8 Benefits Of Using Mobile Commerce Applications For Your Online Business

By | Mar 31, 2021 | 1 Comments | 980 views |
  • 8 Benefits Of Using Mobile Commerce Applications For Your Online Business

Mobile apps are no more a fancy thing used by only popular businesses like Amazon & Flipkart. In fact, it has become a necessity for each and every business.

Let’s understand why.

  • Mobile commerce will account for more than half of the ecommerce sales by 2021
  • More than 50% of retail businesses already use apps
  • The number of mobile commerce applications on distribution platforms exceeds over 4.4 million by first quarter of 2020

We can give you endless reasons why apps are poised for future business growth and become a mandate for your online business. 

Still not convinced?

The Top 8 benefits of using mobile commerce applications for your online business

1. Reach wider audience

Going online is not an option anymore. But just creating a website that sells does not make you a winner in the competitive era of ecommerce. It is important to evolve over the time and adapt to what’s the trend in the market or industry. 

One of the most interesting ecommerce trends today is mobile commerce development. By 2021, the smartphone users will rise to 3.8 billion across the world. And this is surely a major chunk of the current population of the world. Consider every person with a smartphone as your prospect and think of your market reach now. It takes a few seconds for users to download your app and then, your store is always with them to browse or buy products anytime, anywhere.

Another key element is the targeted timing to reach the audience. A mobile commerce application is not just a responsive store in the pocket of customers. It is much more than that. It helps you reach the customers with the right message at the right time by taking advantage of geo-tracking, programmatic advertising, and alike technologies.

2. Better buying journey of customers

Experience of your customers matters the most because that is what drives repeat sales and lets your business grow more. Many businesses believe that offering a responsive website that works on multiple devices is all that they need to offer best customer experiences. But this is far from the truth. 

Mobile apps take the customers into a new world instead of just a website that works responsively. And in the online business world, we call it the buying journey of customers. Mobile commerce applications offer responsive sites, lightning loading speed, real-time notifications to improve the experience of your customers. The interactive experience matters the most to consumers and this is exactly you get with StoreHippo. It offers an exclusive site experience that accelerates the buying journey of customers and helps your business grow tremendously. 

3. New marketing opportunities

Businesses always seek new channels and help you achieve better growth. Mobile commerce development gives you just the same. It is altogether a new marketing channel for your business through which you can sell your products, engage with your customers, gain more revenues and achieve never-ending business growth. Let’s understand how it works for your business.

  • Enables a direct interaction between the customer and your brand
  • Reminds your customers about new arrivals and user-specific announcements
  • Monitors and analyses the traffic on your app and use that data to spike their interest at the right time
  • Reach your target audience directly without running any hefty marketing campaigns
  • Integration with social media platforms, spread the word about your brand

All we have to say is that you get huge opportunities to open up new marketing channels for your customers and let your business grow to sky-high levels. StoreHippo helps you achieve all the above with mobile-first principle at its core. It also lets you build iOS and Android apps right from your admin at no additional cost.

4. Personalized marketing

Who does not like personalization in the current era? Even if we are browsing randomly over the internet and get to see what we are really looking for, then it is a sense of bliss. Similarly, the consumers tend to respond positively when they get personalized content on mobile commerce applications as they feel a sense of attachment with the brand.

If you also want to leverage the personalized marketing features, advanced tools and features of StoreHippo is all what you need. Based on the behavior patterns and user preferences, you can send personalized offers in real-time and gently push your customers towards conversions.

5. Reduced cost and better ROI

Mobile shopping has become a solid customer trend but at the same time, it also has the capability to reduce cost and improve the bottom line of your business. Mobile commerce application is not only for your customers but it is more for your business growth and profitability. It helps you reach a wider audience, cut down on large-scale marketing campaigns, simplifies customer communications, reduces workload of human resources, and much more. It also comes with social media integration so that customers can spread the word themselves. 

We understand your hard-earned money and truly care for your business costs. For the same reason, StoreHippo helps you build better marketing strategies and achieve better ROI (Return on Investment).

6. Direct communication and real-time notification

No two customers are the same and neither are their preferences on your website. Is it really feasible for you to communicate with every customer, understand their preferences, and deliver what they want? Not at all possible.

But with a mobile commerce application, it is not only possible but it is done in the most effective manner too. You can communicate with your audiences in many different ways. One of the most effective methods to directly communicate with customers is push notifications as it has very high open rates and proves to be just a perfect communication channel. Get started with StoreHippo to explore a new level of customer engagement with real-time push notifications. Let your customers know about new products, personalized promotions, updates, and more.

7. Rapid business expansion

The time is gone when mobile commerce development was only feasible for big ecommerce players and industry giants. It's not only about the accessibility of your business on multiple devices but it also drives business growth.

The biggest reason for this growth factor is that it lets you avoid market saturation and decline in the competitive industry. It provides excellent opportunities to reach new markets in domestic and global markets to help your business grow even better.

8. Improved user engagement

In a store setting, the customer walks in, makes a purchase, and leaves the store. And you don’t know their purpose of buying that specific product, their choice and preferences, factors that influenced their decision, unique features and product price factors.

But it's not the case with mobile commerce applications. You can get all your answers because of extensive analytics. All this data and knowledge about your customers allow you to learn more about the habits and preferences of the target audience. It helps you to engage better with customers and capture every possible business opportunity.


Why is StoreHippo the best to build your mobile commerce application?

We hope you are totally ready to rock the ecommerce world and grow your business successfully. Choosing the right solution plays a huge role in supporting your business operations and leveraging its benefits.

We are the pioneer of using PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) for e commerce stores to provide a website app-like experience to users. With the next-generation technology, you can offer apps (Android/iOS) at no additional cost. Also, you get a host of advanced features to explore new things to stay ahead of your competition. Explore the platform by yourself by starting you your 14-day free trial now.

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Mobile commerce applications have made it very easy for customers to access businesses, and their products or services. Mobile app is handy and convenient. This article is extremely insightful. Looking forward to reading more on the StoreHippo blog.

By: Gayatri Mittal
Jan 17, 2023   Reply

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Hi Gayatri, thanks for appreciating our blog on 8 Benefits Of Using Mobile Commerce Applications For Your Online Business. If you need our help setting up an online store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Jan 16, 2023

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