5 Tips to Help you Build your own E-commerce Website Without Wasting Time

By |Updated Date : Feb 27, 2019 | 1 Comments | 1831 views | May 09, 2016
  • 5 Tips to Help you Build your own E-commerce Website Without Wasting Time

Have you ever thought of earning a few extra bucks along with your regular 9 to 5 job? Do you dream of turning your passion into a profession? Have you ever tried taking the idea forward and have worked on a plan to build your own e-commerce website for selling a niche product or service?

If YES, how is your business doing?

Were you able to launch your business or did you drop the idea after struggling with multiple iterations of development cycle?

Are you affirming the latter? Did your e-commerce business fail to see the light of the day because development sapped all your budget and time? Were so busy handling the development issues that you simply couldn’t focus on business development and marketing?

Sounds familiar? You also prepared a business plan but left it midway after facing hiccups in sourcing products? Well, talk to anyone who tried starting an online business and the same story echoes.

So many businesses are dropped midway because the entrepreneurs do not find an easy and fast solution to market their product or services. But you need not to be one amongst them as you can ACTUALLY build your own e-commerce website without wasting time.

How to start an online business successfully!

Starting an online business is hard work and needs lots of juggling. However, this becomes much easier and faster if every aspect of the business is well planned and you know how to move ahead on a well-charted course of action.

Wondering what should be the action plan for launching your business. Let’s try to answer the five basic questions that will help you in launching your e-commerce business in no time:

Which Product or Service to choose?

To begin with, you need to answer this most basic question. This one is a tough nut to crack as it is highly likely that you come up with ideas that are already a success. There is no harm in pursuing an already successful business idea but you need to thoroughly evaluate the product opportunities and its future market. However, with a little research and brainstorming, you can come up with a novel idea with a twist. If you build your own e-commerce website and execute your marketing plan strategically, you can overcome competition and create a niche market for it.

After finalizing the product and evaluating its market prospects you should focus on sourcing the product. Alternatively, you can choose to manufacture the product or decide between a combination of both these options.

How to prepare for your e-commerce business?

The best way to learn the tips and tricks of any business is by researching your competition. This will give you clear insights of where you are headed and who is pitted against you. Also, you can learn from their mistakes and get ideas to fill the gaps wherever you find any.

The best way to do this is by researching your competitor’s website, its design, navigation, products, services, logistics and everything in between with a tester’s zeal. If you are able to carry on this activity diligently before you build your own e-commerce website, you will know the exact do’s and don’ts of your business.

Based on your research prepare a detailed business plan that covers every aspect of your business. Once your plan is in place go ahead and complete the formalities of registering your business.

How to give a name to your dream e-commerce business?

Deciding a name that is catchy and also in line with the product you have planned to sell is another major decision. Once you have finalized the name of your business you should choose an SEO friendly and memorable domain name for launching your webstore.

Remember this name should be able to convey the essence of your business and should not be too long or too difficult to recall. After finalizing the domain name, spend some time on visualizing the design and layout that will build your own e-commerce website. Also, get a simple and meaningful logo designed that will become the identity of your brand.

As soon as these basics are done begin the SEO for your website so that your site is optimized for Google and you start getting organic traffic to your store.

How to build a technologically advanced store?

Building a store is not enough in today’s competitive and fast-changing e-commerce environment. To give a competitive edge to your business your store should be built on blazing fast technology stack. Also, when building your own e-commerce website it should have the capability to perform well on multiple mobile devices. Getting the advantage of technology is easy by opening your store with our SaaS-based mobile ready E-commerce platform StoreHippo. You can begin a 14-day FREE trial today and take your business online in 3 easy steps. 

Once your e-commerce website is ready to begin uploading products and images and optimize the content and description to get the best SEO results.

If you face any difficulty at any step of your store set up our support team is always ready to guide you through it.

How to launch your e-commerce business and get your first order?

Before launching your product engage actively on social media and other platforms to create curiosity about your brand and products. In parallel, prepare your shipping and logistics plan and streamline operations by placing a few mock orders to close friends or relatives. This exercise can lay bare operational issues and loopholes and would allow you to plug them in time.

With all the things in place to build your own e-commerce website you are ready for the DAY to let is go live! With the launch going well, all you have to do is to wait for that very first order on your site.

Finally, the day arrives when you get your first real order!

Hurray… the journey begins!

With ShipKaro , a StoreHippo’s initiative to offer discounted and wide coverage logistics services it's super easy to pack and parcel your orders to your clients.

Road to a successful e-commerce business

Launching your online business is a juggling act which involves lots of planning and balancing. However, by choosing the best e-commerce platform StoreHippo you can leave the technology aspect to us and focus on business development and marketing.

So what are you waiting for? Build your own e-commerce website and get ready to scale new heights of success with your online business!

Need additional inputs on launching your business? Leave your queries in the comments section given below or Book a demo and we would get back to you.

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Hello, I m. Planning to start a spectacle, sunglasses, contact lenses. Online store. But I don't know. How and whom to deal for logistic or packaging... Please let me know about some good... Thanks

By: Cosmi Bora
Mar 04, 2019   Reply

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