7 Must Have Features on Your Online Travel and Tourism Portal

By | Oct 14, 2018 | 3309 views |
  • 7 Must Have Features on Your Online Travel and Tourism Portal

The generation today is driven by the desire to travel and explore new places. With such a promising trend, the tourism industry has witnessed prominent growth in the past few years. Since this industry is experiencing new means of modernization, travel portals need to upgrade their features in order to secure a decent place in the virtual rat race.

Today tourism industry e-commerce solution does not mean a simple website with basic search or booking functionalities. This industry has now become more dynamic and alluring. Customers have grown to be demanding due to heavy competition. In such scenarios, these portals must be responsive, user-friendly and striking enough to draw maximum traffic.

Given below are 7 necessary Features to be incorporated in Premium Travel and Tourism portals.

Responsive Design

In this digital world, building and maintaining an alluring web portal is the easiest investment, a travel company can afford. But for more dynamic aesthetics the portal needs to be responsive. It must offer a uniform behaviour and experience across smart devices like laptop, tablets, and smartphones. Responsive not only means visual perfection but also a smooth flow while navigating the entire portal. Remember, if you are backed with a seamless e-commerce solution, your business will be smoothly managed.

Simplified further, any customer who visits your portal must not struggle to search for the service they want. The booking process must also be pretty smooth so that you don’t face the issue of abandoned carts. StoreHippo solutions provide easy checkout and give different layouts for checkout on the desktop, mobile and app. Keep in mind, better services lead to more traffic. And why not. Who won’t visit a portal with such flawless and convenient service?

High Definition Images

It is believed, our ocular senses attract us to tempting options. It has the capacity to store things in memory, for a longer period of time. This gives an explanation as to why you keep thinking of a destination you recently checked on a travel and tourism portal. High definition compelling pictures and graphics entice customers to a certain level that inspires lasting relation and brand loyalty. It also supports brand engagement. The whole idea here is to attract potential customers so that they keep coming again and again. 

Apart from that, a high definition image also backs platform scalability. StoreHippo supports high definition images to provide a scalable solution so that you don't face any hassle of upgrading your portal when your business grows.

Customer Testimonials

Be it travel and tourism industry, or any other for that matter, transparency is a must for your business. It is a key by which one can easily win over customers’ trust. Giving clients the freedom to review your packages on-site or accept genuine feedback is definitely good for business. You can also create small interactive groups or forums to attract more traffic and discuss exotic destination and offers that follow. StoreHippo has this amazing feature that allows travellers to add their reviews for the travel portal which will ultimately lead to indirect marketing. Remember, gone are the days when travelling information was limited to small brochures. For travellers today, the entire world is their destination.

Discount and Pricing as per Destination

Allow your portal to surprise your clients with amazing deals and competitive discounts. Go for flashy signs, catchy punchlines, and all those features that grab the attention of the clients and keep them occupied. Also, make sure the travel e-commerce solution you pick must have proper user-friendly payment methods. Remember discounts are somewhat necessary for business, considering the market scenario. But this doesn’t mean your business suffers the loss. Never!

StoreHippo offers a powerful discount engine to let you plan strategic discount on selective destinations and packages. Using the discount engine you can try clubbing different deals to give better offers to customers with maximum profit to the business. Options are many. It is up to you which strategy you want for your business. But no matter what, the ultimate deciding factor is if the client comes back to the portal again.

Efficient Map Integration

Including Google Maps into your travel and tourism website makes researching for a destination, easy for travellers ultimately fetching more potential bookings. For example, if a client is looking for a hotel near a certain cultural monument they can easily use the Google map and locate one. Not only this, but the customer can also drive to the very hotel using the map integration in your portal.

This service is an efficient feature and with the StoreHippo platform, you can avail this custom feature in your travel portal. StoreHippo features like faceted search can also be implemented on the site to help your customers easily navigate and search packages with a given range of price.

Simple Flow & Quick Checkout 

No matter which audience you target and which travel packages you are dealing with, speed is a necessity for your portal. The more complex the traveller finds the website; the more likely they abandon it. Even a simple portal has so many searches; one must go for an e-commerce solution that supports it with high speed  and uncomplicated flow.

StoreHippo simplifies the searches and workflow to give optimum speed to your portal and also make your backend customizable. In short, it decently manages a fully optimized website for your business.

SEO Friendly with Features to Post Blogs 

To make your travel and tourism website gain visibility on top Google searches, go for an SEO friendly portal. Make sure it is integrated with third-party platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. for promotional campaigns. You can also open a forum or blogging section for customers. Travellers enjoy sharing their experiences and interact with fellow travellers.

Storehippo has features that allow blogging and social media integration. It gives a broad platform to the travellers to interact with their community and also fetches loyal clientele for your business.


With the above features embedded in your e-commerce solution, the chance of improved traffic and client conversion rises high. The travel industry has been facing metamorphosis over the years. It needed to swing its focus with each impulsive customer expectations. The current trend demands tourism businesses to speak out their services, loud and clear, without any hidden terms or conditions.

StoreHippo provides e-commerce business with strong backup, flexibility and freedom to express thoughts and ideas via website portal. It is a one-stop-shop to attend to all your e-commerce needs, whatever be your chosen business vertical. Moreover, it's end-to-end- tools have made e-commerce solution easy and very simple to set-up. To get the above features incorporated in your travel portal, reach StoreHippo at [email protected] or book a demo with our experts.

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