Indisputable Benefits Of Best Mobile Ecommerce Site For Your Business

By | Apr 05, 2021 | 2 Comments | 850 views |
  • Indisputable Benefits Of  Best Mobile Ecommerce Site For Your Business

50% of smartphone users prefer shopping on mobile sites more than desktop. And they are most likely to buy, if the website is quick to load and easy to use on mobiles. These statistics have influenced many online stores to create the best mobile ecommerce websites and apps. After adopting this, businesses have noticed a boost in their revenue. 

Wouldn't it be more exciting to have your own mobile commerce applications in this smartphone crazy world of ours? We bet it will be. It is, perhaps, the ultimate way to gain market exposure and new customers.

But what is mobile commerce? Simply put, it is the mobile version of your ecommerce website. Here, customers can easily shop from your online store through cell phones. Statistics say that sales on apps is going to reach  $2.91 trillion in 2020. The revenue from sales on mobile has increased by 22.4% in 2020.

This shows how investment in mobile technology is helping businesses to make revenue. It’s high time for you to build your own mobile friendly website and apps by using the best mobile ecommerce site. 

In this blog, we will be discussing about 3 things-

  • Why should you invest in the best mobile ecommerce sites? (with reference to data)

  • Why do your customers prefer Mobile Commerce applications or mobile apps?

  • What benefits can you earn by creating a mobile friendly ecommerce website?

Why should you invest in Best mobile ecommerce sites? 

  • 6 out of 10 online shoppers reveal that cell phones are important in brand selection. This signals that brands who have mobile-friendly ecommerce websites can gain customers more quickly than others

  • In the list of worldwide smartphone users, India and the USA, hold second and third positions. If you are targeting the Indian and US population, go for purchasing the best mobile ecommerce website that can commit great mobile experience

  • 69% of internet users use mobile to find product reviews before purchasing a product. While 58% are looking for similar products to buy

  • The average time spent on the mobile is 3 hours. Out of which 90% of the time is reserved for browsing on mobile commerce applications, and 10% is for the rest of the internet

Mobile friendly websites are best for brand awareness and engagement. However, if you want more conversions and returning customers, apps promise higher returns.

Ecommerce Mobile Apps helps in pushing more people down the sales funnel, with 3 times higher conversion rates compared to mobile ecommerce sites. When compared to desktop, smartphones recorded 1.5 times more conversions per session.

Why do customers prefer using Mobile Applications?

1. Ease of Use

Smartphone applications frees the customers from the hassle of signing in every time they want to make a purchase. As the information filled during the sign up will automatically get saved into the application. It helps in avoiding customer frustration and improving customer experience.

2. Easy Payment Process

3 out of 4 shoppers say they purchase on ecommerce apps because it offers an easy payment and checkout process. Customers can easily make payments, without being directed to third party gateways.

3. Get Instant Offers

Consumers become excited when they get relevant notifications about discounts on wishlist items or sales announcements on favorite items. With mobile commerce applications, you can send instant alerts and notifications whenever they open the app.

4. Saves Times

Waiting time is cut down. How? On desktops, the user needs to launch a web browser, enter the store name/URL and wait for the site to load. On the contrary, apps are super-fast to load i.e, between 2-5 seconds. Loading time also depends on the best mobile ecommerce website chosen to build your store.

5 Benefits of using Best Mobile Ecommerce Site

1. Faster purchases

One of the most powerful retail brands, Amazon, escalated its customer base from 43 million in 2015 to 67 million in 2016. This became possible only when they shifted their focus on mobile browsing. Thus, resulting in more sales

2. Personalized Alerts & Notification

By using mobile commerce applications, you can serve offers, discounts, price drop alerts based on individual shopping patterns. By delivering personalized content to each customer, you can gain regular customers. Limit your alerts and notifications as it sometimes turns off customers. Data like location, recent purchases, wishlist items, items viewed, etc, will help in sending personalized notifications. To personalize, use the best mobile commerce site.

3. Push Notifications

Push notification is only possible within the app, not for desktop users. Brands use email notifications, but the conversion rate is literally low in contrast to push notifications sent via app. Push notifications provoke urgency in customers. 50% of app users find notifications informative, while 80% of users say coupons and rewards increase loyalty.

4. Cost reduction

As a website owner, you have to bear the cost of development, maintenance, and support. But creating mobile commerce applications is easy and less expensive on ecommerce platforms. Because it simplifies the process through customizable themes. Also, if you want to earn from apps, just place ads or run affiliate programs. 

5. Better customer experience

Customers crave for speed, easy navigation, and easy to find content when they browse on smartphones. Fantastic customer experience promises better revenue. So, invest wisely while buying the best mobile ecommerce site. Features like buy now, product reviews, pricing, images should be prominent, and the page should be faster to load.

Storehippo provides ecommerce website owners all of the above benefits through its ecommerce platform.

Online stores created on StoreHippo run seamlessly on all devices, i.e; smartphones, tablets, and desktops. StoreHippo, by using Progressive Web Apps(PWA), creates ecommerce websites that run like mobile apps. PWA improves user experience and converts new shoppers into returning customers.

With Storehippo, you can easily create the apps right from the dashboard for both iOS and Android users. You can even create individual apps for country wise users. Furthermore, you can set push notifications in the dashboard for abandoned carts and draw back lost customers.

Final takeaway

To summarize, online store owners must switch to mobile site and mobile commerce applications to increase customer base. Customers are largely dependent on their smartphones for small to big purchases. Hence, businesses have no choice but to adapt to the growing mobile usage by online shoppers. 

To make the best mobile ecommerce websites you need an ecommerce platform like StoreHippo. It lets you build mobile friendly sites and apps right from the dashboard, with no additional cost. This way, you can capture mobile buyers and convert them by sending push notifications. Storhippo uses PWA technology to construct lightweight websites that respond in milliseconds. In return, your customers receive uninterrupted shopping experience across all devices. 

Want to know how StoreHippo can elevate the customer experience on mobiles? Contact our ecommerce experts to know more about building your future ready mobile commerce applications and websites. Explore the platform by yourself by starting you your 14-day free trial now.

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Mobile commerce site is extremely important feature of any online businesses nowadays. The benefits of increased reach, better customer engagement, enhanced user experience are compelling enough for any business to take this m commerce path.

By: Randeep Roy Chowdhary
Jan 18, 2023   Reply

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Hi Randeep, thanks for appreciating our blog on Indisputable Benefits Of Best Mobile Ecommerce Site For Your Business. If you need our help setting up an online store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Jan 17, 2023

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Mobile commerce site is easier to execute than to build mobile apps in my opinion. So if anyone who is looking for a more economical way of branching out to mobile commerce, can try manouvering to mobile sites. Even B2B brands should focus on a mobile strategy since as B2B buyers are find convenience in using mobile devices.

By: Divya Garg
Jul 22, 2022   Reply

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