How To Grow Your Online Diagnostics Business With Mobile Apps

By | Jul 21, 2021 | 4 Comments | 1108 views |
  • How To Grow Your Online Diagnostics Business With Mobile Apps

Diagnosing illness, using ingestible sensors and wearables sounds very common in healthcare these days. All these services are readily available at the fingertips of customers. It is evident that every industry is harnessing the power of mobile apps today.

The recent spike in the pace and growth of healthcare can be attributed to the improved quality of health services. Amid this impressive progress, online diagnostics has emerged as a prominent game-changer in the healthcare sector.

Mobile and Healthcare

Today, we use mobile phones for almost everything. Gone are the days when we used them only for calling. Now, our lives revolve around it.

From morning wakeup alarm, online shopping, staying connected through social networks, managing our schedules, organizing our work, booking doctor appointments and healthcare check-ups, everything is on mobile today.

Overview of Healthcare Apps Market 

  • There are more than 318,000 health apps in top app stores worldwide
  • 200+ new healthcare apps are added each day
  • The healthcare mobile apps market is expected to generate around 111.1 billion dollars by 2025

Source: Zion market research

Why does your online diagnostics business need a mobile app?

Mobile apps for healthcare are no longer a luxury now. It has become a necessity. Whether you own an online diagnostic business or want to launch one, creating healthcare is the foremost consideration.

The blend of medical and digital techniques is already bearing fruit in terms of multi-channel shopping experience like smartwatches. Even if we do not delve into cutting edge technologies like artificial intelligence, we still have a lot of benefits that can be leveraged with mobile apps. 

The online diagnosis app helps in making the life of a medical diagnostic lab and customer way too easier. Let’s explore some benefits of medical diagnosis apps you can unlock for the benefit of your business. 

  • Instant Point-of-Care - Mobile apps can take care of the patient's needs instantly rather than getting the patient to laboratories. 

  • Inexpensive - There are many instances that prove that quality healthcare is sadly still inaccessible or unaffordable. But online diagnostics apps offer simple yet inexpensive healthcare facilities to labs and consumers. The labs can save their business costs in terms of logistics and customers can save a lot of time and effort. So, it's surely a win-win situation.

Start growing your online diagnostics business with Mobile Apps 

1. Easy online appointment and scheduling

Making appointments for diagnosis is no more a hassle which requires calling at multiple numbers or coordinating with different staff members. When most of the users have smartphones, they can simply book and manage their online appointments with mobile apps. For example, you can build your mobile apps and start offering lab tests and health checkup packages. Your marketplace app can be used to provide a fast booking experience and improve customer service. Researchers found that orders from smartphones amount to 52% of total online orders. The simple and easy to use navigation for product categorization and location filters makes it even easier for customers to book and schedule appointments.

2. Personalized experience

If you are already dealing with medical diagnosis services or thinking of starting one, using a mobile app can help you personalize the buying experiences. You can replicate the business hacks of Suburban diagnostics, a diagnostics service provider helping with lab tests and extensive diagnosis services. The mobile app provides a personalized shopping experience from starting (website visit) to end (book a service). They give appropriate choices to visitors after understanding their concern i.e. patient, doctor, non-patient. The user can choose the option and move forward without wasting any time. You can also use a similar model to enhances the patient experience and increase the possibilities of future retention.

3. Mobile friendly solution

No surprises, a website is a must but mobile apps have started doing wonders in every sector, especially healthcare. With fast to load and easy to view pages, it also offers mobile-friendly features like push notifications to engage the customers. The buyers always admire a seamless shopping experience, especially during payment and checkouts. For example, Dr. Lal Pathlabs is one of the oldest path lab companies with 170 laboratories and 2000 collection centres in India. Their mobile-friendly website and app has extended their reach to patients and also, increased the conversion rates.

StoreHippo can help here.  It allows you to create a mobile app from your dashboard without paying extra money. For better user experience, you can also use PWA (progressive Web application) technology to offer quick loading to buyers who use websites or have bad internet connection. 

4. Seamless online payments

No matter what kind of business you deal with, online payment is always a must. Traditionally people had to wait in a long queue for hours to make the payment. Mobile technology offers highly secure payment methods that allow us to make instant payments for ourselves and for our loved ones.

