How to make your marketplace website stand out

By | Updated Date : Jan 31, 2024 | 1 Comments | 583 views | Jan 31, 2024
  • How to make your marketplace website stand out

You have built a conversion-oriented and engaging multi vendor marketplace for your ecommerce business.

However, you wish to make your marketplace website stand out in 2024 without burning your pockets.

Don’t know where to start from? 

How to ace your ecommerce game and race ahead of your competitors? 

Well, the struggle is real! 

But not with the best multivendor platform that helps you prioritize your customers and win big in the ecommerce marketplace.

Wonder how?

Let us crack the cheat code to stand out in 2024 with these simple yet unique tricks.

But first, here are a few ecommerce buying trends to look out for in 2024

  • $8.7 trillion is the expected sales on multivendor marketplaces by 2025
  • 48% of buyers prefer going straight to a marketplace website while buying online
  • 95% of all purchases are estimated to be done through ecommerce by 2040
  • 93.5% of global internet users have purchased products online
  • 80% of business-to-business sales to be done online by 2025
  • 59% of customers say that personalization influences their shopping decision 
  • $3.4 trillion of mobile e-commerce sales expected by 2027

Source: Statista

Marketplace websites have become the go-to shopping adda for new-age customers. With buying habits shifting drastically over the years, businesses have adopted the emerging trends to attract customers and future-proof their enterprise brands. It has, however, become tough to sustain in the competitive ecommerce world without having the means to stand out.   

10 Ways to make your marketplace website stand out in 2024 

Along with the best multivendor platform, you need handy tips and tricks to stand out in the ecommerce world. With the constant increase in the number of people buying goods online, you need to stay on top of ecommerce trends that shape the buying habits of your customers. 

Here are 10 ways to stay ahead of your competitors in 2024 and beyond:                

1. Create user-centric store designs

In the modern world, where everything is available everywhere, you need to find ways to stand out from the crowd. Wonder how to go about it? You can make a difference by offering a multi vendor marketplace that excels in navigation and helps customers hop from one product to another effortlessly. With an easy search and filter option, you make buying seamless for your customers, ultimately retaining them for life. One thing that customers love while shopping online is the site’s speed. Yes, longer waiting time puts off your customer's shopping midway, make sure your site performs well and is accessible even on low internet speeds. You also need a responsive website that your customers enjoy shopping on.

StoreHippo marketplace website software comes with a rich design themes library to help you create professional-looking designs for your marketplace. With the easy drag-and-drop tool from StoreHippo, you can play around with the store designs and make quick changes to the store design without having to code. You can choose from 100+ device-optimized themes from StoreHippo and create website designs based on market needs and dynamics. StoreHippo is a scalable ecommerce platform that helps you create consistent high-performance even when your enterprise brand grows exponentially. You can also offer an easy search feature and easy navigation to your customers on your multi vendor marketplace. 

2. Leverage next-gen tech to stay ahead

With the constant change in ecommerce trends, enterprise brands need to remain agile and adapt to the market. Brands that remain customer-centric to their core can stand out in the cut-throat competitive market. Wonder how to make your marketplace the one ahead of others? You can leverage next-gen ecommerce technology that offers advanced creative control to help you stay future-ready. When you create a marketplace website that is tailored to market needs and attuned to market trends, you can seamlessly carve a niche for your enterprise brand. 

StoreHippo, the best multivendor platform is a fully hosted and managed ecommerce solution that offers advanced enterprise-grade features to help future-proof your business. Powered by the next-gen MEAN stack, StoreHippo helps build cutting-edge ecommerce enterprise solutions. StoreHippo is built on MACH architecture that enables enterprise brands to experiment, innovate, and scale without having to compromise on the site’s performance. You can stand out in the ecommerce marketplace ecosystem by upgrading your website to the latest trends and innovations with StoreHippo.

