Is your enterprise ecommerce marketplace 2024 ready?

By |Updated Date : Nov 23, 2023 | 1 Comments | 79 views | Nov 23, 2023
  • Is your enterprise ecommerce marketplace 2024 ready?

In the ever-changing ecommerce landscape, one thing is constant.

The struggle to keep your enterprise ecommerce marketplace future-ready!

The question that bothers most enterprises is what's the next digital commerce trend your brand needs to adopt and excel at? 

And the best way to find your answers is to explore, experience, and implement what your customers are asking for. 

Let us give you a headstart.

Enterprise Ecommerce Trends 2024 and beyond

Check out some latest enterprise ecommerce trends from across the globe:

  • 95% of all purchases are estimated to be done through ecommerce by 2040
  • 93.5% of global internet users have purchased products online
  • 80% of business-to-business sales to be done online by 2025
  • $ 51 billion is the expected global D2C market size by 2024
  • 42.3% of brands’ second main sales channel was B2B2C
  • 59% of customers say that personalization influences their shopping decision 
  • $3.4 trillion of mobile e-commerce sales expected by 2027

Source: Statista, Copperberg

Ecommerce trends are like time machines that take you into the future and help you understand what customers expect from your enterprise marketplace. Strategic data analysis helps you meet your customer's expectations before your competitors. As we set foot into a new year, we have a lot of new ecommerce trends to look out for. And since the future of ecommerce is brighter than ever, learning about the trends and aligning your enterprise business is worthwhile. 

10 signs your enterprise marketplace is ready for 2024 and beyond

Wonder if your enterprise ecommerce business is all set to handle the ecommerce shifts coming in 2024. As global ecommerce sales are only expected to grow in the future, thanks to more and more people accessing the internet, opening and managing an enterprise marketplace is going to be easier than managing a brick-and-mortar store. However, there’s a catch here. You need to build an online store that is flexible enough to cope with the new trends and ever-changing marketing dynamics.  

1. Your enterprise marketplace has an omnichannel presence

Omnichannel customer engagement strategies help brands retain 89% of their customers. In the coming years, the ecommerce industry is going to be ruled by brands that have a solid omnichannel ecommerce strategy in place. As you engage with your customers on multiple channels, you retain them for life, boost your conversions, and get bigger ticket sizes. Yes, if your marketplace has an omnichannel strategy in place, you can break through the noise and carve a niche in the global marketplace. 

StoreHippo enterprise ecommerce solutions help you easily plan an omnichannel strategy for the multi-channel selling needs of your future-oriented ecommerce business. You can experiment with the different product mixes, and channels, to leverage the best-performing sales channels and thus boost your conversions. StoreHippo helps to easily add new customer touchpoints using the same backend logic and APIs. You can create consistent buyer journeys across all channels and centrally control all the sales channels of the ecommerce platform. As you get hands-on rich customer insights from different sales channels, you can build data-driven strategies for the unprecedented growth of your enterprise ecommerce brand. 

2. Mobile channel is the most successful sales channel for your enterprise

Well, if you have won over your customers on mobile phones, kudos, you are going to capture almost 69.9% of total retail ecommerce sales in 2024. Since mobile commerce is the roadmap to your business growth, you are ready to handle the challenges of the year ahead with a well-established mobile commerce solution for your enterprise brand. Wonder what makes mcommerce the most successful sales channel? It is the convenience of shopping from anywhere and at any time. 

When you build an online store with StoreHippo, you can build iOS and Android mobile apps directly from your admin dashboard. Built on mobile-first technology, StoreHippo comes with a built-in mobile apps builder that helps brands build apps without the need for coding and at zero additional costs. Brands can also build multiple mobile apps for different sub-stores and get built-in apps for different users like admins, vendors, delivery boys, etc. to handle business on the go. The stores built by StoreHippo are also PWA stores that look, feel, and work like mobile apps even on entry-level devices and in poor connectivity. 

