Top 5 B2B Ecommerce Trends To Keep Your Enterprise Marketplace Future-Ready

By |Updated Date : Jun 10, 2024 | 748 views | Jun 10, 2024
  • Top 5 B2B Ecommerce Trends To Keep Your Enterprise Marketplace Future-Ready

Well, the B2B digital landscape continues to evolve at a breakneck speed. 

Wonder what the success mantra is?

Unleashing the full potential of innovation, adaptability, and strategic foresight to keep your business future-ready.

But are you prepared to navigate the constantly shifting tides of B2B ecommerce trends? 

Is your enterprise ecommerce platform well-equipped to not just survive but thrive in the ecommerce landscape?

If your answer is yes, join us as we dive deeper into the essential strategies and insights to keep your B2B boat afloat and create a B2B marketplace website that is future-ready.

B2B Ecommerce Growth and Buying Trends

The B2B ecommerce market has splurged into a vast ocean of opportunities. 

However, amidst this explosion of possibilities, how do you save your B2B marketplace from getting lost in the shuffle?

Well, by paying attention to the customer's buying trends, you can create a B2B marketplace website that helps you carve a niche in the B2B ecommerce landscape.     

Here are some insights to help you get started: 

  • 90%+ of B2B organisations have moved to sell through digital channels
  • 72% of B2B buyers expect personalized experiences across all channels
  • 89% B2B buyers say consistent experience across channels is essential to their loyalty
  • 250% increase in mobile B2B orders from 2020 to 2024
  • 70% of customers expect their B2B marketplace to offer self-service
  • 74% of B2B buyers find buying from a B2B website easier than buying offline 

Source: Forbes, McKinsey & Company, Digital Commerce 360, Gartner, LinkedIn 

The B2B ecommerce trends showcase how the ecommerce sector is all set to stride in the coming years. Customers expectations and next-gen B2B ecommerce solutions are going to be the key drivers of growth in the B2B landscape.      

Top 5 B2B Ecommerce Trends to Keep your Enterprise Marketplace Future-Ready

In this blog, we bring you 5 ecommerce trends in the B2B world that are going to make your enterprise marketplace future-ready. It is time to witness the mega-change in your marketplace as you incorporate the top 5 B2B ecommerce trends: 

B2B Dealer Distributor Marketplaces will Accelerate Growth

As the B2B industry is gravitating towards online means of buying and selling, the key to increased profit margins is building a B2B dealer distributor marketplace. The stepping stone includes understanding market needs and bringing your dealers online. However, once you have done that, you also need to introduce efficiencies and expedite deliveries. You can grow your enterprise B2B marketplace by onboarding multiple dealers, who bring in expertise about the market and help you target buyers better.

StoreHippo B2B ecommerce solution comes with an end-to-end vendor management solution that offers a quick and easy distributor registration process. You can create a unique dashboard for each vendor on your dealer-distributor marketplace. A separate dashboard helps your distributors manage their product catalog, orders, inventories, returns, etc. As an admin, you can stay on top of the B2B ecommerce trends by easily managing your sellers, payouts, commissions, taxes, discounts, etc. right from your admin dashboard. StoreHippo is built on a future-ready MACH architecture that offers inherent flexibility and scalability for your enterprise business. You can seamlessly tweak the platform inside out to build tailor-made solutions and create new entities without disturbing the entire business ecosystem.  

Omnichannel B2B is the New Future 

B2B ecommerce buying and selling has been influenced by B2C-like shopping experiences. With more and more retail brands offering omnichannel buying experiences, B2B brands are no longer limited to a single sales channel. By selling omnichannel, B2B brands can open up new sales channels and opportunities that help them explore new markets and connect with a wider audience base.

When you create a B2B marketplace website for your business, streamlining seamless buying experiences across different sales channels should be your priority so buyers stay connected and engaged with your brand.To ace omnichannel B2b selling you need the right ecommerce solutions at hand, you can create cutting-edge omnichannel buying experience. 

StoreHippo ecommerce solutions are built on a decoupled headless architecture that comes with a ready-to-use omnichannel ecommerce solution. You can seamlessly create new customer touchpoints using the same backend logic and APIs with StoreHippo. You can also manage all your sales channels seamlessly using a common central dashboard on your B2B marketplace with StoreHippo B2B ecommerce solutions. StoreHippo also helps you improve the operational efficiency across all channels and get access to better customer insights so you leverage the best-performing sales channel.                    