3. Leverage mcommerce to reach a wider audience

With 80% of the online orders happening via smartphones, brands need to leverage mobile commerce to race ahead in the ecommerce game. If your multi vendor marketplace fails to connect with its customers on their smartphones, you need to drop everything you are doing and finetune your brands mcommerce transition right away. Mobile phones have now become a primary sales channel for enterprise brands of every scale and size, and you simply cannot grow without building a strong mobile sales channel for your brand. 

Built on mobile-first technology, StoreHippo ecommerce solutions come with a built-in mobile apps builder and offer a variety of mobile-ready solutions. You can create your Android or iOS mobile apps directly from your admin dashboard at zero additional costs and without the need for coding. When you build a marketplace website on StoreHippo, you also build PWA stores that look, feel, and work like mobile apps even on entry level devices and can work even with poor internet connectivity. StoreHippo also offers multiple mobile apps for different users like admin, delivery boys, vendors etc to help them manage their business on the go.  

4. Create seamless multi-channel engagement 

In 2024, customers love engaging with their customers on multiple platforms before making a purchase. And brands that offer strong omnichannel support go a long way in boosting their revenue. With the recent ecommerce trends, it has become mandatory for marketplace websites to create seamless multi-channel engagement for their customers. Taking the omnichannel route, brands can target customers on channels like social media pages, landing pages, mobile apps, marketplace websites etc. 

StoreHippo offers ready-to-use omnichannel ecommerce solutions for the multi-channel selling needs of your business. You can easily create and add new customer touchpoints quickly using the same backend logic and APIs. It helps you create consistent buyer experiences across multiple channels to boost engagement. Brands can easily strategize product-market mixes for faster growth and better audience engagement with the right omnichannel solutions at hand. With StoreHippo, the best multivendor platform, you can also centrally control your sales channels and improve operational efficiency on all sales channels. As you get customer insights from multiple channels, you can leverage the most profitable sales channel and plan data-driven strategies. 

5. Go intensive with personalization

Well, it's 2024, and the entire world has moved towards personalization. The one sure-shot way to stand out from the crowd is to offer an extremely personalized buyer journey to your customers. To retain loyal customers on your multi vendor marketplace, you need a powerful personalized ecommerce strategy that helps you convert potential sales. You can start by offering custom languages to interact with your customers and personalize the pricing, payment methods, shipping solutions, etc.

Built on a decoupled headless architecture, StoreHippo helps you offer a personalized buyer experience on your website. You can seamlessly tweak the platform inside out and implement multi-level personalizations on your marketplace website. StoreHippo helps you customize your shopping solution, payment options, and website content seamlessly with its advanced features and tools. You can also use the tired pricing feature to personalize the pricing of your products based on the audience, location, and other market dynamics. 

6. Keep introducing new products and services 

Customers are spoiled for choices today. They expect their brands to offer them a wide variety of product options. Wonder how to achieve that? You can seamlessly onboard multiple local or global vendors on your multi vendor marketplace. As cross-border trade is on a tremendous rise with customers going gaga over global brands, you can offer global-level products to your domestic customers or widen your customer base to global markets.  

The end-to-end product management system from StoreHippo also helps your vendors manage multiple products seamlessly. With advanced solutions, you can quickly add, delete, or manage bulk products in just a few clicks. StoreHippo, the best multivendor platform also comes with a comprehensive vendor management solution that helps you onboard and manage multiple vendors on your marketplace seamlessly. With a host of global solutions from StoreHippo, you can carve a niche in the global market as well. The multilingual feature helps you communicate with your customers in their native language. You can translate your website into 100+ different languages in just a few clicks with StoreHippo. You can also integrate with global logistics solutions for seamless deliveries and enable your customers to pay in their currency with StoreHippo, the best multivendor platform.  

7. Market your enterprise brand well

It’s 2024, and the world is hugely driven by targeted marketing. To position your enterprise brand on a strong footing in the ecommerce world, you need to market it well. The search engines like Google receive a plethora of searches per second every day. To place your enterprise brand on the top results, you need to have your marketing and SEO game on point. However, with the right set of tools, strategizing and executing your marketing plans becomes easy. You can also add customer reviews on the product pages making it easy for the customers to makeinformed purchase decisions based on peer reviews.  

