7 Ways To Re-Engage Your Online Grocery Customers

By |Updated Date : Aug 26, 2021 | 6 Comments | 1253 views | Aug 26, 2021
  • 7 Ways To Re-Engage Your Online Grocery Customers

Online grocery shopping has been gaining ground quickly among all ages and geographies. And there is no reason to believe this opportunity will fade away in coming years.

With the growing competition, the most common thing is “Customer”. The customers need to be very constant with your business.  But unfortunately, most businesses keep their entire focus on creating customer acquisition and lead generation strategies. 

Don’t you think it’s better to build and retain customer engagement first?

  • Over 50% of business revenue is generated from repeat customers

  • Top 1% of your customers spend 30 times more than the average customer

In a nutshell, more reengagement of customers = more customer retention. And increased customer retention rates will generate more revenue for your online grocery business.

Customers being the lifeblood of your business, it is highly important to build engagement and re-engage them to reach a new, higher level of success. And you must use effective strategies to re-engage customers to grow your online grocery business.

Since customers won’t engage themselves, you need to find ways to encourage customer engagement and continue their engagement level forever.

Here are the 7 effective ways to re-engage your online grocery stores

1. Focus on speed and ease of use

Did you know that only 42% of online grocery shoppers consider that they save time while buying groceries online? Driven by the fast pace of today’s society, website speed and ease of use have become super important for customers. Since shopping online for groceries has become highly convenient for customers, the online channel has to be well-configured to deliver the value customers are seeking. 

A beautiful website that takes less than three seconds will make the customers stick to the website. No one wants to arrive at a terrible looking and slow website. Well, StoreHippo ecommerce platform is here to take care of your website speed and efficiency. The platform is built on the most advanced MEAN stack technology to support the agility and speed of your website. Along with that, it also offers the best way to re-engage your customers with easy options to bring creativity and innovation.

2. Keep your online grocery store mobile friendly

Being mobile-friendly online is not an option anymore as customers can buy grocery through smartphones while travelling, in the office, or anywhere. Therefore, it is important to build an online store that works perfectly on native devices. If you want to acquire new customers and re-engage the customers well, it is vital to offer the best mobile experience to the customer. It does not only simplify the grocery ordering process but also makes online shopping fun. 

To ensure that your grocery store is mobile ready enough, choose StoreHippo ecommerce solution. It helps you to create a superfast online grocery website with advanced technology while also helping you to build lightweight web application with PWAs that make every page load quickly. While you can also build mobile apps for your grocery business to re-engage maximum customers with push notifications without any additional cost.

3. Offer flexible delivery

Offering several delivery options and time slots, and being specific with your delivery times can help your customers stick to your brand. The more precise you are, the more customers are likely to shop with you. Flexible delivery has become the topmost priority for grocery businesses but what if you don’t have the right infrastructure to manage timely delivery and distribution of online grocery? 

Well, StoreHippo will not let you get stuck in this situation. It integrates with multiple grocery delivery partners and has the features to update the order status to customers. StoreHippo also offers advanced features to help you manage your own fleet of delivery agents. You can track the deliveries with its delivery boy management module and manage your deliveries with ease.

4. Make it all work together seamlessly

When you sell online, customers judge you for more than just product quality. If your website crashes, if the product description is not right, if the delivery system runs late, customers will hold you responsible. For online grocery shopping websites, you need to be extra conscious to provide a rich experience with right third-party integrations. 

Here, StoreHippo ecommerce platform comes into the play. It allows you to integrate with 150+ third-party integrations seamlessly and help you deliver a unified experience to your customers. StoreHippo ensures that every step of the online buying process is smooth, efficient, and up to standards.

5. Provide multiple payment options 

Having multiple payment gateways for your online grocery store offers more convenience to customers and also reduces shopping cart abandonment. But you need to struggle with multiple payment gateway integration and a lot of process hassles if you don’t choose the right ecommerce platform for your grocery business. To ensure your customer does not leave the store, re-engage your customers with multiple payment gateways, online payment wallets, and even cash on delivery. StoreHippo integrates with 60+ payment gateways and wallets thus allowing you to give payment options to your customers.

 4. Get local

As they say that “Go global but remain local ''. Yes, this strategy works wonders in grocery business. And it is possible if you choose the right ecommerce solution to support your online grocery store. With fierce competition in the grocery business segment, nailing hyperlocal ecommerce is one of the smartest moves. The hyperlocal ecommerce solution can help you deliver orders faster using your own location-specific substores or your network of vendor stores within the locality.

Building your store with StoreHippo also provides benefits such as location-based stores as per customer’s geolocation, automatic order routing for quicker and optimised delivery, location-based availability of products to customers, captures location with Google Map, and run location-based offers for targeted marketing. These strategies help you to re-engage your customers in the grocery store and make them loyal for a longer time.