But today, customers appreciate seamless online payments while booking their health services. The pathlabs have to offer direct and secure online payment through mobile. StoreHippo software has 60+ payment gateways that come pre-integrated and can be easily activated at a click. 

5. Vendor support

Pathlabs struggle with various operational hassles. And vendor support is one of the major concerns as there are various vendors providing support in different geographies. Having multiple vendors, onboarding them successfully, and managing them well is a serious problem.

But to the rescue, the vendor support features of StoreHippo let your vendors manage orders, shipping, orders status and inventories from their unique dashboards. You can easily create individual seller pages to help vendors in generating sales. It also helps you to set up and manage location-based pathlabs sub-stores for different locations across the country. The payment methods can also be set up to calculate the commissions automatically and pay it to the vendors.

 6. Automated marketing tools

Automated marketing tools save you dozens of hours and money. With the right tools, you can personalize the marketing strategies of your diagnostics business, learn about your customers, shoot up customer loyalty, and even beyond. Just like Dr. Lal Pathlabs uses marketing tools to guide the buyer towards the right health test according to their problem. And according to the needs of customers, they promote customized lab tests, health packages, and discount offers over websites, mobile apps, emails to attract online buyers and maximize sales.

If you are thinking about automating your marketing campaigns, StoreHippo is the one-stop solution for you. With automated email tools, customized discounts and coupon creation, dynamic marketing pages, abandoned cart recovery tools, StoreHippo offers rich marketing tools to make your business grow like never before.

7. Behavior analytics and reports

The integration of advanced analytics in your app allows you to track your user behaviour and take the right actions accordingly. The mobile app analytics understand the demands of your customers by analyzing customer reviews.

And it also lets you make the changes required by your app in a faster manner. Well, you need not get into this nitty-gritty on your own. StoreHippo enables you to analyze user behaviour and reports on your mobile. It also ensures that your mobile app does not compromise on sensitive data in any manner. 

Why is StoreHippo the best mobile app solution to grow your online diagnostics business?

Technology has made everything easier. And today, when healthcare is one of the most booming sectors, you cannot afford to stay back. In fact, it’s time to grow your business with mobile apps.

Now when you are aware of the enormous benefits offered by online diagnostics mobile apps, it is a no brainer to start working towards your business growth goals. And the foremost requirement for your online business is to choose a ready-to-use ecommerce platform. Well, StoreHippo can be your one-stop technology solution to manage your online business, build mobile apps along with superb PWA features, and help your business reach new success heights.

Start your 14 days free online trial store today to begin your growth journey for your diagnostics business.

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The mobile app revolution is undoubtedly transforming the diagnostics industry. This article provides practical tips for leveraging technology to expand your online diagnostics business. Embracing mobile apps can help providers reach a broader audience and enhance customer convenience.

By: Raj
Sep 12, 2023   Reply

Replies :
Hi Raj, thanks for appreciating our blog on How To Grow Your Online Diagnostics Business With Mobile Apps. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Sep 13, 2023

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Nice information

By: BloodCellsKart
Apr 12, 2023   Reply

Replies :
Hi BloodCellsKart, thanks for appreciating our blog on How To Grow Your Online Diagnostics Business With Mobile Apps. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Apr 12, 2023

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Mobile apps can be a useful tool for growing a diagnostics business by providing a convenient and accessible way for customers to access and manage their health information.This article does justice to this information, looking forward to reading more from this blog.

By: Mallika Patel
Jan 17, 2023   Reply

Replies :
Hi Mallika, thanks for appreciating our blog on How To Grow Your Online Diagnostics Business With Mobile App. If you need our help setting up an online store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Jan 16, 2023

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Mobile commerce solution is the right way to grow your online diagnostics business as people are more and more dependent on mobile apps today. very rightly said that the choice of an m commerce solution matters the most

By: Divit Ahuja
Oct 21, 2022   Reply

Replies :
Hi Divit, thanks for appreciating our blog on How To Grow Your Online Diagnostics Business With Mobile Apps. If you need our help setting up an online store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Oct 20, 2022

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