3. Your enterprise marketplace website implements personalization

As we approach 2024, customers are more inclined to be acknowledged and have a personalized shopping experience. With 66% of customers leaving the purchase mid-way if the content isn’t personalized, the hyper-personalization age is at its peak. As you are successfully implementing personalization on your enterprise marketplace, you can boost your conversion rate and stay ahead of your competitors. 

With StoreHippo ecommerce solutions, you can engage with your customers and keep them hooked to your marketplace. Built on a decoupled headless architecture, StoreHippo helps you implement multi-level personalizations like personalized discounts, payment solutions, content, product recommendations, website design, etc. You can also build multiple storefronts for multiple locations, different product lines, or different audience segments. With the powerful built-in discount tool, you can offer multi-level personalized coupons to your customers. You can also recover abandoned carts seamlessly by sending real-time personalized emails and push notifications with StoreHippo enterprise ecommerce solutions

4. Your enterprise ecommerce solutions can implement customizations rapidly

Just like personalization has shaped the way online shopping is done, customization has made its way to the top as well. Down the line in coming years, customization is going to have an even more powerful impact on the way businesses are done. As you can quickly adapt to the latest ecommerce trends with a customized ecommerce solution at hand, you are set for unparalleled growth in 2024 and beyond.

StoreHippo helps you customize your enterprise ecommerce website with its decoupled headless architecture. You can tweak the platform inside out as and when required with the flexible ecommerce solutions from StoreHippo. You can customize the store design, create unique landing pages for different sets of customers, and boost your marketing strategies.

5. You have the means to go for quick commerce 

As 80% of the customers prefer same-day delivery, quick commerce is only going to grow in the coming years. Now since you have the means to go for qcommerce for your ecommerce brand, you are set to excel in the global marketplace in 2024 and beyond. And if you are still struggling to find your way to quick deliveries, hang tight. Understanding the importance of speedy deliveries for all essential needs, brands are making an early transition to the model in an effort to become market leaders not only in tier-I cities but beyond. 

StoreHippo enterprise marketplace builder comes with an intelligent logistics solution making the delivery process effortless. With a set of holistic features like delivery boy apps, vendor dashboards,, automated logistics solutions, multiple shipping partners, etc you can seamlessly kickstart your quick commerce journey. You can become the bestseller hyperlocal marketplace by delivering orders in record time to the local buyers. You can also expand your delivery solutions to the global marketplace by onboarding global delivery partners. 

6. Your brand is ready for cross border business

With $2.25 trillion, the expected value of the cross-border enterprise ecommerce market by 2026, enterprise brands should not be looking away from targeting global customers. A rich set of global-level features help enterprise brands make a kill in the global marketplace or target global customers seamlessly. The future of ecommerce is about expanding to new horizons. And with multiple global features and tools, you are aligned for growth across borders. Wonder if your marketplace is ready to cope with the challenges of going global? The answer is simple. With global support like multi-currency, multi-language, etc, you can seamlessly win over your global customers.

StoreHippo enterprise ecommerce solutions come with a host of go-global features that help you transition to global markets seamlessly. You can translate your website content in 100+ languages including RTL languages like Hebrew and Arabic to enable your customers to shop in their local language. You can choose between automatic or manual translation to personalize your content. StoreHippo enables your customers to pay in the currency of their choice making it easy for them to shop on your global marketplace website. With multi-currency invoicing, an in-built tax engine, location-based pricing, global shipping solutions, etc, from SoreHippo, you can quickly grow your brand beyond borders.   

 7. You offer the best-in-class customer experience on your enterprise marketplace

A good customer experience has always been the top priority while buying online. We bet you would agree on that. With 73% of the buying experience being influenced by how you treat your customers, it becomes imperative to offer the best-in-class customer experience. Every customer looks forward to their brand being available for them and understanding their needs and grievances. As you build an online store even for your B2B businesses, offering self-service and self-exploration serves as an added advantage. 

