11 Ways to Completely Revamp Your B2C Ecommerce

By | Feb 08, 2021 | 1 Comments | 780 views |
  • 11 Ways to Completely Revamp Your B2C Ecommerce

Starting a B2C business is easy but running a successful one is not...!! Today, most of the businesses have their digital presence but only aesthetics is not enough for an ecommerce website, you need to expand your knowledge and optimize the website to captivate the audience. The appealing website is one of the important factors but the success of ecommerce business depends on the right strategies.

Before we move ahead with ways to revamp your ecommerce website, let's discuss the key goals for this optimization

  • Increasing online traffic and sales

Increasing relevant traffic is the goal of every B2C ecommerce website but it is important to note that all traffic is not equal. The marketing of your website plays a crucial role to bring the people who need your products and services. An integrated marketing platform can help you raise traffic through discounts and coupons automation, dynamic forms, shopping notification, cart abandonment, chat support, etc. The google analytics report can help you review and analyze your marketing efforts by evaluating critical factors like customer interests, demographic and geographic information and alike.

  • Increasing email list/subscribers

Gaining loyal customers is still one of the biggest challenges for ecommerce companies. An email list is an important tool in this context as it opens the doors for customers to communicate with the brand seamlessly. The email subscribers can be converted into paying customers if the right marketing strategy is adopted.

  • Provide personalized experience

The website visitors are unique and have different purposes to visit the website. Nowadays, technology has made it easy to provide a personalized shopping experience to users. When you personalize the experience of customers, similar or complementary items can also be recommended to them based on their user behavior. Giving a personalized experience to customers leads to increased sales and better customer loyalty.

Whether you have a small scale business or a large online B2C ecommerce store, it takes the same level of dedication and effort to enrich the online shopping experience for your customers.

Top 11 ways to completely revamp your ecommerce and take your business to a new level of success

1. Reduce shopping cart abandonment

It is very troublesome when a visitor is about to get converted as a customer, added products to the shopping cart, but lose out on sales. The average rate of shopping cart abandonment is very high and challenging the success rate of B2C ecommerce businesses. So, the good news is that there are proven ways to reduce shopping cart abandonment without overhauling the ecommerce stores. The re-targeting of abandoned carts is proved to be very helpful along with the top features like incomplete history checkouts, drip-mails, and much more.

2. Promote customer reviews to build trust

Purchasing from an online store is not a one-time decision, but it is the start of an ongoing relationship. There are a lot of buyers who rely on peer review while making a purchase decision and for the same reason, it is important to make the customers feel confident. The B2C ecommerce website should always publish their ratings and reviews as it lends real-time credibility to the business and reassures the customer about their decision. Also, include the names and photographs of the reviewers to establish a sense of authenticity among people. In addition to ratings and reviews, you can also scatter the reviews throughout the website and develop a testimonial page for the website.

3. Real-time personalization

Most of the online customers get annoyed with the websites when they don't see the content (promotions, advertisements, offers) according to their interests. The marketing tricks have changed drastically over time as you need to provide a tailored shopping experience to customers. The increased relevant content shown to customers leads to higher possibilities of buying on the B2C ecommerce website. The personal information is captured through browsing history, preferences, clicks, interests are used to send personalized marketing messages. Real-time personalization also means to stick together separate interactions between the brand and customers. For example, if the customer adds some products to the shopping cart and the desktop session is lost unexpectedly when they return from the smartphone, they should be encouraged to complete the transaction.

4. Strategic pop-ups to convert users

Do not overlook the potential of opt-in offers, when you are looking forward to converting the customers. The strategically placed pop-ups encourage visitors to sign up for the newsletter or loyalty/membership program. In this manner, the email list keeps on growing, which is better for email marketing and helps boost sales. When the customer is unsure about buying something on a B2C ecommerce website, and offer fashion with a 10% discount offer on a pop-up encourages them to take the next step and complete the purchase order.

