5 Tips to prepare your online retail store for better conversion during festive season sale

By | Oct 25, 2016 | 70 views |
  • 5 Tips to prepare your online retail store for better conversion during festive season sale

Festive season sale, the time of the year when every online retailer waits with baited breath to see the traffic swell and cash counters go ringing.

This is the story every year, right? Don’t you want to see something better? How about raking in record breaking profit? How about increasing your average order value ? Wouldn’t you love to see your sales figure break all the past records?
Interested, aren’t you!

To help you make the most of this online shopping frenzy of holiday buyers, StoreHippo experts have put together a point wise guide for boosting your sales. Keep reading to learn;

Related Read: 5 Reasons to launch your new online store during festive season sale

1. Let your store reflect the Festive mood

Happiness is infectious and we tend to indulge ourselves when we are in happy mood. Festivals make us happy and make us  spend and indulgence beyond our budget.

Set up a festive mood on your store by making theme and background that reflects the festive spirit. Use bright festive colors and add some symbols that are associated with a given festival. For e.g; Diyas for Diwali, Santa Claus for Christmas, Colors for Holi can make your website theme look more welcoming and in tune with the festive mood.

Prepping up and decorating your site for the festivities will go a long way in engaging your customers and converting them better. Influence the online shopping behavior of your customers by gently pushing them towards indulging and buying more by adding a festive twist to your store’s theme.

Related Read: 7 Impressive trends of Indian e-commerce festive sales

2. Offer Gift Packs for Every Budget

We love to give and receive gifts during the festive season. There is a sizeable portion of buyers who save throughout the year to spend their savings on gifts during the festive season.

You can easily turn this customer behavior pattern to your benefit and boost your e commerce store’s sales. Create bundles of products for every budget and advertise them together at a discounted price to attract customers during the festive season sale.

For example, if you are selling fashion clothing and accessories, sell a festive look complete with footwear, fashion jewelry, handbag etc.

Analyze your customer age group and their average order value and make product bundles in different price ranges for each group. You can also cross sell by showing additional products related to your product bundle. You can offer perfume or cosmetics with the clothes and accessories in the above example.

Setting up such offers saves your customers search time and they usually tend to buy more than they had planned.

Related Read: It’s time for Online Sellers to gear up for the festive season

3. Set up special promo codes

One of the most reliable tips to sales of your online store is to set up limited period promo codes for holiday season. Since customers are buying more than their average ticket size they grab every opportunity to save that additional discount.

Offer time limited discounts, additional discounts on a bigger order value, freebies on purchase of certain selected products and so on. Spoil your customer with special offers and watch a spike in your sales.

Related Read: 5 Tips to make the festive season sale on your online store a smashing hit!

4. Offer faster deliveries

A large number of festive shoppers keep postponing the shopping till the last moment to get the best of deals. Offer faster logistics solution for ecommerce by offering same day shipping overnight shipping or free shipping to convert such shoppers.
Even the regular holiday shopper who buys well in advance prefers faster shipping so that the order is available during the festivals.

They are even ready to pay more for improved and faster deliveries.

Also, prepare a smooth return and replacement policy to handle your returns. By handling returns in a planned manner you can actually upsell and also win  loyal customers. A satisfied customer guarantees more sales in future by order frequently and also spreading word of mouth about your online retail store.

Related Read: 5 Tips to get best fulfillment from Courier Service for E-commerce

5. Explore every marketing channel

Marketing is crucial for the success of your holiday promotions. You need to create a buzz around the special offers, discounts and other value added benefits provided by your web store. To maximize your reach you should contact your customers using the following channels:

Email  campaigns

  • Use email campaigns to target your registered customers by sending special offers.
  • Target abandoned cart customers with festive season sale offers.
  • Push the customers’ wish list through emails offering promo codes for quick purchase.

Social Media

  • Decorate your social media pages
  • Offer contests and giveaways
  • Offer freebies for referring friends
  • Distribute coupons for every ticket size say , 10% off on order value of Rs.1000 or more, 15% off for order worth Rs.2000 or more etc.

Tie ups with partners and influencers

  • Connect with related business partners and influencers
  • Ask business partners to promote your products on their website and you also promote their product in return.
  • Use industry influencers to post blog, video or other material promoting your online web store and give them special promotional offers to distribute amongst their audience.

Related Read: How to optimize website content to be on top of Google


Be prepared for the holiday rush and use  these tips to attract, engage and convert better during this holiday season.
Bonus Tip from StoreHippo Experts:

Do not miss to fine tune your webstore for mobile channel traffic. The latest trends are clear indicators that mobile traffic accounts for 50-80% holiday sales online multiseller marketplaces and websites.

If you want to learn any more tips from StoreHippo eCommerce platform experts let us know in comments below.

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