7 Conversion- Oriented Features of the Best Online Shopping Cart for Small Business

By | Feb 21, 2019 | 3767 views |
  • 7 Conversion- Oriented Features of the Best Online Shopping Cart for Small Business

The e-commerce shopping cart of your webstore can hold the key to the success or doom of your new online venture. If you have entered the e-commerce market hoping to cash on the great boom in the industry, it becomes imperative that you offer the best shopping experience to your customers.

Apart from a rich catalogue of products at competitive pricing, you need to ensure that you have an advanced cart software that aids your customers in quickly completing their purchase. With the average cart abandonment rate already being very high (between 50% to 80% depending on your business vertical) you need to ensure that you are using the best online shopping cart for small business. A smooth and hassle-free cart software goes a long way in ensuring success for your business venture.

Online shoppers exhibit a selective behaviour and buy from a site only if the site performance, product offerings and ordering process along with the product price put together wins their confidence. A feature-rich shopping cart not only boosts customers trust but also brings higher conversions.

To keep your customers coming back for repeat orders on your store you need to have the best online shopping cart for small business. Let us check the main features needed for such a cart:

  • Device Independent

Online shoppers nowadays prefer to use different devices throughout the day for searching, selecting and finally purchasing any product. If you want your business to do well you should be able to provide seamless cross-device experience to your buyers. Your cart should be given a seamless checkout experience on all the mobile devices used by online shoppers to search, surf and finally complete an order.

  • Multiple Payments Channels

A good cart should be able to provide your customers with multiple payment options which they can use as per their convenience. If you offer limited payment options to your customers you are limiting your conversion opportunities. Multiple payment options help you tap every possible conversion. Also, ensure all your payment channels are secure for online transactions. Only a cart that offers secure transactions to your customers can win their trust and eventually be termed as the best online shopping cart for small business.

  • Simple Search Functionality

Online buyers keep navigating back and forth on any site while adding products to their cart. A good cart should facilitate easy search and navigation helping the buyers to complete their purchase fast. If your cart takes too much time during search or navigation your customers might drop the idea of buying on your site and move on to your competitor websites.

  • Product Images and Review

Good product images with various views and the feature of product rating and review can boost your sales greatly. Customers give more value to the reviews of other customers. They always go through the ratings and reviews before making a final buying decision. By adding the product rating feature to your e-commerce shopping cart you can win customer confidence and get better sales.

  • Inventory Status

Showing real-time inventory status of your products to your customers can boost your sales by creating a sense of urgency. If a customer is genuinely interested in buying a product and sees that only 2 items are left in stock he would try to complete the purchase asap. On the other hand, if you show your products out of stock you can save the customer’s time and give them the option to be notified when the product is back in stock. This simple feature can win back many lost sales for you thus making it the best online shopping cart for small business.

  • Discounts and Promotions

Tracking customer behaviour on your website can give you insight into the way your customers prefer to shop. By equipping your cart to send special discounts and promotions to interested buyers you can engage your customers better and also increase your conversions.

  • Simple and Secure Checkout

Providing a secure checkout feature is imperative to win customer confidence. When users are sharing their critical financial information online they need to be sure that their data is encrypted and passes through secure points during the transaction. The checkout process should be simple and avoid multiple inputs of the same information. A simple and secure checkout helps in fast conversions and its a prerequisite of the best online shopping cart for small business.


StoreHippo platform provides an enhanced shopping cart for e-commerce that incorporates all the above features and ensures you get better conversions and higher ROI.

Win your customers trust by building your new online store on the most advanced, mobile ready StoreHippo platform and get higher conversions on your website with the best online shopping cart for small business.

Build your online store with Storehippo 14 day free trial and explore the feature-rich platform.

Note: This blog was first posted on  Dec 08 2016 and updated on Feb 22 2019.

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