I can't wait to explore these features and take my business to the next level.

By: Gopal Malik
Jul 04, 2023   Reply

Replies :
Hi Gopal, thanks for appreciating our blog on 5 Powerful Features Of StoreHippo Ecommerce Solutions To Grow Your Online Business. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Jul 03, 2023

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I found the blog to be enjoyable to read due to the engaging writing style and the clear presentation of information.

By: Rudra Acharya
Mar 29, 2023   Reply

Replies :
Hi Rudra, thanks for appreciating our blog on 5 Powerful Features Of StoreHippo Ecommerce Solutions To Grow Your Online Business. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Mar 28, 2023

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This blog offers a detailed description on the features that can help an ecommerce business grow. some of these are often missed. Thank you for such an elaborative explanation

By: Aditi Sharma
Oct 17, 2022   Reply

Replies :
Hi Aditi, thanks for appreciating our blog on 5 Powerful Features Of StoreHippo Ecommerce Solutions To Grow Your Online Business. If you need our help setting up an online store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Oct 16, 2022

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When taking help of an ecommerce solution to set up an online store, one needs to look out for certain important and non negotiable features. As from the article it can be seen that StoreHippo offers all the required functionalities to set up and run an online store. I will definitely want to give this platform a try for my online fashion brand.

By: Vikram Seth
Aug 19, 2022   Reply

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