Why Do Large Businesses Need Headless Commerce Solutions

By | Jul 25, 2021 | 1362 views |
  • Why Do Large Businesses Need Headless Commerce Solutions

The evolution in the ecommerce buyer journey (like the introduction of new shopping channels and devices), has been pushing established large businesses to think of new ways to ensure a hyper-personalized customer experience. For example - the emergence of smart devices such as smartphones, tablets, Alexa speakers, Google Assistant, smartwatches, and even AI-powered car dashboards (like Tesla cars), are now greatly adopted by people as a medium to shop online. So now you need to concentrate on customers’ needs in addition to your revenue goals. 

Now what a customer wants from you is- 

  • A personalized shopping experience across various devices and channels

  • A fast browsing experience

  • Personalized web or app content

  • Device responsive web pages, and more features that can simplify their online experience

How do you ensure all of this without obstructing your current business infrastructure? Simple, by turning to a turnkey headless ecommerce solution

Statistics: A recent study by Google reveals that 85% of people embark on their shopping journey on one device and finish shopping on another.

Not only devices, but customers also switch between channels (or say touchpoints) to shop for their needs. Like they might discover your product via Facebook ads and then complete the purchase on your app. You must have done this too. Ain’t you?

The variety of shopping channels and devices available in the market have created an opportunity for brands to reach a wider audience. However, ensuring a personalized shopping experience can be complex. This is where you need a powerful headless ecommerce infrastructure that could handle the advanced needs of your large business. 

Let’s find out how headless commerce can benefit your large business

8 reasons to invest in headless: Benefits of headless ecommerce solution 

1. Spend less time on IT and save money

If you have a SaaS ecommerce platform like StoreHippo that has the inbuilt headless infrastructure, you can minimize the work pressure of your in-house IT support and development team. Here is how they do-  

  • In headless, the frontend is separated from the backend. This separation quickens the process of doing minor/major changes in backend code without hurting the frontend look and feel. 

Benefits of headless ecommerce to IT staff

  • Developers can save tons of hours spent on development, coding, changing front-end interface, and backend changes. Since the headless infrastructure unites the interface layers

  • Developers can minimize the extensive coding required to develop an ecommerce app by utilizing headless templates. For example, if a designer or content manager wants to do a minor update to the frontend banner or product description; they can do it easily without touching the backend code

StoreHippo headless commerce platform has 300+ inbuilt features that reduce the development tasks and let you concentrate more on growing your business.

2. Complete control over website UX

You get complete flexibility to customize your website user experience and user interface(UI). Customize your website via headless CMS and improve your customer experience on any device. 

What is a headless CMS?

A headless CMS is a back-end content management system that separates the content reservoir in the backend from the frontend design. Content that is housed in a headless CMS is delivered via APIs for seamless display across different devices.

StoreHippo has an advanced headless content management system (CMS) and content delivery network (CDN) that are built for easy publishing and serving of content over various devices. 

Benefits of headless CMS 

  • Content infrastructure eliminates endless copy and pasting work, enabling organizations to unify all content in a centralized content hub

  • Unification improves brand consistency and compliance. It enables editors to nimbly update content across all channels, making campaigns a breeze

  • When all content is accessible for use on any digital platform, brands can make the most of features like personalization and localization

3. Give better customer experience

Delivering a seamless customer experience across all channels or touchpoints can be simplified via headless CMS. It lets you build customized customer journeys across channels with the help of APIs or Application Programming interfaces.

  • Headless CMS provides the content-first approach, through which you can make your content available on more channels at a lesser cost because content distribution and management become easy

  • Businesses can also integrate their mobile apps to voice-activated devices, smart wearables, AR or VR, and in-store touchpoints with headless commerce

With headless commerce, the background processes make data available to separate frontend applications. Backend items including infrastructure, pricing, checkout, and security run invisibly while the two applications communicate via APIs or other tools. Such benefits of headless commerce eliminate the need for specialized development services.

4. Effortless integration

Customers interact with your brand in several different ways. They either connect from social media sites, or a marketplace, or media channels. Headless ecommerce uses API, which allows businesses to automatically integrate an ever-increasing number of touchpoints. Not only this, you can also integrate any software, ERP, or third-party tools into your headless ecommerce platform with StoreHippo headless solution, you can easily integrate payment gateways, shipping solutions, marketing tools, ERP, CRM, and any other custom softwares to get a better overview of your business processes in one place. 

5. Automate your Ecommerce processes

One of the benefits of headless commerce is that it automatically creates an omnichannel environment for your customer on behalf of you. As headless infrastructure enables you to provide a seamless customer experience on any device and any platform. Customer data is available across every touchpoint, letting merchants offer relevant promotions and offers to customers, and creating personalized, meaningful shopping experiences.

In addition, there is no requirement for any hosts. Therefore, maintaining headless CMS is easier than non-headless CMS. This leads to improvement of the workflow and collaboration.

6. Quick implementation of updates

The implementation of updates or edits to the website is quick as the frontend is separated from the backend. Unlike traditional CMS, where front-end and back-end share resources such as CSS and JavaScript files; but in headless commerce, the front-end pulls whatever data it needs from the backend on demand. 

With fewer costly development houses involved, the design and user interface are no longer the problem for backend engineers — now other departments can be involved in the updates. And with the ability to get new sites to market quickly, companies can take advantage of opportunities they’d otherwise have missed out on.

7. Less reliance on third-party tools

Headless allows a microservices-based approach, meaning you can add extra services to your platform without needing to rely on 3rd party integrations for extra functionality. As headless commerce works through a system of APIs, it’s possible to integrate it with virtually all third-party tools.

Final Takeaways 

Headless commerce has many advantages over traditional systems. Businesses can avail such benefits to cope with changing touchpoints and user experiences. So let’s summarize the benefits of headless commerce that will motivate your large business to adapt headless for better growth:

  • Reduces the time, resources, and cost required to run and maintain infrastructure and servers that a traditional CMS

  • Gives ultimate freedom for developers/tech stacks

  • Get a greater level of adaptability to respond to new technologies 

  • Create true omnichannel user experiences. 

  • Allows simultaneous editing of content 

  • Personalization of Content

  • Highly secure CMS administration

  • Robust localization & translation 

  • No servers or hosting to maintain headless CMS, unlike traditional CMS

So do you want to try a headless commerce solution that can offer you all the benefits?

Get access to rich headless functionality and other advanced features of the StoreHippo ecommerce platform. Sign up for a 14 days free trial today.

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