How Headless Commerce Can Help B2B Brands Future Proof Their Business

By | Aug 15, 2021 | 1725 views |
  • How Headless Commerce Can Help B2B Brands Future Proof Their Business

Consumer behavior is changing very fast as buyers are using all possible channels to shop online. Be it smartphones, electronic media, tablets, consumers want to explore everything.

Today, consumer behavior is not limited to the B2C market but the B2B world is also leveraging the benefits of headless commerce . Surely, headless is the future of B2B ecommerce too. The large enterprises need to understand buying pattern trends and consumer behavior to ensure seamless enterprise buying experience across all devices. And in this journey, headless is your one-stop solution.

Let's understand the concept of "Headless"

The name “ headless ” itself gets its name from the fact that it separates the data and business aspects (backend) of the website from the front-end store (the visuals when customers visit the website).

It is very difficult to do any instant updates or make spontaneous market related changes without the huge team of developers if you work with traditional websites. On the contrary, if the front-end and back-end of a website is decoupled just like in the case of headless commerce, you can tweak the content and functionalities as per the dynamic market needs without affecting the back-end.

Why is headless important in the B2B market?

Not all B2B businesses hesitate when it comes to online selling. B2B ecommerce is growing exponentially and its global market is expected to reach $ 11 trillion by 2023. If retailers want to not only survive but also thrive in today's testing climate, they must be prepared to join the headless commerce bandwagon without wasting anymore time.

It's not just the suppliers driving this transformation. Buyers are also propelling B2B towards a digital future, starting from the pre-purchase research process. Most of the buyers today search online before making most of their buying decisions. Even if the buyers complete the purchase from any channel, their browsing experience has to be smooth and engaging to project a positive brand image that ultimately leads to better sales.

 If you are also ready to be a part of the B2B digital revolution? Headless is your best way forward for your B2B business.

Why should a B2B company choose a headless commerce solution?

1. Have perfect control over UI

The large enterprises that use a headless architecture can keep their frontend and power up their websites with different technology for backend. The user interface (UI) of a website can become as amazing as you can imagine while delivering a consistent customer experience. The frontend and backend of the website are separated which enables you to make quick updates without any technical dependencies. Start enhancing the look and feel of your website with the DIY tools of StoreHippo. The dynamic user interface and quick updates can engage your customers and ultimately, help you to future proof your business in the long term.

2. Expand your commerce channels

 More B2B companies are looking to put business commerce in non-traditional places like kiosk screens while connecting commerce to voice assistants like Alexa. Here, you can leverage the benefits of headless commerce.

With the headless architecture, you can leverage the separate frontend frameworks and B2B commerce APIs for product data, orders, and cart. If you are wondering how to expand your commerce channels with headless architecture, StoreHippo is your one-stop solution. The 250+ API endpoints offered by StoreHippo help you to create a fabulous omnichannel customer experience and make your business future-ready.

3. Make your team more strategic

B2B companies work with various teams including the IT department. But if all of your team is busy coordinating with the IT team to make the website changes, they will not have any time to get into any strategic activities.

Thankfully, headless commerce can help big time here. While your ecommerce team can work on marketing and sales strategies and IT team can focus on projects instead of routine updates like editing a product description or adding a page for a new product. When you have more time to focus on core strategies, marketing and sales tactics, you can expand and grow better to future proof your business.

4. Variety of personalization options

This is the time when B2B personalization is no more an option but it is a mandate in online business. Here, personalization does not only mean to offer custom recommendations. It’s way too much.

If you are also looking forward to upscale personalization options for your large business, you need to leverage the benefits of headless commerce. It allows you to customize the frontend of your online store and offer personalized user experience without making any backend changes. With headless platforms like StoreHippo, you can easily personalize the online store and customer experiences as well. Start boosting the customer experience on your website to maximize the retention and future proof your business.

5. Modern ecommerce shopping experiences

The online customer journey crosses endless platforms and apps from website, social media, to mobile app, and beyond. The ecommerce marketing team needs to be flexible enough to build, design and implement online storefronts to support the channels.

