5 tips that bring better traffic and sales from FaceBook to your webstore

By | Jun 09, 2016 | 1 Comments | 1827 views |
  • 5 tips that bring better traffic and sales from FaceBook to your webstore

Reaching out to the target audience of your online store has always been easy using FaceBook. The leading social media platform has helped many in creating a brand value for their business. This platform has revolutionized online marketing and has been one of the easiest and cheapest ways to promote your products to your target audience.

Do you already have a page on FaceBook but not getting enough traffic and conversions from there? Have your tried paid campaigns and did not see enough sales coming from it?  Wondering what is going wrong and how to plug the loophole and get better traffic and sales from FaceBook to your webstore?

We bring for you some easy tips that will help you showcase your products and get better conversion from social media traffic:

Use the Power of a Picture 

We all know that pictures engage audience better than written text. The best way to generate traffic from Facebook is to create compelling images and ads for your products. However, while creating images do pay attention to keep them simple and self-explanatory. Complex images tend to confuse the viewers and might not generate engagement.

Tip: Use “call to action” or some other text that give more clarity to your product and offer. For e.g. use these; “order now”, “updated collection”, “fresh arrivals” compel the users to explore further.  

Evoke the Emotions around your Product

Advertising is all about playing with emotions and human psychology. E-commerce brands can drive viewers to their store by showcasing a lifestyle around their product. This works better than pushing the product directly to your potential buyers. The concept of a possible enriched life using a product clicks better with your target audience.

Tip: If you are selling furniture instead of showing a piece of furniture, show an ideal setting of a happy and cozy home with your furniture as the central theme.

Create a feeling of offering choices

Customers want to explore their choices before buying a product. So, instead of offering a single product, offer various variants of the same or related products to your target audience on FaceBook. Seeing single product images over and over again, can be really boring for your customer. To make your product offers really engaging go for a collage offering various variants of a given product grouped together.

Tip: If you are selling women’s fashion clothing group a range of dresses of similar color. This would generate interest in all the various categories of dresses featured in your collage.

Offer Crazy deals

Who does not like discounts and freebies? Create a rush for your offer by offering limited period crazy deals on your FaceBook online selling campaign. Offering free shipping, or discount for referring friends works very well in improving traffic and sales of an online store. You can also offer aggressive discount for a very limited period. All these drive huge traffic which has immediate as well as long term lag effect where customers keep checking for deals on your website. 

Tip: Offer free sample products along with regular order. For e.g., along with a dinner set offer dining mats. This helps in promoting the smaller product and creating a market for it.

Give Loyalty Rewards

Pushing your product too aggressively can sometimes have negative effect on your campaigns. An alternative to direct marketing could be asking your audience to like and share your posts, images etc. and win certain reward point or discount code after sharing. This not only engages your customers but also gets new customers to your store. If the offer is lucrative enough and timed well during high sale seasons it can convert very well.

Tip: E commerce brands can create contests and offer discount coupons for reviewing their product or services. For e.g.; ask customers to rate your content or product, this can give you useful insight along with driving traffic to your online store

Advertising and selling your product on social media platform needs a fine balancing trick, where you optimize and use content, images and attractive offers to gently push your customers towards buying your offer.

Try the above mentioned tips and let us know your feedback how your campaigns fared on FaceBook. Don’t miss to share any other tips or tools you have tried successfully on other social media platforms. If you have any queries, just post it in comments below and our marketing gurus will assist you on that.

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Vishesh Malik

By: Thanks for sharing the useful insights, I will personally applaud the bloggers practical approach towards online campaigns. Have activated loyalty & pixelr campaign for my online store.
Jun 13, 2016   Reply

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