How to maximize festive season sales on your cosmetics D2C brand website

By |Updated Date : Oct 30, 2023 | 1 Comments | 697 views | Oct 30, 2023
  • How to maximize festive season sales on your cosmetics D2C brand website

With all the festivities approaching, the air around the Indian ecommerce market is filled with cultural energy and shopping excitement. 

Isn’t it the best time to plan a festive season sale and cash in on the billion-dollar beauty and cosmetic industry? 

Yes, it definitely is. 

Wondering how to build stronger bonds with your customers and deliver an engaging shopping experience on your D2C brand website

Well, the competition is stiff, and simple age-old marketing gimmicks might not suffice. 

You need to revamp your website and find the best enterprise ecommerce solutions that make it easy to go above and beyond for your customers. 

If you ask us what the customers look for, we would say they look to make the most of their money and time - especially during the holiday season.

Here are a few festive season sale insights to help you understand your customers and their buying habits:

  • 76% of Indian consumers purchase luxury and authentic beauty brands during festive season sale
  • 50% of consumers are willing to increase their spending this festive period compared to last year
  • 87% of consumers in metros will shop online for festivals
  • 86% across tier-2 cities prefer to shop online this festive period
  • 77% of consumers affirmed that online festive shopping events enhance the convenience of their online shopping experience with options like faster delivery

Source: Economic Times

Wait no more! Revisit your ecommerce platform in India and deck it up for the upcoming festive season. And we bet you do not need us to convince you anymore. The numbers speak for themselves, providing you with all the proof you need to plan a mega festive season sale for your cosmetics D2C brand. 

How to boost the festive season sales on your cosmetic D2C brand 

To attract, engage, and convert potential customers during the festive season is not a cakewalk. Since the competition is stiff and the ecommerce market is overflowing with great offers, you need to stand out of the crowd. Wonder how? Let us look at a few battle-tested tricks that can take your beauty and cosmetic brand closer to your customers this festive season. 

Make your cosmetic brand website festive-ready 

Each of your customers is in a festive mood. So, wouldn’t it be like a cherry on the cake if you also make your website reflect the same festive mood? Well, creating custom designs for your D2C brand website on special festive occasions takes your game a few notches higher. As you elevate your customer's shopping experience, you succeed in keeping them hooked to your cosmetic brand. While creating a good festive mood on your website brand, you can not miss out on a smooth and easy navigation on your website.

StoreHippo ecommerce platform comes with a rich-design themes library. You can choose from 100+ device-optimized themes to create customized and professional-looking store designs for your cosmetic brand. StoreHippo enterprise ecommerce solutions come with an easy drag-and-drop tool that helps you easily create new designs without any need for coding. Even novice sellers can seamlessly create new designs in just a few clicks and play around with multiple design themes. You can also create different-looking yet festive-themed designs for your chain of cosmetic sub-stores with StoreHippo. With the unique design feature from StoreHippo, you can also cater to different audience groups by translating your website into multiple local languages from across the country.

Create unique discount and coupon codes 

Each cosmetic ecommerce platform in India is offering discounts for its customers during the holiday season sale. How are you different from the others and why should the customers choose you? Well, to answer your question, customers will choose you for your uniqueness. As you plan out multi-level offers and personalized coupon codes, you will see customers come flocking to your marketplace. 

You can start by creating a specific or miscellaneous collection of products, say you name a category “eye makeup under 299” or “nail art under 499”. This type of collection makes your customers click on the banner and explore the deals on different cosmetic products that you are offering. You can also enable price-based or discount-based search where customers can specifically check the products that are on discount with StoreHippo’s advanced search and navigation features. StoreHippo also comes with a powerful discount tool to help you offer multi-level discounts like product-based, brand-specific, or even order volume-based discounts on your brand website. 

Align your stocks for heavy order flow 

It is quite natural to get overwhelmed by the high volume of orders you receive during the festive season sale. But, in between all the festive changes, did you align your stocks? You wouldn't want your cosmetic customers to return without placing an order just because you missed stocking up right? To maximize your orders and offer the utmost customer satisfaction, make sure you have your SKUs in place.

To help you align your products for the mega festive season sale, StoreHippo comes with a powerful inventory management solution. You can manage your products, control their visibility, alter the prices, etc with just a few clicks. Also, when you create multiple sub-stores for your D2C brand website, you can manage single or bulk products like add, delete, import, manage, etc from a central admin dashboard. You can also either hide the out-of-stock item or add the out-of-stock label on the product to notify customers when the product goes out-of-stock. 

Ensure your servers are primed for peak load tolerance 

70% of the customers say that page speed matters when they make a purchase online. And especially during the festive season when everyone is rushing to buy cosmetics, you need to pay a little extra heed if your site is ready to handle the peak load. Well, it can be a challenge to manage high-traffic load on your brand website, and that too in the absence of a top ecommerce platform. As you prepare your site for peak load, make sure to also fix all the broken links that might cause disturbance in a smooth shopping experience.

StoreHippo is a scalable ecommerce solution that handles the high-volume traffic of your D2C brand website seamlessly. The inherently scalable ecommerce solution from StoreHippo offers peak-load tolerance and can handle millions of users in a single day without disturbing the load-time and site’s speed. Built on the most advanced technology stack, StoreHippo offers peak load tolerance with 99% uptime.

Create a personalized festive shopping experience

In a direct-to-consumer business set-up, brands need to focus a little extra on customer’s needs and expectations. As 91% of the customers prefer to buy from brands that offer personalized offers and customized shopping experiences, are you up for the challenge? And it is the festive season sale, where the cosmetic customers already have a ton of brands at their disposal to shop from. Make sure not to miss this golden opportunity by going with an ecommerce platform in India that makes personalization easy to offer.