StoreHippo comes with a gamut of marketing tools to help you market your business well in the ecommerce market. StoreHippo, the best marketplace website builder is designed for a wide range of B2B+ B2C enterprise ecommerce brands with comprehensive and easy-to-use inbuilt SEO tools. You can rank your website higher on SERPs by strategically using SEO tools. StoreHippo comes built-in with a powerful discount engine to help you implement multi-level personalized discounts. You can also recover abandoned carts with real-time personalized email and push notifications from StoreHippo. With the blog engine from StoreHippo, you can create personalized content for your audience and carve a niche for your multi vendor  marketplace. 

8. Make payments effortless  

This is where you can not go wrong. Customers look for a frictionless payment process on your marketplace. When you offer a smooth payment process to your customers, you retain them for life. As the customers feel more confident and comfortable with the payment options, they return to your marketplace with a happy experience. Now isn’t this exactly what you want for your buyers? 

StoreHippo comes pre-integrated with 60+ domestic and international payment gateways to help you offer a seamless payment process to your customers. You can integrate with more than one payment gateway and offer multiple payment options to your customers like COD, card payment, net banking, mobile wallets, digital wallets, etc. on your marketplace website. StoreHippo also enables you to implement multiple payment gateways based on the location or device of the buyers and supports transactions in multiple currencies.

9. Ensure faster order fulfillment 

61% of consumers are willing to pay more to have their products delivered on the same day. If you are planning on standing out from the crowd, ensure faster order fulfillment on your marketplace. Customers love brands that offer them quick deliveries and stay on the front foot with delivery and shipments. As you build a streamlined, timely, and reliable fulfilment channel, you can seamlessly minimize firefighting.  

StoreHippo marketplace website builder comes pre-integrated with 30+ logistics partners to help you create a seamless supply chain. You can also integrate your custom global shipping provider to expand to global markets. With the built-in delivery boy management solutions, you can manage your fleet of delivery boys and ensure smooth order deliveries on your marketplace. As you integrate with multiple shipping options, you can also optimize the shipping costs and keep your customers happy with timely deliveries. 

Offer multi-channel support

To mark a strong presence of your multi vendor marketplace in the ecommerce world, you must be available for your customers on all the channels visited by them. A multi-channel customer support has become an integral part of a buyer’s journey. It should be easy for your customers to connect with you both pre and post-purchase on all your sales channels. Without strong customer support, you might find yourself looking at abandoned carts and lost sales. 

With StoreHippo, you can seamlessly offer an exemplary customer experience on your marketplace website. You can integrate with the best-in-class multi-channel support solutions to arm your marketplace’s support team. You can also integrate with a host of automated tools and features like live chat and chat bots to send out personalized notifications to your customers. You can also recover abandoned carts by sending out real-time notifications to your customers.


To stand out from the crowd and carve a niche for your ecommerce brand, you need to future-proof your multi vendor marketplace with a rich set of features and tools. You can start by choosing a robust ecommerce solution that helps you implement all of the aforementioned features and become your customers’ favourite in no time.

Built on powerful MACH architecture StoreHippo is the best multivendor platform that helps you capture the ecommerce world. The future-ready software comes with 300+ enterprise-grade features to help you reduce cost, improve efficiency, and acquire customers in your marketplace seamlessly. With the SaaS-based ecommerce platform, you can seamlessly cope with the changing market dynamics and build a marketplace website that resonates with your brand image.

Are you all set to make your marketplace website stand out with StoreHippo? Explore the wide range of features by starting your 14-day free trial now. 

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Well, this is one of the most asked questions from my client as well. You have put together a great list of ways to make your marketplace website stand out

By: Jitendra Sethi
Mar 20, 2024   Reply

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Hi Jitendra, thanks for appreciating our blog on How to make your marketplace website stand out. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Mar 26, 2024

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