How StoreHippo's Powerful Blog Engine Helps You Build Your Brand

By | Updated Date : Oct 12, 2021 | 5 Comments | 2193 views | Oct 12, 2021
  • How StoreHippo's Powerful Blog Engine Helps You Build Your Brand

There are over 3 Million blogs written every day!! (Source: Worldometers ). That's a lot of content, and the numbers keep rising.

In the era of content marketing, you need to stand out from your competitors. Blogging provides you with the perfect opportunity to create your own brand identity and drive traffic and sales to your business.

Even though the primary goal of your online store is to drive traffic to your products, there is a multitude of reasons why you should add a blog engine to your store. Read on to know more about the benefits of blogs to your e-commerce site.

How blogs helps online selling store 

1. Ranking in search engine through search engine optimization

  • When you add a blog engine to your online store, it will drastically increase your content

  • The more content your store has, the more indexation your website will have. And more potential customers will organically find a way to your ecommerce store

2. Puts you as an industry expert

  • You can utilize blogs as an important tool for content marketing and branding yourselves as industry experts by resolving customer queries, discussing new trends etc

3. Helps in link building

  • Blogs help you to create internal links as well as backlinking. With the help of a network of links, you are providing internet users with multiple paths to your website

  • An ecommerce CMS can help you create quality backlinks to improve your Google Search Engine Ranking

4. Engages your customers with fresh content

  • Blogs help you share anything from inspirational stories relevant to your industry, trends in your industry, or the backstory of your business

  • You can even use images, videos, tutorials of products in a blog to engage with your customers

5. Creates new pages for store

  • When you integrate a blog engine into your online store, every blog you create generates a new URL for your website. This enables you to create a fresh page that has new and unique content

  • Loads of new pages provide you with a good opportunity to be crawled and ranked high on Google. This would result in more users finding your brand easily on Google

6. Helps you boost conversion rates

  • Your e-commerce CMS will not drive traffic to your online store but also increase conversions

  • A blog will make you more credible and relatable with your audience. So, when customers purchase from you, they will have a greater sense of confidence in their purchases

7. Creates online community

  • When customers comment or read your blogs, it makes them feel like they are a large part of the community.

8. Build brand loyalty

  • A blog plays a key role in building brand loyalty. You can post an appropriate balance of professional, fun, relevant, and informative blogs by using content marketing

  • Customers like to support brands that are connected to something larger than themselves

9. Can make your store go viral

  • Your inspirational, funny, or engaging blog videos have the potential to "go viral." Thereby attracting millions of people to your store.

10. Complements your social media marketing efforts

  • With each blog post, you can add a link to your other online marketing efforts

  • Use a blog engine that allows you to add "like" or "share" options or links to social media accounts to expand your reach on social media

11. Act as a free marketing platform

  • Your blog is a highly effective form of free marketing for your brand

  • With the help of content marketing, you can choose to promote some of your blog posts. Each blog post will garner a continuous stream of organic traffic to your website

12. Get feedback on your online content as well as store

  • On every blog, your customers can put their thoughts, views, and ideas

  • You can interact with the consumer and also find out what more your customers want from you

How to build your ecommerce brand with StoreHippo’s blog engine 

1. Provide a unified experience for shopping and reading

Your online consumers are also your blog readers. A blog provides you with an opportunity to start your readers on your online shop and keep them there. An integrated blog engine with your online store will maintain a cohesive feel between your shop and blog. The same look and feel will help the customers to make an easy transition from the store to the blog.

StoreHippo's platform includes an exclusive blog feature to develop a consistent look and feel of your online store and blog. The ecommerce CMS supports your content strategy of publishing consistent articles on your website.  

Starting a blog using StoreHippo’s blog engine provides an exceptional shopping experience to your customers. You can easily manage the store and the content from a single dashboard.

2. Customizing your blogs as per your business demands

As an online store, you have a limited scope of incorporating keywords in your ecommerce store. You are strengthening your SEO strategy when you post informative and engaging blogs with customized long-tail keywords. Choosing long key phrases that are close to how people speak and buyers specific queries are a great SEO strategy because of low keyword competition and content personalization. Your business can improve its chance of getting better visibility as your products will start ranking on top of your competitors.

StoreHippo's blog engine lets you harness this opportunity. The ecommerce CMS uses the Microdata features that make your content more readable for search engines, browsers, and crawlers. This helps you to improve your search result and also provides a better browsing experience to your users.

3. Organizing blogs to add credibility and trust

Consider this; users are looking for answers on the internet. And if your business blog provides answers to those questions, they will become a follower of your blog. If you continue to help these followers, they can become your customers too. A blog shows that you are an industry expert in your field, providing you with a huge advantage.

StoreHippo’s blog engine helps your brand to address the various pain points of your customers. You can post informative and insightful blog posts that help customers and make their lives easier. Organising them into different categories will lead to a simpler search and browsing experience. Delivering content online in a simple and organized manner will ensure that more customers become loyal to your brand.

4. Cost-efficiency to improve profits

Blogs have historically proven to be very cost-effective in content marketing. Blogging about your brand has the potential to reach your target audience at a fraction of the cost of your marketing budget.  In addition, when you promote your blogs on social media platforms, they have the potential to bring in a regular stream of traffic without spending your additional budget on advertising.

StoreHippo's online stores can reap the advantage of its powerful blog engine. The in-built social sharing tools enable you to share your blog posts to reach a wider audience easily. With the help of email marketing, you can ensure that your business stays at the top of your consumers. The commerce platform allows you to easily include internal links in your blogs to persuade people to subscribe to your blog posts. In addition, you can maintain a list of your subscribers to inform them about promotions, new products, or business updates on your blog.