With the advent of headless commerce, it is now easier to enhance the throughout shopping experience of customers. Headless solution allows developers to design and manage the user experience freely with the ability to create multiple storefronts while supporting a wide array of screens and devices. With the adaptable infrastructure of headless platforms like StoreHippo, you can easily enhance the B2B buying experience of customers without disturbing the backend. When the customer experience is enhanced, they tend to be more loyal with the brand in future. 

6. Flexibility and familiarity for IT team

The benefits of headless commerce are not only limited to customer experiences but also saves a lot of time and efforts of your team. Customer engagement and loyalty is the foremost requirement of wholesale businesses. And to fulfil this purpose, they need a best-in-class engine to manage their online store with high flexibility. StoreHippo makes it even easier for you to create multiple customer touch points while reducing the time and efforts of the IT team. 

7. Marketing effectiveness for innovation without hurting backend processes

B2B marketing has to be very agile as most of the enterprise customers start their buying process online. But in real-time, it is very difficult to maintain the marketing effectiveness without disturbing the backend process.

But thankfully, it is no longer the case with headless platforms like StoreHippo. Whether you are rolling out a new product, expanding to a new geography, promoting the product across multiple sites, you can leverage all these benefits of headless commerce with StoreHippo. It allows your marketing team to work effectively while allowing them to build and manage dynamic marketing campaigns in a matter of days to future proof your business.

8. Speed to market for international markets

If your enterprise business is handling global customers or looking forward to entering into the international market, headless commerce is the solution for you. Headless solution helps you to propel your content anywhere you want. It allows you to deliver your products, blog posts, product videos to any channel that has emerged or will emerge in future.

The scalable solution like StoreHippo helps you grow your business without any geographical limits. And that ultimately leads to retaining and growing your customer base, experimenting with your marketing, and reducing your go-to market time in no time. Start growing your customer base, expanding your business for the better in future.

9. Effortless third-party integrations

Modern customers are shopping through various channels. If they stumble upon your product on a YouTube advertisement or a sponsored Facebook post, and finally buy the product from your email marketing campaign.

With these multiple channel choices of customers, your online store also needs to be available where your customers are. But going multi-channel requires integrations with multiple tools and systems like live chat , email marketing tools, and much more. Well, you do not need to manage it all separately. The headless commerce platform like StoreHippo can do it all for your business growth. It allows you to create new sales opportunities, and optimize your business processes with seamless third-party integrations to future proof your business. Some of the key integrations include email marketing tools, live chat, unified notifications (SMS, email, push and web), 60+ international payment gateways , inbuilt shipping solution to ship anywhere across the globe.

10. Reduced customer acquisition costs and improved conversion rates 

With the rising customer acquisition costs and dire need to improve the sales conversions in the paid advertising world, it is super important to reduce this business cost. In this era where B2B businesses need to save their business costs and invest further, headless is your way. 

With the StoreHippo headless commerce solution in place, it is not only about the changes you make on the online store but it is about conversions and results. It allows you to easily experiment with the back-end search solution while using your existing front-end search functionality. It helps you to understand your customers better, improve your learnings to gain better customer conversions, and enhance your business growth in future.

How can StoreHippo headless platform can future proof your B2B business? 

Adopting a headless platform makes your journey smoother and better. Since in this digital era, every business has to work with ever-increasing digital touchpoints, it’s time to go headless and explore the new standards of flexibility, adaptability, and customization.

Now when you already know why headless commerce is important for your B2B brand and help you to upscale your business growth. The next step is to choose the right headless platform to support your business needs. If you are also an ecommerce business looking to create unparalleled customer experiences, StoreHippo is a one-stop platform to help you leverage the benefits of headless commerce. The 120+ inbuilt integrations 300+ API endpoints, 300+ inbuilt ecommerce features also makes it the best ecommerce platform for adopting headless architecture. The best part is that StoreHippo headless commerce, different from the rest is that it is conceptualized and designed on the headless architecture.

Are you ready to future-proof your B2B brand, schedule a 14-day free trial store to see all the headless features in action now.

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