StoreHippo helps brands connect and engage with their customers on multiple channels seamlessly. You can offer your customers multi-level discounts motivating them to repeat purchases. Easy returns and refunds feature also goes a long way in keeping your customers satisfied with the buying experience on your enterprise marketplace. With automated tools and features like personalized email notifications, SMS, push notifications, live chat, chatbot, etc. you can be available for your customers around the clock. With multi-channel customer support, you can stay connected with your customers. 

8. You have the ability to pivot to new business models seamlessly 

As the modern way of doing business has shifted big time, enterprise brands need to stay put to be able to upscale and grow their business. You might start with a few sales channels on your enterprise ecommerce platform and later feel the need to expand to multiple customer touchpoints or even pivot to a new business model. As you have the caliber to take different routes as your business needs, fret not, you are ready to ace the ecommerce game in 2024 and beyond. 

StoreHippo is a fully hosted and managed ecommerce platform with built-in solutions to create hybrid business models. With the battle-tested solutions by StoreHippo, you can build B2B, B2C, D2C, B2B2C, quick commerce, or other hybrid business models in record time. StoreHippo is also an inherently flexible and adaptable enterprise ecommerce solution that makes it seamless to switch to new business models or combine one or more models to create a hybrid solution for your enterprise brand. 

9. You offer a frictionless payment process on your enterprise ecommerce platform

With the never-before increase in online shopping, the need for a frictionless payment process has increased manifold as well. With quick methods of payments like digital wallets taking the driving seat, the future of ecommerce payments seems smooth. If you have incorporated multiple ways of payment on your ecommerce marketplace, you are more likely to excel in 2024 and beyond. Wonder what makes us say so? Well, offering a frictionless payment process to your customers is no doubt the roadmap to success. 

StoreHippo enterprise ecommerce platform builder comes with 60+ domestic and international payment gateways. You can integrate with more than one payment solution on your marketplace, enabling your customers to choose from their preferred payment gateways. You can go for COD, debit/credit cards, mobile wallets, net banking, store credits, etc. With StoreHippo’s multi-currency support, your global customers can also pay in their local currency. A frictionless and smooth payment solution helps you retain customers and boost conversions. 

10. Your fulfillment cycle is fast and smooth 

No one today likes to wait weeks for a parcel. If your enterprise marketplace is aligned for quick and smooth fulfillment cycles, you need not worry. Given how impatient the buyers of the digital age are, streamlining quick deliveries becomes a do-or-die scenario. Wonder how to go about it? Well, you can start by automating the shopping solutions and integrating with multiple delivery partners to ensure fast order fulfillment

StoreHippo solutions come with 30+ pre-integrated shipping partners to help you offer a smooth and fast delivery cycle for all orders. You can integrate with more than one logistics partner and optimize your shipping costs. You can also integrate with the delivery partner of your choice to offer quick deliveries in local as well as global markets. StoreHippo comes with a built-in delivery boy management system that helps you manage your fleet of delivery boys and ensure fast, error-free delivery deliveries. 


To ace the ecommerce industry in 2024 and beyond, you need to keep up with the trends and stay atop your competitors. Be it implementing a new hybrid business model, or going omnichannel to convert better, streamlining various shopping elements can take your enterprise ecommerce business places. 

StoreHippo enterprise ecommerce solutions come with inherent flexibility to help you customize your enterprise marketplace as per the needs of your enterprise business. Built on MACH architecture StoreHippo comes with 300+ solutions to help you carve a niche for your brand. With the ecommerce industry gravitating more and more toward customer satisfaction, it's time to build an online store that puts your customers first.

Is your enterprise ecommerce marketplace ready for 2024 and beyond? Explore the enterprise-grade features from StoreHippo by starting your 14-day free trial now. 

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The question every business man should ask themselves. These 10 questions asking if your enterprise marketplace is ready for 2024 are just the reality check we all needed.

By: Ritesh Sharma
Aug 21, 2024   Reply

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Hi Ritesh Sharma, thanks for appreciating our blog on Is your enterprise ecommerce marketplace 2024 ready?. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Aug 20, 2024

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