How to choose the best D2C ecommerce platform for your business

By |Updated Date : Dec 20, 2023 | 1 Comments | 165 views | Dec 20, 2023
  • How to choose the best D2C ecommerce platform for your business

The unprecedented shift in the ecommerce industry has inclined the world towards online shopping sites. 

With customers rushing toward ecommerce sites in multitudes, this is your cue to set up a D2C ecommerce platform for your enterprise business.

Well, taking your traditional ecommerce business to new levels of profitability is always a good idea. 

Wondering what is the right step to move ahead?

How to cater to all the needs of early-stage D2C businesses?

Let us tap into the growing market by aligning your business with the best enterprise ecommerce solutions

How about we start by digging into some insights on D2C ecommerce?

  • $ 213 billion is the estimated market size in the U.S by 2024
  • $100 billion is the expected size of the D2C market in India by 2025
  • 64% of consumers worldwide buy directly from brands
  • 49% of the customers prefer buying from D2C brands because of better price availability
  • 34.5% is the expected CAGR of the Indian D2C market during the 2022-2027 period

Source: Statista

The writing is clear on the wall. D2C ecommerce brands have aligned themselves to the latest trends to chart an upward growth trajectory. The concern here is how are you going to set up your brand for growth in 2024 and beyond. Well, one easy way would be to choose the right ecommerce solution provider that puts you ahead of the curve.   

How to choose the best D2C ecommerce platform for your enterprise business

To shift online and ride along with the ecommerce wave, you not only need the right ecommerce strategy but also the means to implement it the right way. And what could be the roadmap to plan your business growth? 

Since retail enterprise businesses are much more complex than ever, you need a versatile and robust enterprise ecommerce solution that supports the growth of your business on multiple fronts. With all the complex business flows, the ecommerce software you choose to establish your business on should be equipped enough to handle the complexities and nuances of the D2C ecommerce business. 

Here are 7 tips on how to choose the best D2C ecommerce platform for your enterprise business:

Personalization is the key 

D2C ecommerce business is highly categorized with personalized preferences, relevant deals, and tailored recommendations. With 91% of the buyers inclined to purchase from personalized brands, you need an ecommerce solution that helps you seamlessly personalize and understand your buyer’s preferences. While choosing the right ecommerce solution provider, look for features that help you create personalized homepages, with specific attention to the location and language of your target audience. 

StoreHippo D2C solutions help brands implement personalization at multiple levels seamlessly. With the decoupled headless architecture from StoreHippo, brands can tweak their D2C ecommerce platform at the frontend and the backend to implement multi-level personalizations. StoreHippo enables brands to also customize their shipping solutions, and digital payments, offer content in personalized languages, discounts, and offers catered to the customers’ specific needs, etc with a rich set of tools and features. You can send out personalized notifications with offers or discounts on the items catered to the personalized needs of your customers.

An omnichannel strategy is a must

50% of the customers shop on more than 4 touchpoints regularly and use at least 6 touch points before going ahead with the decision. As shopping habits evolve, and as customers take multiple channels to make a purchase, D2C ecommerce brands must approach the customers via multiple D2C sales channels. While choosing the right ecommerce platform for your business, make sure you have ample features to target your customers on multiple channels. As you succeed in engaging with your customers on various platforms, you also get access to rich customer data that helps you boost your conversions manifold.     

StoreHippo offers a ready-to-use omnichannel ecommerce solution for all your multi-channel selling needs. You can quickly create new touchpoints using the same backend logic and APIs and create consistent buyer journeys across all channels. StoreHippo also enables you to centrally control all sales channels while improving the operational efficiency of your D2C ecommerce business. You can leverage the most profitable sales channel with rich customer insights on multiple channels from StoreHippo. It also helps you plan data-driven strategies to boost your customer engagement and increase their lifetime value.

Mobile-first solutions should be a priority

Long gone are the days when mobiles were used to make calls and send SMS. 80% of online orders today happen on mobile phones, implying that mobile-first solutions should be the top priority for all enterprise businesses. With the tremendous growth of mcommerce in today’s world, it is essential for the enterprise ecommerce solution you choose to have built-in mobile solutions. Building Android or iOS apps for your customers should not be a tiresome or time-consuming task for you but a seamless process. 

StoreHippo is built grounds up on a mobile-first principle that comes with mobile-ready solutions for every enterprise ecommerce business. The built-in mobile apps builder helps you build mobile apps without the need for coding and at zero additional costs. You can create multiple Android or iOS apps for your multistore business directly from your dashboard. StoreHippo also offers a variety of apps for admins, vendors, delivery boys, etc to help you manage your D2C ecommerce business on the go. The stores you build on StoreHippo are also PWAs that work, look, and feel like mobile apps even on entry-level devices and work smoothly with poor internet connections.