5. Personalized deals and promotions

80% of buyers are ready to shop from a company that promises a personalized experience in their buying journey. Psychology also works here. When the customers are served with the content and products of their choice, their chances of getting re-engaged and buying from the website increases.

Therefore, you need to build an online store that offers personalized deals and promotions to customers on all the channels and touchpoints. It can be through mobile push notifications, emails, relevant ads, and more. For example: A customer who is interested in buying sports goods would love to receive discounts for the products in the sports category. There is nothing more that can attract and re-engage the customer to your store, than 30% off on sports items. 

Choosing StoreHippo ensures that you can easily personalize the content and offerings on the basis of customer buying history, order volume, and overall behavior. With its powerful discount engine, StoreHippo allows you to create a variety of personalized coupons and promotions based on order volume, device, time, sellers, product choices to re-engage and convert your customers.

6. Leverage social media

Using social media is one of the easiest, most efficient ways to encourage customer engagement. It helps you to reach people who have done or may do business with you. Moreover, your social media followers are more likely to sign up for your mailing list, visit your website, and develop interest in your products. Well, doing it all requires well-integrated social media management. Like StoreHippo ecommerce platform ensures that your online grocery store is integrated with key social media tools, and builds a tribe of people who are engaged with your brand.

7. Build a sense of a community

Loyalty is hard to achieve but building a solid customer community can make that happen in no time. The idea of going to a store, being personally greeted at the entrance, calling assistants for help and feeling at home is something that builds community. Similarly, you need to build a sense of community for your online grocery store to transform the passers-by into returning customers. 

With the inbuilt features of StoreHippo, you can leverage the sense of community with live chat, unified notifications, and personalized customer support. Offering customer service in ecommerce via live chat gives you an edge over your competitors who might not be offering this service and also leads to increased customer loyalty. Similarly, the feature of unified notification systems brings together the disparate devices and systems to deliver important messages.

StoreHippo offers unified notifications over web, SMS, email and mobile phone to the customers to keep them updated about their orders, refunds, payments, and make them feel valued. You can also give a personal touch to your support services by assigning support managers to your customers who follow up with them during and after the ordering process. Offering beyond expectation customer service in ecommerce can win you long standing customer trust which in turn ensures the success of your store

Why is StoreHippo the best ecommerce platform to re-engage your online grocery customers?

Shopping for groceries online will continue its upward trend. If you need advice getting ready for the digital future of grocery shopping, choosing StoreHippo ecommerce platform can be your best business decision. We have helped many grocery businesses go from good to great with amazing customer acquisition and re-engagement features.  Now when you know the top ways to re-engage your customers, it is the time to choose an ecommerce solution that can implement these strategies.

For everything else - from building an online store to marketing, growing your business-, attracting new customers, and re-engaging the online grocery customers, StoreHippo has you covered.  With 300+ inbuilt features, StoreHippo has revolutionized the way vendors manage their grocery stores. Be a part of that revolution by scheduling a 14-day free online trial  store today.

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Thank you for debunking common misconceptions and clarifying important points in your post. It's informative and enlightening.

Aug 13, 2023   Reply

Replies :
Hi Surenra, thanks for appreciating our blog on 7 Ways To Re-Engage Your Online Grocery Customers. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Aug 16, 2023

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Great work on your blog post! The content was relatable and resonated with my own experiences. I appreciated the practical advice and the actionable steps you shared.

By: shivas
Jun 07, 2023   Reply

Replies :
Hi Shivas, thanks for appreciating our blog on 7 Ways To Re-Engage Your Online Grocery Customers. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Jun 07, 2023

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Your blog post provided me with a fresh perspective on the topic. I enjoyed the unique angle you took and the thought-provoking insights you shared.

Jun 06, 2023   Reply

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Hi Naina, thanks for appreciating our blog on 7 Ways To Re-Engage Your Online Grocery Customers. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Jun 06, 2023

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I found StoreHippo's article on re-engaging online grocery customers to be incredibly helpful. Their tips on using personalized recommendations and offering rewards programs are definitely worth considering.

By: Vijay Saini
May 03, 2023   Reply

Replies :
Hi Vijay, thanks for appreciating our blog on 7 Ways To Re-Engage Your Online Grocery Customers. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - May 02, 2023

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Online grocery stores are becoming popular by the day, and also growing competitive in tier 1 and tier 2 cities as well. With growing competition, online grocery owners should pay extra attention to engaging customers. This article gives such an important and easy explanation as well as practical tips.

By: Pradeep Malwani
Jan 10, 2023   Reply

Replies :
Hi Pradeep, thanks for appreciating our blog on 7 Ways To Re-Engage Your Online Grocery Customers. If you need our help setting up an online store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Jan 09, 2023

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This article is very informative and useful. It outlines tips to bring back customers on online grocery store. Very good tips for customer retention as well.

By: Divit Ahuja
Sep 15, 2022   Reply

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