StoreHippo Salutes The Spirit Of Women Ecommerce Entrepreneurs

By | Mar 07, 2019 | 1 Comments | 435 views |
  • StoreHippo Salutes The Spirit Of Women Ecommerce Entrepreneurs

The Empowered Woman-isn’t just an idea or a dream but a force that drives millions of women to take up new challenges, push boundaries and surmount new obstacles every day. This is what has inspired millions of womenfolk across the globe to break all stereotypes and foray into the online world, bringing about a paradigm shift in the e-commerce landscape.

Closer home a report by National Sample Survey Organisation suggests that women entrepreneurs are running 14% of establishments in India. What is even more encouraging is the fact that 79% of these are self-financed.

India is changing and its women are creating a niche for themselves with their sheer confidence and the indomitable spirit that says,

“Go, get it!”

This zeal is turning the wheels of development in a way that has every potential to turn into a revolution. Reports suggest that with greater gender parity and equal contribution by women in opening new businesses, the global GDP might increase by $28 trillion by 2025.

Today, the modern woman already has the will to succeed. She just needs easy access to the right tools and available opportunities. With online business showing steady growth in the last decade, opening a new e-commerce store been the first choice for many women who wanted to do something different.  

Powering the Dreams of Women Ecommerce Entrepreneurs With StoreHippo

Despite the corporate environment in India being a male bastion, women entrepreneurs are finally breaking the glass ceiling and making their impact felt. StoreHippo, your trusted SaaS e-commerce platform, has been an instrument of change by aiding women entrepreneurs in starting their e-commerce business.

Ever since its inception, StoreHippo has been helping women realize their dreams and prove their mettle. In the past couple of years, StoreHippo has witnessed a heart-warming increase in the number of women-clients who have started their new online businesses and grown steadily.

Listen To Our Go-Getters

On the occasion of Women’s Day, our women-go-getters have some advice for the other ladies who are all set to make their debut in the online world. We bring some nuggets of wisdom and advice from our women entrepreneurs who have already made their mark.

If you are also planning to launch your online venture, check what you should be paying attention to;

Focus On The Goal

Ms.Khyati Mehra who runs Khyatiworks, an online art gallery says, “You just have to focus on your work and keep going. Insulate yourself from what others have to say and take a gender-neutral approach.”

In Dreams Begins The Journey

Believe in your dreams however small they might be and be independent”, says Ms Shabina of Pretanshah.

Never Give Up

Ms Aditi Balal who runs Snowflakes, an online store  for kids clothing says,Don’t give up, it is little hard when your startup takes a little time but success follows with passion and dedication.”

Believe and Go On

Ms Sangita from Little Memoriez echoes the same thoughts, If you know you can achieve it, then you must put in your heart and soul whatever the situation is. Believing in yourself is the most important tool for success.”

Trust Yourself

Ms Priyanka Jain from Spice Platter says,Be yourself and have the confidence in what you are. It is okay to take a step backwards at times. And trust me when you see your business grow, it’s the same feeling as when you see your child grow. You nurture it and every failure or success gives you new learning. Be confident, be happy!”

Give It Everything You Have

Ms Jyoti Mundra from On A Healthy Note suggests, “ Once you decide to go on, don't give up. Walk the path and give it an honest, full-throttled try. Kill your Ego if you want to be an entrepreneur. You would have to accommodate people and their idiosyncrasies many times on this journey.”

Follow Your Passion

Ms Riya Bakliwal from Papeljam says, Just follow your passion and work hard towards it. Today’s society is progressively more supportive of women I believe, and we should definitely make the most of it and of the resources around us. And never be afraid of asking anyone around you for help. You learn the best from the people around you, especially if they have a particular area of expertise.”

Learn, Unlearn, Relearn

Ms Dona Dutta, the owner of DeviSareez says the rule is short and simple, Stay true to yourself yet always be open to learn new things.”

Simple Is The Best

Mrs Renu Mattoo, owner of online organic shop Indiorganics summarises, “Keep things simple, be it home or office. Don't complicate things. Last but not least, believe in yourself - You can do it !!”

Final Word

Team StoreHippo salutes the spirit of our women achievers and their contribution towards bringing about a change in the e-commerce sphere. Staying true to our commitment of offering the 360-degree e-commerce solutions we will be providing all future entrepreneurs with most advanced yet simple tools to further their business growth.

Taking their story forward we would be publishing details of their inspiring journey in our upcoming articles. Stay tuned and get inspired!

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Good day... do you have solar ecommerce run by women?

By: Maki Mothiane
May 21, 2020   Reply

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