Why you should be opting for Mobile Ecommerce Solution for your online business

By | Nov 29, 2016 | 108 views |
  • Why you should be opting for Mobile Ecommerce Solution for your online business

Do you remember your last online purchase? How did you complete your order?

Don’t tell us yet, let’s make it fun by charting the course of your last purchase cycle.

You wanted to buy a product, searched for it on your mobile, looked up for the best price and discounts, received best deals in your mailbox from the sites you surfed, completed your order using one of the  mobile commerce applications and got your product at your doorsteps.

Bingo! How did we know?

Well, it’s no secret, anywhere between 25% to 80% online shopping (depending on the business vertical) is completed on mobile devices.

Why Mobile commerce is all the rage?

Online shopping habits have undergone dramatic changes in the past few years. Increased availability of smartphones along with affordable internet plans have allowed us to make purchases anywhere, anytime.

M-commerce is growing at three times the pace of eCommerce and is expected to be worth $626 billion by 2018 (Source : Goldman Sachs Report), which means by then m-commerce sales would be equal to e commerce sales.

Why your online business needs the best Mobile Ecommerce Solution?

The shopping behaviour of online shoppers has long established the fact that users need very high level of engagement along with seamless shopping experience. If the mobile presence of your website is not up to the mark 25% of your  mobile shoppers will abandon their cart and move to competitor website. Also, a high number of online shoppers report  for better shopping experience frustration and annoyance(69% and 75% respectively) if they visit online stores websites with poor mobile performance.

Converting the challenge into opportunity for your online business

Keeping customers happy is a challenging job and it becomes tougher if you are running an online business. Your customers expect nothing but the best and since you do not have a physical presence the first experience on your mobile site seals your fate forever.

To survive and flourish in the online business arena you need to exceed the expectation of your customers and offer them a superior mobile commerce shopping experience. If you fail to live up to the expectation you would soon be losing majority of your clientele to your competitors.

However, by registering a mobile presence for your online business you can turn this into a great opportunity and redefine your success.

StoreHippo: Partnering with you to Rewrite your Success Story

StoreHippo has always been the pioneer in adopting the most advanced technological solutions for online business. Our comprehensive solutions allow you to build stores that work seamlessly on all devices and engage and convert customers better.

Let us explore  some exclusive features of StoreHippo platform that make it the best mobile ecommerce solution. Have a look;

Mobile Ready Store: Gear up your business for future without paying anything extra. StoreHippo is built to be inherently mobile ready and all the stores powered by StoreHippo work as mobile stores as well. Start getting higher traffic through all mobile channels from the first day of launching your new online store and get higher ROI.

Stay Ahead of your Competitors: The platform build on the latest technology , MEAN stack gives you high performance stores. The inbuilt features for SEO and social media allow you to promote your brand effortlessly and get better Google ranks. The comprehensive solutions from StoreHippo  give you an edge over your competitors and keep you ahead in the race.

Mobile Responsive Themes: Build your unique brand identity by choosing the most beautiful and suitable mobile responsive design from the StoreHippo theme library. The top ecommerce platform gives you hundreds of themes that are optimized for various screen sizes and help in engaging your customers for improved conversions.

Mobile Applications: Need mobile applications to extend your store functionalities? StoreHippo gives you plethora of native as well as  Android and  iOS apps. Choose the one that fits your requirements or get a new one without writing a single line of code.

Affordable Pricing: If you are looking to build online store on a budget but the advantage of quick rollout as well as some custom tweaks, StoreHippo is the answer for you. It allows you to roll out your store within hours and also gives you the freedom and flexibility to adapt and tweak the platform as per your brand requirement. And you get all this at the most affordable pricing. You can begin with a lower priced subscription plan and upgrade it as your business grows.


Get ready to be a winner in the mobile commerce shopping space with a store that attracts, engages and converts traffic from all mobile channels.Get the tools and features that equip you to explore m-commerce benefits.

Explore the features by starting a 14 day free trial store with StoreHippo.

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