Mobile B2B Channels will Rule

Well, long gone are the days when B2B transactions were done traditionally and offline. The B2B buyers today are accustomed to mobile shopping, just as B2C or D2C buyers. With the advancements in the B2B ecommerce trends, you need a marketplace that is also available for your buyers on their mobile phones.

Mobiles have of-late become the primary sales channel for customers all around the world, making mobile presence a must-have feature for B2B brands. To make your brand future-ready you need to be present for your buyers across multiple mobile channels like mobile ready sites, marketplace apps, and PWA sites.  To stay ahead of the curve, you need to create a marketplace that also offers mobile-ready solutions for all the parties involved, i.e; the sellers/distributors, buyers as well as the admin(s). 

StoreHippo is built on a mobile-first technology that comes with a built-in mobile app builder. You can create multiple mobile apps right from your admin dashboard at zero additional costs and without any coding with StoreHippo enterprise ecommerce platform. You can also offer mobile admin dashboard for admin, vendors, distributors, delivery boys etc with StoreHippo mobile commerce solutions. When you build an online marketplace with StoreHippo, the best multi vendor platform, you create PWA business-to-business stores that look, feel, and work like mobile apps even on entry level devices and in poor internet connectivity.         

 Era of Hyper-Personalization 

Well, the key to making your B2B enterprise marketplace future-ready lies in how you create a long-standing relationship with your customers. The modern-day B2B ecommerce trends are all about personalization, right from the UI/UX of the website to prices, customized catalogs, discounts, and deals, buyers expect everything tailor-made to their unique needs. Yes, creating a personalized seamless buyer journey allows your enterprise B2B brand to scale to greater heights. The future of ecommerce is faster sales and automated business processes. To future-proof your business, you can offer personalized recommendations to your customers pushing them to buy items related to their search.   

Built on MACH architecture, StoreHippo B2B ecommerce solutions give you better creative control and agility to implement multi level personalizations. With StoreHippo’s built-in features like drag-and-drop design tools, pricing overrides, discount engine, multilingual, multi-currency, etc. you can implement multi-level personalizations on your marketplace. The price override feature helps you offer personalized product prices based on customer segments and locations. With the built-in discount engine from StoreHippo, you can create personalized discounts and offers for your buyers. You can send out personalized notifications to your buyers with the PUSH notification feature and recover abandoned carts seamlessly with StoreHippo enterprise ecommerce platform.

Diversify with B2B2C Ecommerce 

If you are planning to broaden your B2B business’ client base, a simple hack is to go B2B2C. You got it right, this singular decision can grow your business manifold and also give you a goldmine of data and analytics for strategic business growth. 

With a dealer/vendor-based set up you already have everything needed to serve the end buyers, you just need to set up a separate store where your vendors can sell directly to the end buyers. For example, if your B2B brand builds security equipment like cameras, alarms, etc, and has builders and property dealers as your clients, you can use your vast network of vendors to sell your products to individual households.

With StoreHippo ecommerce solutions, you can seamlessly create a B2B marketplace website that can be diversified to a B2B2C ecommerce business model. With advanced ecommerce solutions from StoreHippo, you get access to a gamut of analytical tools that help you analyze your customer segmentation and offer direct access to rich customer insights. Using these customer data, you can plan data-centric business growth strategies that help boost orders. The headless architecture from StoreHippo helps brands build a range of horizontal, vertical, B2B, B2C, D2C, B2B2C, hybrid, or custom marketplaces in no time. 


Keeping your enterprise marketplace future-ready entails multiple facets. B2B brands need to continuously innovate to meet evolving customer needs and market trends. As you create a B2B marketplace website, focus on personalisation and adopting a more B2C-like approach to chart an upward growth trajectory.

StoreHippo enterprise ecommerce platform comes with ecommerce solutions that help you build conversion-oriented B2B marketplace for your brand. It comes with a host of features and tools to help you keep up with the latest B2B ecommerce trends and carve a niche for your enterprise brand in the B2B ecommerce world. The 300+ enterprise-grade features, inherent flexibility and unmatched scalability helps you build tailor-made solutions for your B2B brands. 

It's time to future-proof your enterprise ecommerce B2B business with StoreHippo B2B ecommerce solutions. Explore the wide range of features by starting your 14-day free trial now. 

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