9th Floor, Spaze iTech Park, A1-Tower, Sector-49 Sohna Road, Gurgaon, Haryana 122018, CIN - U72200HR2015PTC054459 122001 Gurgaon IN
9th Floor, Spaze iTech Park, A1-Tower, Sector-49 Sohna Road, Gurgaon, Haryana 122018, CIN - U72200HR2015PTC054459 Gurgaon, IN
+918010117117" [email protected]

Faceted Search

Enhance the online shopping experience of your customers by introducing Faceted Search for product filtering on your online store.

Faceted search feature of StoreHippo showing filtering based on brands & categories on a merchandise online store.

Flexible Filtering

Get complete control on types of filters and their order of display. Define category level Facet groups and create different facet groups based on the search criteria for any given categories. For example, if you are selling clothes and bags, you can define different Facet groups on both these categories.

Advance Pricing Filters

Easily setup advance pricing filters to enable customers search products within selected price range. Define a range of prices and easily set up multi-range filters. For example, for a price range of 0 to 10,000, easily define 10-step price range like, 0-1000, 1001-2000 and so on.

Faceted search feature of StoreHippo showing advanced pricing filters on a shoes online store.
Interface StoreHippo's faceted search feature showing inbuilt and custom facet groups for an online store.

Easy to Add and Implement

Use the existing Facet group or add a custom Facet group in few clicks right from your admin panel. Make your filters smarter for faster search and conversions on your online store.

Better Product Visibility

Improve product visibility on your site with easy organization of products in categories and subcategories without shuffling through the whole catalogue. Help customer get relevant exact matches and close matches to searched items with diverse Facet groups.

Faceted search feature of StoreHippo powered women's apparel store showing better navigation and product visibility.
Faceted search feature of StoreHippo powered men's apparel store showing better navigation & search with faceted search.

Improved Shopping Experience

Improve Navigation and searches to keep customers engaged. Facilitate faster purchase decisions with improved categorization and easy discoverability. Convert visitors into buyers by allowing them a personalized shopping experience using filters for brands, size, color, price range etc.

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