5 Ways To Sell Better On Your Enterprise Ecommerce Store

By | May 27, 2021 | 1 Comments | 520 views |
  • 5 Ways To Sell Better On Your Enterprise Ecommerce Store

What are the top challenges you face while selling on enterprise ecommerce stores? We believe there are 5 main factors that pose challenges to enterprise business. 

  • Ever-increasing competition

  • Changing customer expectations & online shopping behaviour

  • Market fluctuation

  • Large customer data 

  • Segmentation of customer data    

To effectively fulfil the growing need of customers and markets, your enterprise ecommerce store needs a new approach to dealing with new changes.  

Here are some basic and popular techniques to drives sales and customers-

If you have already spent hours working on the above techniques and didn’t see much impact, then shift to advanced ecommerce techniques. So below are some futuristic and lesser-known techniques to attract new customers and retain customers. Let’s uncover them.

5 Unique ways to sell better on your enterprise ecommerce store

1. Content personalization

In the world of ecommerce, you have many ways to do personalization. It can be done through product  recommendations or sending relevant notifications, or creating dynamic landing pages, or showing personalized ads or sending emails unique customer preferences.

By providing relevant content to users, increasing customer engagement will become easy. To offer personalization, you will need the following customer data -

  • Location 

  • Device and operating system

  • Shopping channel

  • Buyers interest 

  • Buying history 

  • CRM data

To accurately collect data, you generally need the best ecommerce platform, CRM system, and some third-party analytics software. 

How can you personalize content using StoreHippo?

To enhance customer experience through personalization, StoreHippo gives a product recommendation widget in all of its themes. Through this option, you can offer product recommendations based on customer buying behavior or past purchase history.

You also get rich marketing tools through which you can personalize your marketing message across various channels. Such as-

  • Unified notification feature

This includes push notifications, email notifications, SMS notifications to alert users about the latest offers, or events.

  • Dynamic marketing pages

USe these features to create custom pages that target a set of the customer (who shares similar purchase preferences).

Generate discounts, coupon codes, loyalty points for each individual based on their past purchase data.

2. Search engine optimization 

Want to rank on the first pages of Google? Want to increase website traffic and orders? Then optimize your website for search engines. When customers search on Google or any other SE, they know their needs.

Thus, SEO is the best way to increase your brand visibility and customer conversion overtime. 

Best practices for enterprise-level SEO

  • Offer seamless navigation

Interlink the category and product pages, identifying broken links, follow a URL structure and implementing breadcrumbs for effortless browsing. 

  • Keyword research

Pick the keywords that are relevant to your products and have the potential to bring conversions. Use keyword research tools like Google keywords planner, Ubersuggest, etc for accurate selection of keywords. These tools tell you the search volume, ranking difficulty, and competition level of selected keywords. 

  • Write blogs

Introduce a blog strategy in current SEO plan. Blog is the fastest way to bring visitors and convert them into regular paying customers. 

How to increase web traffic with the StoreHippo SEO tool? 

To support your growth goals, StoreHippo offers inbuilt SEO tools to reach new customers and increase online visibility. Besides, you also get a blog engine where you can launch your own blog and help customers by writing educational articles. 

3. Omnichannel selling approach

Shoppers who use multiple channels to complete a purchase have a 30% higher lifetime value than the customer who uses only one shopping channel. 

A strong omnichannel approach will drive revenue, customer trust, develop strong customer relationship and 

How to create a perfect omnichannel experience?

  • Gather customer data

Understand customer pain points, purchase cycle preferred shopping channels, purchase history, etc.

  • Identify customer touch points

Gather answers to questions like- What channels customer uses for shopping? Which channel do they prefer the most? 

Why is it important: Because 90% of consumers expect a brand to give a seamless experience across all the channels.

  • Deliver personalized experience across all platforms

Based on the customer data collected, you send relevant promotional emails, notification, messages; and even show relevant ads.  