5. Call to action to persuade the audience

At the end of your blog post, you want your audience to take action-either in the form of sharing the post or buying something from the online store. It is an important form of content marketing to convert more people into your brand consumers.

When you are blogging with StoreHippo's blog engine, you have the advantage of converting the readers into your clients. With the help of our redirects feature, you can use a "call to action" throughout your content to direct them to one of your product pages or blog subscription pages. The ecommerce CMS makes it easy for your readers to follow your brand on social media channels by creating a call-to-action for each of your social media profiles.

6. Managing comments to control your blog

When it comes to posting comments, there is ambiguity- whether they are helpful or not? One view holds that comments help you maintain credibility and stay connected to your audience. But, on the other hand, some may debate that it takes time and effort to manage comments.

However, StoreHippo ecommerce CMS lets you decide how you manage comments on your blog posts. You can either:

  • Disable the comments
  • Let the comments with moderation (decide which comments or reviews show up)
  • Let comments automatically published

StoreHippo’s blog engine helps you moderate your comments in an easy and quick way. Now keep strict control over the conversation the way you want! 

7. Announce your blog to get mileage for every post 

With every additional blog post, you are essentially creating a new point of entry to attract visitors to your website. But to get the results of blogging, you need to use content marketing to promote your blogs. For every blog you write, you want to gain the maximum attention. That's why it is important to announce your next blog post to your audience.

StoreHippo can help you in your strategy to be an aggressive blog promoter. The e-commerce platform’s inbuilt feature enables you to manage the date of the blog post. With the ecommerce blog engine, you can also set a specific date for your blog in advance to align with a specific promotion or event. Its inbuilt social media plug-in allows for easy sharing in major social media channels to reach a wide audience.

8. Tease your audience by adding excerpts, images, and videos

Excerpts are summaries of your blog posts that help you to get your reader's interest. An interesting and compelling excerpt can create curiosity in the readers and get them to read the content on that page. Images and Videos make the content more interesting, better readable and also reduces the reading time.

With StoreHippo's ecommerce CMS, you can add a feature of a post to your blog’s homepage. Displaying excerpts in a blog also helps the page to load faster. StoreHippo's performance-enhancing features of SPA, MEAN stack and offline caching facilitate your blog opening speed for improved customer experience. The turnkey solution provider allows you to add multiple images and videos between your content for visually appealing posts.

9. Invite customers to subscribe

When you invite your customers to subscribe to your blog, you can easily provide them with up-to-date information about your blog. This is a significant tool for users to stay informed about your brand.

StoreHippo blog engine provides an inbuilt RSS feed that helps your subscribers to receive notifications when you publish a new post. As a result, your customers won't have to check your blogs to see if you have added new posts, and they won't miss any updates from you.

10. Grow your brand with SEO

A good SEO strategy is extremely important for promoting your blogs. You want Google to find your website and blog easily. A strong content marketing and SEO strategy can grow your audience and sales.

The good news is that StoreHippo offers you a gamut of features and tools that make SEO easier and faster. For example, our in-built SEO functionality allows you to easily create unique URLs for pages, Meta titles, Meta descriptions, Meta tags, Keywords, and more right from your admin dashboard. You can also easily integrate various Google tools like Tag Manager, Google Adwords, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, etc., to track your blog views and various metrics.


In a highly competitive business climate, promoting your services and goods is an arduous task. That’s when a blog comes in handy to engage and promote your brand. A blog is a perfect way to maintain and spread the word about your products and services.

StoreHippo’s blog engine helps you create engaging and informative blogs that develop long-lasting bonds with prospects. You can easily share the blogs on various social media platforms to build a community around your posts. Whatever your needs, the ecommerce CMS is a great way to attract traffic, grow your audience and increase sales.

So, why wait? Let’s get started! Start your free trial of StoreHippo to take your brand to new heights.

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StoreHippo's blog engine is a game-changer for brand building. It's incredible how it simplifies content management!

By: Gautam Naik
Aug 28, 2023   Reply

Replies :
Hi Gautam, thanks for appreciating our blog on How StoreHippo's Powerful Blog Engine Helps You Build Your Brand. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Aug 27, 2023

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The essay offers actionable advice for making the most of blog engine to write engaging, relevant blog posts that attract and retain your ideal readers. In addition, the author includes useful examples and case studies to demonstrate the efficacy of content marketing in raising brand recognition and generating sales.

By: social media management CT
May 09, 2023   Reply

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Hi SSM, thanks for appreciating our blog on How StoreHippo's Powerful Blog Engine Helps You Build Your Brand. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - May 09, 2023

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The significance of a blog engine on a web store is articulated here. Getting your brand to appear higher in search engine results is one of the most effective ways to increase brand awareness. By providing this article, you have greatly reduced my workload; also, I greatly admire your writing style. Keep writing, I really enjoy reading your posts.

By: PPC Services
May 05, 2023   Reply

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Hi Samuel, thanks for appreciating our blog on How StoreHippo's Powerful Blog Engine Helps You Build Your Brand. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - May 07, 2023

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Your writing is clear and easy to follow, making complex topics more accessible.

By: Satish Rana
Mar 14, 2023   Reply

Replies :
Hi Satish, thanks for appreciating our blog on How StoreHippo's Powerful Blog Engine Helps You Build Your Brand. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Mar 13, 2023

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This blog aptly explains the importance of a blog engine on an online store. It is imperative to make sure your brand is being seen and the best way to do so is to move up the search engine results page. It is important to careful strategize your content marketing efforts. Informative blog, keep it up.

By: Vikram Seth
Aug 29, 2022   Reply

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