StoreHippo's D2C ecommerce solution helps you implement a comprehensive personalized shopping journey in no time. With the decoupled headless architecture, you can seamlessly tweak your enterprise ecommerce platform at the frontend and the backend to implement multi-level personalizations. You can easily customize the shipping solutions, and digital payments, offer personalized content in multilingual languages, etc on your D2C brand website.

Go omnichannel to target your audience  

Customers today like to shop on 4+ touchpoints and use 6+ touchpoints to engage with their favourite brands. As you prepare for a festive season sale, make sure to offer an omnichannel ecommerce solution to your customers. Since online shopping is highly categorized as shopping on mobile phones, for the comfort it offers, is your cosmetic D2C brand also available for shopping on mobile phones? Well, it's high time to create multiple sales channels for your direct-to-consumer brand to ensure growth in 2023 and beyond.

StoreHippo enterprise ecommerce solutions come with 300+ API endpoints and headless architecture that makes it seamless to add new touchpoints using the same backend logic and APIs. With the built-in mobile apps builder from StoreHippo, you can also create Android and iOS apps directly from your dashboard and target your customers on mobile devices. The stores created by StoreHippo are also PWA cosmetic stores that look, feel, and work like mobile apps even on entry-level devices. You can also collect rich customer data from different channels and leverage the best-selling channel for unparalleled growth of your enterprise business. 

Market your festive season sale to your customers

If you are planning to maximize sales on your cosmetic ecommerce brand, you need to market your festive season sale to your customers. Since the market is overflowing with offers and discounts at the moment, without the right marketing tools and features your cosmetic brand website fails to reach your target audience. Customers today tend to research on multiple platforms before making a purchase and so your brand needs to be everywhere your customers are.

StoreHippo comes with comprehensive marketing solutions to market your holiday season sale. The easy-to-use SEO tools from StoreHippo help you create unique URLs for pages, meta titles, meta descriptions, keywords, etc right from your admin dashboard. You can rank your D2C brand website higher on SERPs with the in-built SEO tools from StoreHippo. You can also offer personalized offers and discounts with the powerful built-in discount engine from StoreHippo and create other personalized marketing strategies. StoreHippo’s real-time push notifications help you recover abandoned carts and retain lost sales. You can nudge your customers to buy cosmetics from your marketplace.  

Offer a safe and secure payment process

A safe and secure payment process is necessary for increased sales throughout the year, not just during festivities. Think like this, will your customers be willing to pay huge amounts of money for beauty and cosmetic products if they are unsure about the payment process? Customers are reminded to drop the purchase if they do not feel confident in making the payment. And since we are talking about the festive season sale, make sure you offer multiple payment methods to your customers.

With StoreHippo enterprise ecommerce solutions, you can integrate multiple payment gateways on your ecommerce brand website. StoreHippo comes with 60+ pre-integrated payment gateways for you to pick and choose from options like COD, credit or debit cards, net banking, mobile wallets, etc. As you integrate with more than one payment option for your customers, you not only make the payment process smooth and friction-free but also offer your customers freedom to choose their preferred payment methods. 

Streamline order fulfillment 

When a customer places a cosmetic order, they are enthusiastically waiting for the parcel to arrive. Yes, 61% of the customers are willing to pay extra just to receive their parcel early. As you streamline the order fulfillment process on your website, you unknowingly become your customer’s favorite brand. Isn’t that what we just want?

StoreHippo ecommerce solutions come integrated with 30+ shipping partners for you to choose from. You can integrate with more than one shipping partner to align quick deliveries and optimize your delivery costs. A festive season sale means heavy flow of orders, and with multiple orders pouring in, it can be tough to align them all while also offering quick deliveries. StoreHippo comes with an inbuilt order management system to help you align your orders seamlessly. The delivery boy management software from StoreHippo helps you manage your own fleet of delivery boys for faster and error-free deliveries.  

 Be available for your customers 

Festive season sale is highly categorized with impulsive buying, which can lead to increased returns and grievances. How well are you equipped to handle your customer queries and offer a smooth customer experience post-sales? Do you have the right resources to establish yourself as a customer-oriented cosmetic ecommerce brand

Well, with StoreHippo you can offer multi-channel customer support and interact with your customers at multiple touch points. StoreHippo helps you integrate with live-chat software and chatbots on your brand website. You can also install various chat apps for your customers to contact you on. With the right ecommerce platform in India, you can be available for your customers around the clock. As you integrate with the best CRM software, you can cater to various customer queries on your D2C brand website. 


With the increase in purchasing power, customers have also become more aware of their purchase decisions. People do want to buy a lot of cosmetic products during the festive season sale, but only after weighing their options. And all you want is a big jump in sales, right?

To help you achieve your goals make sure to prepare, plan, and execute your holiday season sale with the right set of features. The tips and tricks mentioned above work wonders if equipped with the right enterprise ecommerce solution like StoreHippo. Built on MACH architecture, StoreHippo is a robust ecommerce platform that helps build easy-to-use cutting-edge D2C brand websites for your enterprise ecommerce brand. 

Are you all set to pull up your socks and boost your festive season sale this year? Explore the 300+ enterprise features by starting your 14-day free trial now.  

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Well, the cosmetic industry is no doubt a booming one today. A D2C brand website can benefit form the curated list of tips and tricks

By: Aadinath Nair
Mar 21, 2024   Reply

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Hi Aadinath, thanks for appreciating our blog on How to maximize festive season sales on your cosmetics D2C brand website. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Mar 20, 2024

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