How To Create Ecommerce Website For Your Business with StoreHippo

By | Updated Date : Apr 11, 2019 | 1309 views | Apr 14, 2019
  • How To Create Ecommerce Website For Your Business with StoreHippo

Running a business but not thought about having a web store for your brand? Not sure how to create an ecommerce website to start getting online orders? The thought of integrating payment, logistics and other third-party vendors for smooth operations makes you jittery? Wondering if business as small as yours even needs a website?

Well, if you are nodding YES to all the above you have perhaps not evaluated the harm you are doing to your business by not going online yet. In the modern digital world, not only the markets have expanded beyond borders but the customers are also more keen on ordering from the comfort of their home/office rather than going for actual shopping.

If you are still in two minds and not sure when and how to create ecommerce website you need to stop worrying and start evaluating its advantages. The benefits of having an online shopping website are numerous. Let’s check just a few of them:

  • Less expensive to manage, market and maintain
  • Reach out to more customers beyond a fixed location
  • Get better conversion with 24x7 access to customers
  • Better understanding of customer behaviour and preferences
  • Create a better brand identity through various social media platforms
  • Low cost marketing by publishing blogs, infographics etc.
  • Build a loyal customer base with better trust for your brand

The A to Z Guide to Create an Online Store

Now, that you understand the importance of having an online site for your business how do you plan to go about it?

There are a million things you need to align before taking your business online. Definitely how to create ecommerce website would be your topmost concern but there are other important things that have to be taken care of. After all, to be fully functional a website needs to be integrated with payments and shipping channels. Also, you need to take care of the operational and customer support aspect.

It seems like a herculean task, doesn’t it?

Well, let me tell you, it’s not an insurmountable task if you really do your homework well. Starting an online store is super easy if you choose the right ecommerce platform that offers one-stop ecommerce solutions.

Once you have chalked out your business plan and decided on the products you want to sell online, you need to choose a good website builder. This one decision can completely take care of your nagging worry, i.e; how to create ecommerce website for your business. A good ecommerce platform should not only offer a host of features and functionalities but should also be budget friendly. Some of the must-have features of your chosen platform are:

  • Allows you to have a custom domain
  • Offers you a beautiful and customizable store design
  • Allows to easily upload products and images
  • Gives mobile presence to your store for higher conversions
  • Offers multiple payment channels to your customers
  • Gives you integrated shipping at discounted rates
  • Offers multi-channel social media integration
  • Is SEO friendly and offers a blog section
  • Offers affordable plans that don't drain your budget

Answering “How To Create Ecommerce website?” In 5 Simple Steps

Storehippo ecommerce platform offers all these features along with hundreds of other features and tools that help you grow your business. You can set up your online store powered by StoreHippo in 5 easy steps. All you need to do is:

Step 1: Enter your email id, store name and other details to create your FREE store

Step 2: Complete your store set up by adding company details and logo

Step 3: Upload products and images

Step 4: Set up payment methods and shipping methods

Step 5: Pay for a suitable subscription plan and you are ready to go to market

That’s it! Congratulations, your brand now has an online shopping website!

Explore a host of other features from your admin dashboard and use them to your advantage.

Marketing your brand to your customers

Now that you do not have to worry about “how to create ecommerce website?” your next question should be how to get more online shoppers to my website?

Your ecommerce store would not start getting visitors unless you tell your customers about it. Marketing is the next step you need to take to establish your brand in the ecommerce domain. StoreHippo offers a comprehensive package that is not limited to taking care of “how to create ecommerce website” but also helps you to reduce your marketing efforts. The SaaS-based ecommerce platform comes with inbuilt tools and features that allow you access to a host of marketing tools. You can do the following marketing activities to create awareness and recall for your brand:

  • Set up your brand page on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.
  • Rank higher on search engine result pages with meta details, unique product URLs, alt tags, sitemap etc.
  • Create a connection with your customers using the blog
  • Set up discounts for promotional offers on your online shopping website
  • Set up third party mass mailing tools like MailChimp, Sendgrid etc
  • Set up automatic follow up emails for order follow up, incomplete checkout etc
  • Create dynamic marketing pages for the latest promotional activities

Experimenting with these marketing mixes will help you create a buzz about your brand that will increase your organic traffic and eventually boost your conversions.


Now that you have the complete understanding of the steps about “how to create ecommerce website” you should waste no more time contemplating the idea. Starting your online store using the right website builder is the best decision you can take for your brand.

StoreHippo offers you all the tools to build, maintain and market your business. So, why wait, get started now!

Create your trial store and begin your online journey right away!

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