7 Benefits Of Using A Secure Ecommerce Platform For Your Business

By | Apr 13, 2021 | 3 Comments | 870 views |
  • 7 Benefits Of Using A Secure Ecommerce Platform For Your Business

Do you run a retail business that’s doing well and now, you want to expand your business globally? But are you hesitant to start your online store because of security concerns, or worries about the online frauds. 

Well,  a secure website is your hack to explore the unlimited online business opportunities. 

Yes, and there are many reasons you should consider the security of your ecommerce website. The foremost reason is that ecommerce sites have become the hot target for cyberattacks. These online stores are treasure troves of financial and personal data. Add a question here to complete the danger presented. The only way you can safeguard your data, customer trust, and business damages is to choose a right ecommerce platform with SSL security.

What is ecommerce website security?

It refers to the various activities and practices that protect your ecommerce website and online business from fraudulent transactions and threats. Your online store runs on a complex system where multiple components interact with each other like users, web apps, server, network, payment gateways etc. And ecommerce website security protects these components from malicious attacks and threats. To run your business safely, gain the trust of customers, and sustain competitively, you need to have a secure website.

How an ecommerce platform helps to launch a secure online business?

Launching an online store can be challenging due to security and technical reasons but it can be a lifetime choice for your business. Well, “Nothing comes without a price”. 

Have you ever wondered if there is a best ecommerce platform that has all security measures in place to build a safe and secure online store? And it can be done easily with a fully-hosted e commerce solution. Such an ecommerce solution helps you to leverage all the pros of ecommerce while taking care of the cons like security concerns. Thankfully, today, it is much easier and affordable to secure your online business and make it an SSL secure website. We have listed 7 most important benefits of running your business with a secure ecommerce platform.

7 Benefits of using a secure ecommerce platform

1. Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) Compliant

The PCI DSS compliance is a security necessity for websites, specifically for the ecommerce industry because of huge payment transactions. This compliance helps online businesses to provide secure payment solutions to the customers. Some of the PCI DSS compliance requirements include validated payment software, storage of resistive data of customers, network firewalls, SSL.  

Using a secure ecommerce platform ensures that all of the compliance requirements are fulfilled without any extra hassles. StoreHippo is one such platform that complies with PCI DSS standards and ensures full-fledged secure websites along with end-to-end payment encryptions. It also offers multiple secure and PCI DSS compliant payment gateways to make online payments easier for the customers.

2. Higher SERP rankings with an SSL enabled website

Just like offline businesses, online businesses also have searchability factors. With over 200+ search engine ranking factors, security remains the foremost priority for search engines. A website with an SSL certificate and security compliance gets added advantage in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

 With the ever-increasing security threats, it is highly important to consider Security Socket Layer certificate as a necessity for your online business to safeguard confidential data, and get higher search engine rankings. With StoreHippo, you get free SSL for your online store without any worries of reissuance every time as it comes with an auto-renewal option.

3. Authentication to validate access based on user roles

There are many resources available online for public consumption and that does not require any authentication. But an ecommerce website cannot run this way and in fact, it runs on the crucial data of customers. Hence, it becomes your responsibility to protect the data with proper authentication and authorization.

For example, two-factor authentication used in ecommerce websites, where customers need to login with the combination of username and password with an extra verification code sent through SMS/email. StoreHippo helps you to build a secure website with two-step authentication to allow user access according to different roles without compromising the security of the complete database.

4. Secure storage of sensitive information with strong data encryption

Data is at the heart of ecommerce business. Remember, when online business suggests you to shop products, send reminders to complete your order from abandoned shopping carts, and much more. It all comes from the data stores with the online stores. Therefore, it is important to use the best ecommerce platform that ensures high-end data encryption.

Like StoreHippo utilizes one-way encryption to scramble the plain text into a unique message. And the properly designed algorithm ensures that there is no other way to reverse the process to check the original password. With this encryption technology, the data of your website will be protected across multiple devices.

5. Protection from malware like SQL and HTML injection

SQL and HTML injections are some of the most commonly utilized methods to attach the online stores. This hack is a clear security flaw of the website and it can lead to extraction of private data like credit cards, customer records, enumeration of user authentication details, corrupted database, inserted or deleted data in the website, and alike.

A best ecommerce platform like StoreHippo has inherently secure architecture. This setup ensures that your website is completely protected from such attacks. complete the sentence and safeguard the sensitive data stores on the servers.

6. Accommodate future business need without security concerns

Everyone looks forward to future business growth but it is equally important to consider the technology support when you are dealing online. Many website owners underestimate the importance of choosing the secure solution for their website. 

But a hosted ecommerce solution can help you big time in context to security as well as profitability. In any case, if any security breach occurs, it ensures the proper backup system to get your site up and running in no time. StoreHippo is one such platform that provides a secure website and takes care of hosting as well. It uses Microsoft Azure cloud computing platform to secure its servers along with added security layers to keep your security at top-notch level.

7. Automatic security upgrades and maintenance

The best ecommerce platform does not only ensure the successful launch of your online business and its sales and marketing. But it completely takes care of the security for lifetime. The great news here is that you get a bundled service of fully-managed hosting, ecommerce software, automatic backups and maintenance, auto-renewal of SSL certificate, and support to get going with your online business.

StoreHippo is the platform that offers a free SSL certificate for your ecommerce website along with automatic upgrades and maintenance. You just need to subscribe for the service online and start your online business without any cost and time for the physical setup and security.

Why is StoreHippo the best ecommerce platform to build secure online stores for your business? 

Every online business that runs on the internet is painfully aware that security is of utmost importance. The news of data breach can sink your business like never before. So, it becomes very important that you choose the best ecommerce platform that will keep the information of your customers and other data locked up tight. StoreHippo uses state-of-the-art technology to build your online store within a secure ecosystem. Along with high-end security, it fulfils all your business needs and helps you flourish in the ecommerce business. 

Are you ready to take the plunge, and create a secure website? Start your 14 days free trial to ensure that you are choosing the platform that is best for you and your business success.

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I have read your blog Ecommerce website Security. It was very informative & helpful for new beginners and new people.

By: Katelin Lewis
Mar 17, 2023   Reply

Replies :
Hi Katelin, thanks for appreciating our blog on 7 Benefits Of Using A Secure Ecommerce Platform For Your Business. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Mar 19, 2023

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Cyber security is the leading issue in the ecommerce sector these days. One must definitely be proactive about the security being provided on the ecommerce website.

By: Pradeep Malwani
Feb 03, 2023   Reply

Replies :
Hi Pradeep, thanks for appreciating our blog on 7 Benefits Of Using A Secure Ecommerce Platform For Your Business. If you need our help setting up an online store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Feb 02, 2023

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A secure online store is what everyone looks for when they're buying something online. It is imperative for brands to prioritize the safety and security of their brand as well as the invaluable customer data trusted with them. This article explains the benefits of having a secure ecommerce platform very well.

By: Patrick Blanc
Aug 08, 2022   Reply

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