Why is it important: When you call a person by name, he/she quickly responds. Ain’t this happen? Apply this principle to ecommerce. When you engage with your customer in a personalized manner, you get a higher rate of response from customers, and hence, more sales. 

Create a phenomenal experience with StoreHippo 

To implement a successful omnichannel strategy, StoreHippo headless commerce infrastructure gives you the flexibility to do changes on your storefronts to cater to a customer segment. 

You can even integrate your CRM, analytics tools, or any other third-party tool, for seamless customer management. 

4. Mobile-friendly stores

Do you know the benefits of a mobile-ready enterprise ecommerce site? They’re immense, but the popular ones are - wide customer reach, excellent shopping experience, and enhanced brand visibility.

But is your store mobile-ready? Let’s find out.

How to know your store is mobile-friendly?

  • It loads quickly within 2-3 seconds on mobile devices

  • It is responsive i.e fits any screen size

  • It offers simple navigation for quick movements between pages

  • It has an easy-to-use interface

Benefit: Easy UI boosts the dwell time. High dwell time signals Google that the site is excellent and should be ranked on the first page for the targeted keywords. 

Create mobile-ready sites with the best ecommerce platform

As StoreHippo is a mobile-first ecommerce platform, all the stores built using StoreHippo are mobile-optimized (by default). Means, your enterprise ecommerce site will run smoothly on mobiles, tablets, and desktops. And you don’t need to incur extra costs and hire developers. 

StoreHippo has a rich library of mobile-optimized themes that can be customized with drag and drop functionality. You can even launch a mobile app right from the dashboard without any additional cost. Worry not, you don’t have to write a single line of code as StoreHippo apps are codeless.

5. Email marketing

Emails are the most effective way to reach inboxes directly in their inboxes.  

In 2019, the total number of email users across the world was 3.9 billion users (Statista). The number is predicted to soar up to 4.3 billion users in 2023. (Statista)

So email marketing is not going anywhere in the next few decades. To take advantage, it is crucial to develop an email strategy in advance and execute it at the right time. Let’s find out more about the same. 

Best events to send emails

  • Festivals & holidays: During Christmas, Black Friday, etc, you can announce mega sales on your enterprise ecommerce site 

  • Special days: Mother's Day, Father’s Day, Valentine's Day, Women’s day are perfect opportunities to attract website visits from specific audiences. During these times, buyers generally look for online offers on gifting options

  • Cart Abandonment: To alarm your customers, send cart recovery mail within the first hours of abandonment

Send effective emails with the best ecommerce platform 

Want to shoot up your email open rates? Explore StoreHippo email marketing integration capabilities. You can integrate popular email tools like MailChimp, SendinBlue for sending bulk emails in one go. Create beautiful, high-converting emails with the help of ready-made email templates available inside the tools. These tools save your time and reduce manual work.

Final takeaways 

To conclude, customer experience is the key driver in ecommerce revenue growth. There are multiple ways to offer an incredible customer journey, and simultaneously, boost your profits. 

So here is a pointer wise summary of methods we learned today (along with their benefits)- 

Advice: Learn from Amazon that appears on the first page for almost every product. 

  • Omnichannel is now a necessity if you want to retain customers

  • Optimizing your sites for mobile devices can build a huge customer base and drive mobile sales

  • Leverage email marketing to connect with customers personally

I know you are full of information and perplexed on how to implement all of these effectively. Worry not, as StoreHippo can simplify your job.

StoreHippo offers tools and technologies (as discussed above) that can make online selling easy. In total, it has 300+ advanced features, essential to building an enterprise ecommerce store. 

Explore enterprise-grade solutions by signing up for a free demo. Or get started with a 14 days free trial of StoreHippo.

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Really nice article, thanks a lot for these tips! Will use these for my own enterprise ecommerce store :)

By: Kim Hoseok
Feb 04, 2022   Reply

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