Expansion at a global level  

Do you have plans to go global any time soon? Even if your answer is no, we suggest you to choose a D2C ecommerce platform that helps you expand at a global level. You might want to take your business to cross borders as your business grows and as you see potential customers globally. But what happens when you do not have the support and means to go global? You start looking for the right enterprise ecommerce solutions to migrate to. Now wouldn’t it be wiser to choose a platform that supports your global expansion? 

StoreHippo ecommerce solutions come with go-global features to help you target global customers seamlessly. You can connect with your customers in their native language as StoreHippo supports 100+ languages including RTL languages like Arabic, and Hebrew. You can either choose automatic translation or translate manually. StoreHippo also provides businesses with support for doing business in all the prominent currencies worldwide, ensuring a seamless checkout. You can seamlessly integrate with over 60+ domestic and international payment gateways to offer 100% secure transactions on your D2C ecommerce marketplace.

Marketing features and seamless integrations

Is your marketplace platform able to reach out to your customers across multiple touchpoints? Do you have features to promote your D2C business? As you create an online store, marketing your brand to the right audience must be easy. To create a fool-proof marketing plan for your enterprise business, you need access to feature-rich marketing solutions that help you move past the competitors. 

StoreHippo comes with comprehensive and easy-to-use marketing tools to help you take your brand to the right audience. With the built-in powerful discount engine, you can offer multi-level discounts to the customers on your D2C ecommerce platform. StoreHippo also comes with a built-in SEO tool that helps you position your brand high on SERPs. You can easily create unique URLs for pages, meta titles, meta descriptions, meta tags, keywords, and more right from your admin dashboard. With the 120+ API endpoints, you can also seamlessly integrate with the marketing software and tools of your own choice.  

Multiple payment solutions matter 

Well, yes. 100%. Payment solution is one thing that matters the most on your marketplace platform. As you offer a seamless and frictionless payment process to your customers, you attract and retain loyal customers. The enterprise ecommerce solutions you choose for your D2C business should be able to offer a comfortable shopping experience to your customers. Choose an ecommerce solution that helps you integrate with more than one payment gateway so your customers can choose from their preferred payment methods. 

StoreHippo comes with a full spectrum of payment solutions for your business. It comes with 60+ pre-integrated domestic and international payment gateways to offer ease of payment to your customers. With StoreHippoo, you can integrate with more than one payment option so that your customers can choose their preferred payment solution from various options like COD, net banking, mobile wallets, card payments, etc. on your D2C ecommerce platform.

Seamless and quick order fulfillment 

56% of shoppers expect same-day delivery options. Surprising, right? With the growing demand for quick deliveries, brands can no longer ignore the delivery module. D2C enterprise brands need to be on their toes and build customer trust and loyalty by offering quick hassle-free deliveries. As you create an online store, make sure to streamline your deliveries with multiple logistics solutions that can offer quick deliveries. 

StoreHippo enterprise ecommerce solutions offer 30+ pre-integrated logistics partners for you to choose from. You can also integrate with multiple delivery partners to optimize your delivery costs. StoreHippo comes with an in-built delivery boy management system that helps streamline and offer safe, error-free order deliveries. You can seamlessly onboard, manage, and track your own fleet of delivery boys right from the admin dashboard.


Well, to ace the ecommerce game, you need to choose the best enterprise ecommerce solution for your D2C business. You can only take your business to greater heights with the help of a robust feature-rich ecommerce platform. While you look for the right solution for your business, make sure to factor in all your business needs for successful brand building and to offer a smooth shopping experience.

StoreHippo is a 360-degree turnkey ecommerce solution that comes with 300+ built-in features like future-ready technology, a mobile-first approach, etc. You can seamlessly carve a niche for your D2C ecommerce brand with the SaaS-based ecommerce platform. StoreHippo helps you build a next-gen D2C ecommerce platform and expand to different locations, products, languages, etc seamlessly. 

Are you all set to build the best D2C ecommerce marketplace with StoreHippo? Start your 14-day free trial to explore the features of StoreHippo. 

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D2C ecommerce is the flavour of the market nowadays. Very nice article to help businesses in choosing the best tech solutions.

By: Vikram Rao
Jul 30, 2024   Reply

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Hi Vikram, thanks for appreciating our blog on How to choose the best D2C ecommerce platform for your business. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Jul 29, 2024

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