How to Become the most Popular Fruit and Vegetable Store in your Locality

By | Apr 28, 2020 | 3 Comments | 1200 views |
  • How to Become the most Popular Fruit and Vegetable Store in your Locality

The majority of us prefer to buy fruits and vegetables from a local shop in the neighbourhood. At least, until some days ago. 

Now shoppers are practising social distancing by avoiding brick-and-mortar stores.  Instead, they are flocking to e-commerce stores to fulfil their shopping needs.

A study reveals 1,200% Increase in online shopping account registrations since the coronavirus pandemic began and most of these included grocery, home-essentials and pharmacy. 

The future market trend for Fruit and Vegetable store

When we think about scenarios like COVID-19 and the increased need for online grocery services, it becomes clear that e-commerce is the future of retail.

In this scenario, selling fruits and vegetables online makes more sense and will ultimately result in more profit than a traditional store. By setting up a Hyperlocal system, you can provide your customers with the same feeling of purchasing from a store, only just virtually. 

This way, you can bring different sellers under one roof with a large variety of products. Customers can then check what sellers have to offer, compare prices and place the order. This way, most of the products can get delivered within a single day and you can ensure deliveries of fresh products. 

Under hyperlocal ecommerce, small and medium-sized business owners can all get equal opportunities to sell. The competition amongst vendors can get healthy and your customers can avail of the best of products. 

How to become the most popular fruit and vegetable store in your locality?

Thinking of becoming popular already? Well, getting online and launching your business is possible in under 10 minutes. 

However, a lot depends on how sustainable your model is in the long-term. To be able to serve your customers better and make your brand, your website should be equipped with certain features that are required in your business niche. 

The single-most factor that can make or break your business is an online platform using which you will build your Multi-Store ecommerce. Hence, your platform needs to provide; 

1. Appealing storefronts

It’s not merely a luxury to have beautiful storefronts. It is a necessity. 

Irrelevant store design does little to translate your brand value to your customers. A bad design can damage your brand identity. 

Chaotic designs and cluttered product pages repel customers leaving them confused. Hence, it’s important you choose your Hyperlocal ecommerce store design carefully. 

A reliable online platform should help you convert shoppers into customers through a rich design. 

2. Facility to shop on the go

Recently, the mobile-first approach and the Progressive Web Apps have become very much popular in the ecommerce world. 

If you build your store with an online platform that offers the mobile-first approach you can;

  • Enable customers to buy fruits and vegetables using any device of their choice
  • You can appear in Google’s organic search results

On the other hand, Progressive Web Apps can enhance the UX experience and give your users super-amazing browsing experience. Since these are quite cheaper than native-apps, you can easily build one for your store and enable your customers to shop on the go. 

3. Customised filters

Suppose you log into an online grocery store and it takes more than a few seconds for you to find what you are looking for. Will you revisit? Guess no! 

This is because navigation experience is an important part of a customer’s relation with the brand. A good navigation also includes flawless search results and customised filter options besides faster page loads and relevant content. 

A flawless search feature enables your shoppers to find relevant products from different categories conveniently.  For this, your online platform should be able to customise search filters depending upon products, the weight of the fruit and vegetable, price, etc. 

Alongside, it should be able to provide filter options to customers - something that most shoppers use frequently. 

Using the custom filter option, you can conveniently add as many filters as you want and thus make your customers' shopping experience quick, convenient and hassle-free. 


4. Payment options

These days, online shoppers have various kinds of demands and choices. Say, for instance, a certain set of customers prefer to pay using PayPal only. They might not be comfortable to use their debit or credit cards. 

Now, if your hyperlocal ecommerce store is not integrated with PayPal, then you are at risk of losing these customers. Similarly, not letting customers pay in cash can also lead to significant loss of business. 

Hence, providing more options for payments by integrating your online platform with different Payment gateway companies is an effective way to boost sales. 


5. Efficient targeted marketing

Nowadays, marketers are relying very much on targeted marketing and precisely for a reason. Efficient Targeted marketing helps you filter your customers and come up with promotional deals and discounts that are relevant to them. 

From a customer’s perspective, targeted marketing helps to fulfil their specific needs. But from a marketer’s point of view, it gives you better ROI and helps you achieve customer satisfaction. 

While creating your multi-store ecommerce, make sure you choose a solution that offers targeted marketing on priority along with a bunch of other Marketing Tools like product bundling and coupon codes. 


6. Seamless logistics

Lastly, it’s extremely important for your hyperlocal ecommerce to have a seamless fulfilment strategy

The majority of the customers who would order from your website might expect deliveries of fresh products within 24 hours. 

To excel in winning your customers through your fulfilment chain, you can;

  • Tie-up with different carriers
  • Depend on automated processes

Even better, you can simply find an online solution that integrates you with a Shipping aggregator platform. 

Get popularised with StoreHippo online solution

Your journey towards a hyperlocal ecommerce store begins by choosing the right kind of online solution such as StoreHippo. Equipped with new-age features, our platform is an all-round solution to help you come up with a desired dream store. 

Using StoreHippo’s unique features, you can;

  • Your vendors can create location-based sub stores
  • Enable customer geolocation through Google map
  • Track vendor performance and boost  best-performing seller
  • Enable automatic order routing for faster deliveries
  • Have multilingual stores to connect with customers in their native language

Delivering fruit and vegetables at customers’ door-steps is an emerging ecommerce business that is sure to witness steep growth across the globe. To ensure you become your customer’s local favourite, you need to incorporate the above-mentioned features in your website. 

So ready to get started? Explore more about StoreHippo features with a 14-day free trial store or write to us at [email protected]

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Hi, Your blog is worth appreciating, it had a lot of useful information.!

By: Sabjeewaala
Jan 04, 2023   Reply

Replies :
Hi there, thanks for appreciating our blog on How to Become the most Popular Fruit and Vegetable Store in your Locality. If you need our help setting up an online store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Jan 08, 2023

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Looks like a list of promising features needed to build a popular fruit and vegetable multi store ecommerce brand

By: Pradeep Malwani
Nov 14, 2022   Reply

Replies :
Hi Pradeep, thanks for appreciating our blog on How to Become the most Popular Fruit and Vegetable Store in your Locality. If you need our help setting up an online store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Nov 13, 2022

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Wanna be open online organic vegetables and fruits store

By: Manoj Chauhan
Nov 18, 2020   Reply

Replies :
Hi Manoj, I think it's a great idea to open online organic vegetables and fruits store. Let us know if we can help you for the same. You can schedule a free demo with our experts to get more information on an online organic store. StoreHippo Team - Nov 18, 2020

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