5. Email marketing automation

Automation is a mandatory element in ecommerce business and for email marketing automation, you can use pre-triggers that allow you to send highly relevant and timely messages to the right set of customers. For example, if the customer abandons the shopping cart, an automated email can be sent to the customer to encourage them to complete the transaction. Once the email marketing is automated, the emails go out to customers as soon as any online trigger is tripped by the customers. So, the process automates your marketing efforts and help you achieve incredible results. The top ecommerce platforms like StoreHippo help in automating email marketing campaigns using Mailchimp and SendGrid. Ecommerce websites should leverage the power of email marketing and emphasize increasing their email list to improve customer communication and engagement.

6. Add detailed product information

The ultimate goal is to improvise the journey of every visitor on the website and adding detailed information about the products facilitates the decision-making process of buyers. Get in-depth details about the product and showcase it in the best possible manner through text , images, videos, etc. For example, you cannot sell AI-based phone systems on a B2C ecommerce website without explaining its features and how it works. It is vital to share the right information about the product, process, and benefits.

7. Optimization of the mobile platform

Most of the users' shop online from their mobile devices as it is a quick and convenient option for them. Migrating and optimizing the website for the mobile does not mean only improving the user interface or responsiveness but it is more important to ensure that buyers have access to maximum features on their mobile that they have on the desktop. Engage and convert maximum B2C ecommerce shoppers with a seamless mobile buying experience using StoreHippo’s mobile-first solutions. 

8. Use Retargeting

It is a tough job to convert the website visitors on their first visit. The key is to re-target them through a combination of different channels. The right ecommerce marketing strategies help the customers return to your website and complete the purchase. Retargeting means to capture the customers on different sites when they leave your website without completing the purchase. Yes, using different sites for your promotion is possible. The top ecommerce platforms like StoreHippo provides state-of-the-art ecommerce marketing features to push the customers in every possible manner. This will increase traffic to your website and ultimately more conversions and sales.

9. Humanize your brand

The customers always seek humanity behind the brand. Communicate with customers, respond to positive as well as negative comments on social media, check and respond to ratings and reviews, connect with them through all these channels. It seems difficult to do it all? Some of the pre-integrated social media marketing tools provided by top ecommerce platforms are very helpful in this context. Like StoreHippo provides Facebook conversion pixels and other tracking tools to manage your media communications. Humanizing an ecommerce brand is always helpful and ensures that you are working hard to give the best shopping experience to customers.

10. Convenient checkout process

The tedious checkout process is one of the most common reasons for abandoned carts. Optimizing the checkout process is the most important ecommerce strategy that directly works on the conversion of customers. You spend a lot of time building trust, getting them to the B2C website but if the checkout is not smooth and payment gateway issues, your conversion rates will be impacted negatively.

11. Flexible ordering and pricing options

It is a good idea to offer flexibility in order and pricing to customers, which might include giving special discounts, eliminating membership fees, large payment windows, monthly contract renewals, etc. Giving flexible terms to customers is very easy and manageable with top ecommerce platforms and help you gain better customer loyalty. In addition to customer loyalty, online businesses are going a long way towards offering flexibility to customers to upscale the personalized experience of customers.

The last words

Running an ecommerce business was not easy and is never going to be easy, but top ecommerce platforms like StoreHippo are making it easier and better for you. If you also want to increase website traffic, boost conversion and sales, it is the right time to try new strategies to market yourself in the competitive ecommerce industry. Improve your chances of success by taking a 14-day trial with us today.

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B2C ecommerce is changing rapidly and brands need to accommodate these changes, for example changing the website design to match the brand theme or using the new social media channels to acquire more customers. This article explains these tips in great detail.

By: Randeep Roy Chowdhary
Jan 24, 2023   Reply

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Hi Randeep, thanks for appreciating our blog on 11 Ways to Completely Revamp Your B2C Ecommerce. If you need our help setting up an online store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Jan 23, 2023

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